Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,037 Li Kong, Red Scale

"Brother I won't take action."

Lan Chonghe shook his head slightly, "The current strength of the Divine Sect is not enough to fight against the Fourth Sect of Changli and the Ninth Grade of Youkong Palace. Besides, if the rules are broken in advance, it will be too detrimental to us."

"Senior brother, there are thousands of superior demon kings on the opposite side. Human technology alone may not be able to stop them." Ji Wenshan looked sad.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Lan Chonghe glanced behind him.

Two Yaoritai priests stepped forward and took out four cave spiritual treasures with a smile.

"The Sentient Realm has devoted all its efforts to finally develop the sky-shattering heavy artillery. Its power has reached the true realm. Even if you hide in the storm space, you can't escape."

"Junior brother, when I asked you to deploy the red fire net with all your strength, did you really think it was to protect the small space? No, it was just the energy base of the sky-shattering heavy artillery."

"Air-shattering heavy artillery?" Ji Wenshan's eyes widened.

The scientific and technological means in the realm of living beings have evolved to this point, and even weapons at the level of true artistic conception can be developed?

"Go and arrange it quickly. Next time those demon kings take action, let them know how powerful technological weapons are."

Lan Chonghe waved his hands.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Ji Wenshan grabbed the Dongfu Lingbao with excitement on his face and rushed out of the meeting hall.

Six days later.

Thousands of demon kings gathered again and headed towards another small realm to kill.

The void in the sky was shrouded in red gauze. The demon kings had long been accustomed to this scene. They split the gauze with ease and rushed into the sky.

At this moment, countless gauze curtains burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, four invisible waves passed along the void, covering millions of miles of space.

"what happened?"

The tiger-headed demon king looked around, looking a little nervous.

The red gauze has been covering the void for half a year. Apart from blocking the demon king's attack, it is of little use. Of course, this is only a relative term.

In fact, each chain is as good as the Taoist secrets of Zhenxuan Zhenren, and it covers an extremely wide area, covering hundreds of millions of miles. This kind of method is difficult for even the ninth-grade ancestor to achieve.

"Something's wrong, brothers, let's get out first."

shouted the Demon King of the Turtle Clan.

"Why retreat? If you ask me, go straight into the small space," the other demon king shouted in a rough voice, "The true meaning of the rules cannot be activated in the space. With the body of the peerless demon king, even if there is a conspiracy, It can’t kill us either.”

"Monster King Qu Le is right. We are all here. If we escape back, wouldn't we become a laughing stock?"

"Surge into the void and destroy all human beings."

Thousands of demon kings rushed towards the small space.

Warships stood side by side at the edge of the boundary, continuously releasing the Nine Refining Mysterious Gang to block the Demon King's footsteps.

But that doesn't help.

A moment later, a group of demon kings rushed into the sky, and with just a few swings of their huge bodies, they destroyed a large number of warships.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Explosions sounded one after another, and each warship stored a large amount of Gangsha. If it was touched at the slightest moment, it exploded, and the violent impact knocked the demon kings away.

"You want to stop us with this little trick?"

The demon king looked disdainful and continued to fly deep into the sky.

But the strange thing is that except for the warships guarding the edge of the boundary space, there is no one else. Even the humanoid mechas that were often seen in the past have disappeared.

"No, this is a trap."

The turtle-body demon king glanced around, his expression suddenly became solemn, "Quickly, leave this world."


The surrounding demon kings panicked and turned around one by one to fly to the edge of the boundary. Before they could rush out, a red light enveloped the entire boundary.

Countless chains circle around the space barrier.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The huge demon body was blocked by the chains. Countless chains were entangled together, and they were a thousand times tougher than before. Not to mention that these demon kings were only in the Douxiao realm. Even if they were in the True Inner Realm, they would have to spend a lot of effort to escape. here.

Immediately afterwards, the void began to tremble, and cracks appeared faintly.

"Quickly activate the rules and talismans." The turtle body demon king's face turned pale.

One Taoist talisman circulated.

The power of rules fills the void.

At this moment, the faces of the demon kings changed drastically again, and the power of rules tore apart the space, making the entire world more unstable, and at the same time accelerating the collapse of the world.

"What on earth did those humans do?" The tiger-headed demon king looked at the red chains in the distance with a blank expression.

It no longer knows what to do.

"Don't hold back anymore. Use all the killing talismans, escape talismans, and space talismans that can be used. You must escape before the space collapses." The turtle-body demon king said as he activated the talisman.

The next moment, seven Dao talismans were operating at the same time, and the violent power of rules tore open the void, leading it out of the small space.

The other demon kings followed suit.

In an instant, thousands of rule talismans were activated, and the power of the rules in the sky was like a letter detonating gunpowder, completely shattering the entire small world.


The void completely collapsed, the red gauze tore open the space like a blade, and debris filled the sky crashed into the Demon King in the depths.

This is not only the collapse of space, but also the collapse of a small space. Not to mention how many causes and effects are involved, the collapse of the space will create a destructive force that far exceeds that of the storm space, and will last for a long, long time.

Once the rule talismans are exhausted, the collapsed space fragments will not be recovered.

"It's our turn!"

Lan Chonghe looked behind him. Among the fifteen Yaoritai priests, the weakest ones were in the early eighth level, while the strongest ones had already reached the late eighth level.

"Youkong Palace and the Four Sects of Changli will definitely send True Inspiration to rescue them. We just need to stand outside and stop those True Intentions."


The priests nodded slightly.

As long as you don't deal with the Demon King personally, it doesn't count as breaking the rules.

Thousands of superior demon kings cannot be cultivated in a day or two. After losing this batch, it will be almost impossible to assemble a strong team.


Everyone flew into the small space.

Beside Dingyin Mountain.

A void channel only cracked half a line, connecting the world of Tianjipan and the endless void.

The second clone sat on the edge of the passage, his eyes as deep as a pool of water.

"After taking care of these demon kings, the four Changli sects will probably be unable to bear it any longer. Tianji... What kind of backup plan do you have, use it!"

"What a Taoist Gu... Tianji practitioners are really difficult to deal with."

Deep in the void, the giant looked at the small space from a distance with a cold expression, "This person is good at the secret arts of heaven and earth. He must have calculated the location where the demon king will attack and made arrangements in advance. Chi Lin, your disciples are dead." "

"With me here, who can kill them?"

The Red Scale Demon Lord snorted angrily and stepped towards the small realm.

Seeing this, Lord Li Kong sneered and did not stop him.

He has no friendship with the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord. Both of them are gathered here because of the Patriarch Tianji.

Chi Lin was about to take action, so Lord Li Kong was naturally very happy.

With this pawn, we should be able to find out some of the details of the Eight-Eyed God Sect.


The void was torn open.

A huge monster body appeared between heaven and earth, and the rules of the avenue turned into majestic power, covering hundreds of millions of miles of void, and even Dingyin Mountain was firmly trapped.

"Your Majesty!"

Buse Arhat's expression changed drastically.

Lan Chonghe and the fifteen Yaoritai priests were stagnant in the void, unable to move.

At this moment, another invisible force came, and the majestic soul thoughts were like the flames in the cold winter, sweeping away all the snow.

With white clothes and white hair, his sword glowed in seven colors... Venerable Gengyang appeared above Dingyin Mountain.

"Venerable Gengyang!"

The Crimson Scale Demon Lord's expression changed and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

It is just a master in one difficult realm, and it is easy to deal with the true realm, but if it faces Gengyang, who has been respected in two lifetimes, it is far behind.

Not to mention anything else, the True Soul level treasure - the Seven-Colored Divine Sword alone can easily severely injure the Red Scale Demon Lord.

"The dignified Venerable, it is too shameless to interfere in the fighting in Douxiao Realm." Venerable Gengyang stood in the sky and said loudly.

As the words fell.

More than a dozen soul thoughts came from afar. They were venerable sects from various sects, including Venerable Weiyang from Dao Dao Pavilion, Venerable Leiyun from Leiyun Pavilion, Venerable Qianbao from Qianbao Mountain...

"I don't want to get involved, I just want to save these disciples," the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord said bravely, "Am I not even qualified to save my own disciples?"

"We can save them, but what happens next? Let them continue to fight against the Eight-Eyed God Cult?"

Venerable Gengyang looked grim.

"Chilin, the rules are the rules. Why are you interfering in the fight in Douxiao Realm?" A voice sounded, coming from Venerable Weiyang.

"Thousands of top-notch masters, what a big deal! No wonder the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord couldn't help but take action. Where did you find so many demon kings?" Venerable Lei Yun said with a smile.

"It is not easy to cultivate a peerless demon king who is as good as the best. In my opinion, let Chi Lin take him back!" Venerable Weak Shui said in a deep voice.

At this time, the sky and the earth trembled, and the void of hundreds of millions of miles seemed to have received a huge impact.

A sky-holding giant came from a distance.

Venerable Li Kong also appeared.

The soul thoughts in the void suddenly fell into silence. At this moment, all the venerable people watching the show realized that something was wrong.

It wouldn’t be strange if only Venerable Gengyang and Scarlet Scale Demon Lord appeared.

Taoist Xi Ming is a direct disciple of Gengyang, and there is a deep connection between the two parties. It is normal to stand up for the Eight-Eyed Sect.

The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord is the backer behind these demon kings. Although the venerables don't know why it fights with the divine sect, they can make a rough guess.

In all likelihood, it is related to Patriarch Dingyin.

It is common for the demon clan venerables to join forces with each other.

But the arrival of Lord Li Kong's true body is very problematic. No matter how deep the grievances between the Four Changli Sects and the Eight-Eyed God Sect are, they will not let Lord Li Kong appear in person, or is it for a group of Douxiao Realm?

In the distant stone mountain, Venerable Weushui opened his eyes and looked to the south of the chessboard boundary.

"Li Kong went there quietly. What is he going to do? For the inheritance of the divine religion?"

"It's impossible. The main altar of the divine religion is in Wuxiangtian."

"Is there any secret hidden between the Divine Religion and Dingyin Mountain?"

Thinking in his heart, Venerable Ruoshui took one step forward and headed towards the south of the chessboard realm.

"With Li Kong's identity, how could he interfere in such a trivial matter?"

Venerable Wuhen pondered for a moment and shook his head, "Forget it, I will continue to understand the Tao of Space. It is too difficult to evolve the ultimate Tao of Yuanxian based on the Tao of Space."

Deducing Yuanxian Taoism is similar to breaking through from the mysterious secrets of the seventh level to the rules of the eighth level. It requires taking out a part of the Tao and evolving it to the extreme until it transcends the rules of the Tao itself.

For example, Venerable Weiyang's Breaking Dawn is based on the rules of the great road and evolves into the blazing sun, which essentially follows the path of fire.

Venerable Weishui's Tianshui Jiyuan follows the water element.

Every kind of Yuanxian Taoism exists beyond the rules of heaven and earth. Therefore, it cannot be recorded in the world's books. It can only be taught by the venerable himself, or like the Wuya Pseudo Realm Master, he can build an independent small building of his own. world.

The small world contains the origin of its own Taoism, and it can naturally also carry the corresponding Taoism.

But Venerable Wuhen follows the path of space. This path is not as clear as the Five Elements and Wind and Thunder. It is very difficult to extract some of the rules and evolve them to the extreme.

Venerable Wuhen has been practicing hard for hundreds of thousands of years, and his cultivation has reached the second level of difficulty. He is still far away from the ultimate Taoist skills of Yuanxian.

A frenzy surges in the void.

The giant holding the sky held his head against the starry sky and stepped on the turbid current. Everyone could only see the part above his knees, and his calves had been submerged by the evil air current.

"Li...Li Kong...Venerable."

Looking at Qingtian's figure in the distance, the priests of Yaoritai looked pale and almost leaned down.

"He is the enemy of the Eight-Eyed God Sect and cannot kneel down and worship."

Lan Chonghe roared angrily, and his true energy surged out, blocking out the oppression in the void.

After thousands of years of practice, his martial arts cultivation has increased day by day, and now he has reached the ninth level of Douxiao.

The ninth-level true energy is matched with the true meaning of the rules, and its strength is no less than that of the Tianshu-level almighty. It is also a decisive presence in the entire Eight-Eyed Divine Sect.

The giant seemed to be aware of this scene, his eyes swept across the void, but he didn't pay attention.

A small eighth-grade person is not worthy of the help of the Three Difficulties Realm Venerable.

"Li Kong, what are you doing here?" The white-haired man held a colorful divine sword and stared into the distance.

"Of course I am looking for trouble with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. Everyone in the world knows that I am at odds with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. The Red Scale Demon Lord is an enemy of the Divine Religion and is my comrade."

"Since we are comrades, how can we not help?"

The giant laughed loudly, and his voice was like thunder from the sky, shattering countless Gangsha rivers.

"So, you also want to break the rules?" Gengyang's face became colder and colder.

"Rules?? What rules?"

There was disdain in the giant's expression, "Fellow Daoist Red Scales didn't interfere in the fight in the Douxiao Realm. How did he ever break the rules?" These demon kings can grow to where they are today. How much effort has been spent on them? How can you just give up? It’s natural for them to die.”

"What happens after the rescue?" Venerable Gengyang continued, "Continue to fight with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. According to you, only your disciples can kill people, and others can't kill you. Is that what you mean?"

"I saved these demon kings today. As for what happens next, it has nothing to do with me." The giant looked indifferent.

The soul thought in the void fell into silence.

Venerable Li Kong has made it clear that he wants to cheat. With his strength, only the three true lords in the entire chessboard realm can suppress him.

But how could Zhenzun take action on such a trivial matter?

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