Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,663: Xu Shang, Bora

Underground abyss.

The cyan figure sat cross-legged, and the air was filled with true energy, completely covering a radius of hundreds of miles, cutting off the perception of the outside world.

The black-striped golden dolphin was lying on his shoulder, looking listless.

"Gu Xiuyun, it's been almost three years, are we just waiting outside?"

"Not urgent."

The cyan figure opened his eyes, and his gaze fell into the distance like a sword.

The body that enters the void crack possesses 10% of the combat power of the real body. Coupled with Taoist and magical powers, it can resist for a long time even if it faces the Three Difficulties Realm Venerable.

After such a long time, it stands to reason that he should have come back long ago.

However, the clone has never moved. It can be seen that the crack in the void is more dangerous than expected. It is likely to be an independent space no less than the world of Tianjipan.

"Before entering the Void Crack, I have set a three-year period. When the time comes, the clone will kill itself. At that time, the dangerous situation of the Void Crack can be judged."

Gu Xiuyun spoke in a deep voice.

Ever since he experienced the incident of Killing Heavenly Lord, he has been wary of dangerous places like void cracks.

Although the world barrier can isolate the telepathic connection, it cannot block the shackles of the magical power of the martial arts true body. The clone occupies 10% of the true energy and power, which means that the true body in the outside world can only reach 90% of the peak period at most.

This is the supreme law that transcends the endless void. The true form of martial arts cannot disobey it, and the same cannot be done in the big world.

Therefore, Gu Xiuyun was always circulating his true energy. As soon as he found that his strength began to increase, it meant that the clone in the void crack had died.

The time when the clone falls also represents the degree of danger deep in the crack.


A breeze blew.

The death energy of the underworld surges up and down, and the demonic core exudes a faint glow.

Gu Xiuyun's face gradually darkened.

Three years have passed, and the clone still has not died. This represents two possibilities:

The first one is that the danger of the void rift is more terrifying than imagined. The clone has been controlled and cannot even commit suicide.

Second, the time flow rate in the void crack is relatively slow, and the clone cannot estimate the correct time.

But this situation is unlikely. After all, in addition to the five elements and space, he is also a seventh-level peak destiny expert. It is not difficult to calculate the correct time using the destiny method.

"No matter what the situation is, it is not advisable to enter the Void Crack for the time being. At the very least, you must first understand the rules of fate."

Gu Xiuyun was silent for a moment and flew upward.

It is temporarily impossible to repair the life chart. No matter what the reason is for the clone, it means that entering the void rift is a very risky thing.

He still had big things to do and couldn't waste his limited time deep in the cracks.


The green figure tore through the turbid current and left the underground abyss.


Compared to three years ago, the illusionary light around the mountain was a hundred times more intense, and one could vaguely see layers of illusions condensing in the void.

"Is this the legendary fantasy of a thousand generations?"

Gu Xiuyun looked at Qianbao Mountain with wonder on his face.

In terms of strength, Venerable Huanming is not considered powerful among all the Venerables. In his previous life, he was good at illusions. In this life, he is in the form of a demon fox. He mainly uses charm and other methods. Even Venerable Qingshui may not be able to match him in frontal combat.

But the illusion method is definitely the pinnacle of the Three Difficulties Realm, far beyond that of his peers.

The sophistication of the Thousand-Eternity Illusion has reached a point of stupefying stupefaction. Multiple illusions are connected with each other to form a complete illusory world. Those who enter the illusion feel as if they have experienced thousands of reincarnations.

"Little one, go in!" The demon fox raised his head and looked at the black pig.

The black-striped golden dolphin hesitated.

Entering the illusion is equivalent to entering the cage of Lord Huan Ming, allowing the other party to knead him. If Lord Huan Ming has bad intentions, he can use the illusion to destroy his mind.

"Don't worry, with Venerable Huanming's methods, there is no need to expend all this effort to kill you," Gu Xiuyun said in a voice message, "Besides, he will not break his promise and affect his practice for such a trivial matter."

The black-striped golden dolphin took a deep breath and walked into the depths of Qianbao Mountain.

The phantom light flashed away and completely submerged the black pig. When he looked towards the sacred mountain again, the black pig could no longer be found.

"Senior Huanming, how long will it practice here?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"It can take as little as a hundred years, or as long as a thousand years, depending on its understanding," the demon fox said lightly, "I have done what I should do, it's time to take out the blood of the demon god!"

"That's natural."

Gu Xiuyun took out a black porcelain jade bottle from his arms and brought it to the demon fox.

The porcelain bottle was opened, and there were four or five crystal blood drops inside, exuding a magical aura. Venerable Huanming just took a sip and found that the blood all over his body was boiling, and he seemed to have a feeling of breaking through the shackles.

These blood drops have been refined by Gu Xiuyun and can be taken at any time without resorting to magic.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, I'm going to practice first. I will tell you when the Qilin beast comes out of seclusion."

The demon fox grabbed the porcelain bottle and hurriedly entered the depths of Qianbao Mountain.

Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists slightly, turned around and flew out of the realm.

The matter of the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin has been resolved, and the next step is his own practice.

The best place to integrate the rules of the Five Elements is of course the Starry Sky Remnant Realm. There are lotus scrolls of the Five Elements there, and with the Dragon Blood Vine fruit, it will take up to four to five hundred years to fully understand them.

In addition, you can also take a walk around the various secret places recorded by Zhenzun Baize. One is to look for opportunities for the Tao, and the other is to observe the Taoism of the former Zhenzun to confirm each other and make your own Taoism more perfect.

As for technological civilization, the priests of the Eight-Eyed God Sect are enough.

The fate of the four Changli sects was clear to all the major sects, and no one would go against the divine religion for this matter.


The void was torn open, and the cyan figure stood deep in the water flow space. With a slight stroke of his fingertips, he split the thousands of miles of water into two pieces.

The heavy space pressure completely disappeared.

The cyan figure took one step forward and was already thousands of miles away. Compared with the surface space, it spanned tens of billions of miles.

Tianji Pan World.

The second avatar is sitting cross-legged, still practicing with his eyes closed.

From the third level of true meaning to the ninth level, it will take ten or eight years just to break through the realm again and again. The further back, the longer it takes.

After a long time, countless black hole particles reunited.

Gu Xiuyun successfully entered the eighth level of true meaning.

clatter! clatter!

A figure appeared outside the palace, "Master, the priests have wiped out all the remnants of Changli Tian and Qingyang Tian, ​​and all small realms in various places have also been brought under their command. In addition, a large number of practitioners have taken refuge in the divine religion, and each lineage has begun. Take shape.”

"Priest Yan is planning to hold an opening ceremony next month and has ordered disciples to appeal to their master."

"I know." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

After several years, the Eight-Eyed Sect has finally established its foundation. The next step is to invite all forces to hold an opening ceremony to announce it to the world.

There is no need for him to come forward to celebrate the celebrations, his simple poems are enough.

"Master——" Lan Chonghe looked a little hesitant, "When the Eight-Eyed Sect was destroyed, all the sects in the sky participated in the fight. I'm afraid this celebration will not be peaceful. The Taoist realm of the priests may not be comparable. Those long-standing ancestors.”

In addition to banquets for all parties, the opening ceremony also includes three grand gatherings: preaching, discussion, and fighting.

There is nothing about fighting skills. They usually fight in the Douxiao realm to show the strength of the sect, and at the same time, a lottery will be set as a reward for the winner.

The Eight-Eyed God Sect is naturally not afraid of competition between its disciples.

There's no harm in preaching. After all, Yan Sushi is a ninth-grade ancestor, so he still has this ability.

What is really troublesome is talking about Taoism. How powerful the four Changli sects were, but they were completely wiped out by the Eight-Eyed Sect. The Zhutian sects will definitely take this opportunity to test them.

One person's words and poems alone may not be able to hold up the scene.

"Don't worry," Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly, "Although Miss Yan is not as good as them in Taoist realm, she still has the blood of the Phoenix. If we really fight, not many people in the chessboard realm can suppress her. Just retreat!"

"Yes, Master."

Lan Chonghe looked a little confused, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only bow and retreat.

"Five years... Yan Sushi's true body has been staying in Shenkong Temple, supporting his practice at twenty times the flow rate. It seems that the physical body has reached the early stage of the ninth level."

Expectation flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes.

The Divine Sky Temple is the only secret space-time realm of the Eight-Eyed Divine Religion. With the power of this temple, even the ninth-grade Patriarch can reach a hundred times the flow rate.

Of course, the energy consumed is not a small amount.

After tens of thousands of years, the secret realm of the Divine Religion has accumulated a huge amount of spiritual power, which can support Yan Su Shi's time acceleration twenty times.

Over a hundred years, combined with the blood of the demon god, it was enough to push Yan Sushi's physical body to the early stage of the ninth level. Coupled with the Taoist secrets, her strength was no less than that of the Heavenly Star Realm.

Hosting an opening ceremony is naturally more than enough.

The second clone closed its eyes and began to break through the barriers of the ninth level.

At the same time, the true form of the human race is also practicing deep in the starry sky remnant world.

The Dragon Blood Vine fruit contains a large amount of power of life and death, corresponding to the Five Elements Lotus. His Taoist realm is increasing day by day, and he is not far away from the complete integration of the Five Elements rules.

Very deep in the void.

A crimson light swept across the sky and the earth, and there was a faint shrieking sound, which sounded like humans and beasts.

"Heavenly Formation, you can't escape!"

Behind the light, three escaping lights followed like shadows.

Two of them are monsters, and one looks weird, like a strange beast or a void creature.

"Such a villain, Xu Shang," said the Venerable Tian Zhen, who was dressed in red in the depths of the crimson light, with a slightly distorted face, "It was in vain that I trusted him so much. This old demon actually looked for a borer to attack and kill me."

Thinking of the scenes of the past few days, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Lord Tianzhen's back.

The strength of the scorpion is famous among the venerables, and he is not far behind the venerable Li Kong. It is said that he has understood the ultimate Taoist skills of Yuanxian.

What's even more frightening is that Borer has a great opportunity. He got the twin stones in his early years, has a second true body, and is also a void creature.

The bloodline of the void creature has no shackles, so it broke through the Venerable Realm early. The ultimate Taoist skills of Yuanxian combined with the physical body of the Venerable Realm, plus the innate magical powers, make the strength almost abnormal.

Just two bodies can completely suppress the Lord Tianzhen.


The speed of the escaping light was extremely fast, and it soon caught up with the former. Just when it was about to get close, a simple mirror flew into the air, shining on the heaven and earth, forcing the Venerable Bodhisattva to retreat.

"The soul treasure is really troublesome."

In the depths of the escape light, the moth demon king, who was covered in blue and black, had a stern look on his face.

"How long can a mere spiritual treasure last?" Venerable Xu Shang stood beside him and smiled lightly, "With the strength of Mr. Ji, he can completely suppress this treasure in three to five days at most. By then, it will really Your Majesty, who can compete with me?"

"Xu Shang, you have done a good job in this matter. I have obtained the treasure, which will naturally benefit you. From now on, Tianzhen will be your servant." Venerable Jiezi said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir." Venerable Xu Shang's face was filled with joy.

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