Fortune Teller

Chapter 1082 Spirit Seal

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The explosions continued one after another, like a dense rainstorm.

The giant python's tail turned into a shadow, waving every moment, and everyone even felt that they could no longer see the changes in the python's tail.

It's not that the python is getting faster.

It's because everyone has been staring for too long and their minds are a little tired.

"Jinshan Tuwu, you must persist. In two hours, as long as two hours, the puppet beast's energy will be exhausted." Jinshan Guluo kept whispering in his heart.

He was not jealous at all, because Jinshan Tuwu did not rely on talent or external force, but through absolutely accurate judgment.

This is something that no one else can learn.

"The last three hundred breaths!" someone shouted.

"Two hundred and fifty breaths."

"Two hundred and forty breaths."

"One hundred and twenty-six breaths."

Everyone in the third level shouted out. Although they were not the ones breaking through, everyone was still excited to witness a genius who had passed the test of the fourth level.

"Ninety breaths."

"Eighty breaths."

"Nineteen breaths."

"Eighteen breaths."

Even the Weihe clan couldn't help but speak.


With the last roar, the giant python fell to the ground helplessly, its energy completely exhausted. Even the venerable puppet beast could only admit defeat.

"I finally got through it."

Jinshan Tuwu let out a heavy breath.

There was silence on the platform, and the surrounding third-level people had complicated expressions, and they didn’t know what to say.

The fourth level of test can be said to be the natural chasm for the Spirit Clan.

Throughout the ages, the Thousand Meridians Dharma Assembly has been held countless times, but only a few have made it past the fourth level. Each one of them is a famous and powerful person in the history of the spirit race.

And now, one is born in Qu Yanghai.

"Jinshan Tuwu, you are the glory of my Jinshan clan. Go and see for the whole family what the fifth floor is like."

Jinshan Guluo said solemnly.

"Take a look for us too."

The other three levels couldn't help but speak.

Gu Xiuyun looked around and couldn't help but sigh. For him, getting through the fourth level was just a show, but for these Douxiao Realm spirit clans, the test of the fourth level was a goal that they could never achieve in their lives.

He couldn't understand that kind of excitement.

"Perhaps... I am on the right path. If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

"Every living being has a different understanding of life, destiny, and the Tao. Therefore, the Tao in the world is endlessly changing and never-ending. How can I possibly exhaust it all by myself?"

Gu Xiuyun's thoughts became more and more determined.

From the mystery of seventh-grade destiny to the rules of destiny, he chose a path that others could not understand, but in his opinion, it was the most correct path.

The way of living things is by no means the way of ordinary people.


The breeze floats.

Jinshan Tuwu turned around and walked towards the end of the platform and entered the fifth floor.

There are still uneven stone pillars in front of you, but the difference is that in addition to the stone pillar in front of you, there are thousands of sky-reaching divine pillars all around, all connected together, leading to the Silver Continent.

"It turns out that there is only one divine pillar that reaches the sky. No, to be precise, this is not a divine pillar, but a divine tree."

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance.

The roots of the Sky-reaching Divine Tree penetrate deep into the silver land, and its trunk is extremely thick, reaching a million feet. Tiny pillars extend out, penetrating all the stars.

The entire nebula is supported by a tree.

"From this point of view, there is no chance of stealing the spirit clan's refining techniques. Such a huge tree that reaches the sky is certainly not an ordinary thing."

Gu Xiuyun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Also, treasures that affect the mind and will are so rare, but it is incredible that the Spirit Clan can mass-produce them!

If it could really be refined, the True Master would have come to snatch it away countless years ago, so how could it be his turn?

While he was thinking, Gu Xiuyun's expression changed slightly.

He saw the end of the sacred tree, where there was an engraving. The words on it were extremely complicated, and they looked like the ancient word 'spirit' or a strange beast.

If you look carefully, you can still see the outline of a human figure.

Gu Xiuyun secretly pinched his fingertips and observed carefully with the mystery of fate. As soon as the mystery was used, invisible power came to him.


Jinshan Tuwu fell to his knees in pain.

Gu Xiuyun, who was hidden in the body, almost collapsed. A picture of the carving almost caused him to be seriously injured.

"It's that stone carving, it's the mark of destiny I'm looking for!"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes tightly and suppressed his excitement.

He guessed right. The powerful being behind that random article was related to the ancestor of the Spirit Clan, and might even be the first ancestor of the Spirit Clan.

Two hundred and forty million years ago, the ancestor of the Eldar race died, and the fragments of the world entered the endless void.

Perhaps it was at that time that the great being behind the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas sent the stone carvings left by the ancestors of the spiritual race to Kalachakra Mountain.

As for the Tongtian Sacred Tree, it has little impact on the Endless Void, so it remains.

"The carvings on the roots of the sacred tree not only contain the rules of fate, but also cause and effect, life and death, killing and even some Taoism that I can't understand at all. Each of them is very scattered, which shows that more than one person left the imprint."

Looking at the carvings in the distance, a picture flashed in Gu Xiuyun's mind.

In the picture: A great being who spans the world is sitting at the bottom of the sacred tree, waving his fingertips to form complicated patterns...

They are discussing Taoism, using patterns to replace their own Taoism, and visualize the invisible living things.

"This engraving should be the imprint left by the Qiankun Realm, or it may be the Half-Step Supreme."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

His vision is limited and he cannot tell what realm the engraving is, but one thing is certain, the destiny imprint of Kalachakra Mountain is also in this engraving.

Looking at the patterns on the roots of the sacred tree, Gu Xiuyun felt faintly dizzy.

Even he couldn't peel away all the chaotic lines and find the complete imprint of destiny.

The imprint left by the Half-Step Supreme and even the Qiankun Realm has gone far beyond the level of Taoism in the endless void. Let alone him, even if the Patriarch of Tianji comes, it is impossible to distinguish which is the Taoism of fate and which is the Taoism of cause and effect.

"No wonder the True Master would spread the news back then. He also hoped that someone could unravel the engraving and find the complete imprint."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Just because others can't do it, doesn't mean he can't do it.

After all, he had been to the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas and saw the complete imprint of destiny. The two reflected each other, and sooner or later he could peel off the correct Taoism.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and stared at the word 'ling' in the distance.

"What is this junior doing? Instead of continuing on his way, he stays at the entrance to the fifth floor?"

Above the clouds and mist, the Jinshan clan leader looked down, with a puzzled look on his face.

As powerful experts in the realm of rules, they can clearly see the outline of the sacred tree, but they cannot see the 'spirit' seal at the end of the sacred tree.

It’s not that the Spiritual Clan Venerable wanted to hide it, but because the picture was so relevant that if anyone watched it, it would easily be contaminated by the monstrous cause and effect.

After all... what is recorded on the map is the path of living beings.

"It's not surprising. It's a great chance that this kid can break through the fourth floor. Even if he is given another two thousand years, he still won't be able to break through the fifth floor. In that case, why bother to rush?"

Another Rule Realm expert said softly.

"makes sense."

Clan Chief Jinshan chuckled and turned to look at Clan Chief Wei He, who looked gloomy.

Gu Xiuyun broke through the fourth floor, and it was almost certain that the Spirit Master Blood Jade was already in his possession.

Unless the Weihe clan suddenly breaks out and breaks through the fourth level.

But this possibility... is almost zero.

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