Fortune Teller

Chapter 1840: Divided into three


A low growl.

The red flame rays of light swept through the void and hit the front like a meteor.

The formation patterns condensed by countless wind blades collapsed immediately, and the cyan scaled figure followed closely behind, crossing the fourth level of formation prohibition.

At the same time, the mysterious fate of fate is unfolding. The second red flame ray, the third red flame ray, the fourth...

Each ray of red flame burst out with astonishing power, almost as powerful as a full-strength strike from the Three Difficulties Realm Venerable.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The wind blade formation collapsed layer by layer, and the real body of the human race quickly rushed out 70,000 miles away.

Only then did the array formation rearranged by the Venerable Bodhisattva condensed into two levels.

"How is it possible? How could his killing methods improve so much?" Haoyue Moth looked down with a shocked expression.

For a venerable-level void creature, almost all of its combat power is based on bloodline magical powers. It stands to reason that even if it breaks through the Taoist realm, it will not improve much.

After all, not every secret technique can be perfectly combined with the bloodline magical power, especially the venerable-level magical power, and it is even more difficult to find a matching Taoist method.

For example, Gu Xiuyun's void domain and power of thunder and fire are almost always used alone, and magical powers and Taoism are inherently incompatible.

But true qi is different. The essence of true qi is similar to spiritual power, but it is more powerful. The power of true qi in the ninth level is no less than that of the true master in the sixth level. Based on this, even if it is the simplest Taoist secret technique, , no less than ordinary venerables.

This is equivalent to two masters with comparable martial arts. One has an arm strength of only a hundred kilograms, and the other has an arm strength of tens of thousands of kilograms. No matter how clumsy the moves are, they can easily defeat each other.

The gap in power levels is too big!


Another ray of red flame appeared out of thin air.

Gu Xiuyun did not push the mystery of destiny to the extreme, but only maintained three red flames. In this way, the true energy in his body always maintained more than 50%, and he could respond in time even if he encountered a crisis.

"At the peak of the Three Difficulties, these are not the only methods you can use. Show your trump card!"

Amidst the explosion, the cyan figure moved forward step by step.

Since he decided to take action against the Venerable Bodhisattva, he has asked Bai Kongze to go to several realms where the opponent is resident to find out clearly the divine passage techniques of Haoyue Moth and Yin Luo.

But as a pinnacle venerable, his methods will never be limited to the superficial ones.

For example, no one knows about the strange object that can withstand the mystery of fate. In addition, Venerable Bodhisattva must have other trump cards.

While he was thinking, two giant green pythons roared and rushed over.

The giant python was wrapped with chains, like thousands of small snakes, trying to trap Gu Xiuyun in place.


Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The two giant pythons were transformed into true soul-level treasures, and they had been activated by the Venerable Bodhisattva when they first fought against each other.

This method is enough to suppress ordinary venerables, how about dealing with him? Not even close.

Looking at the oncoming green python, the human race's real body turned its palms, and its two arms expanded a thousand times, stopping the giant python like a millstone.

Immediately afterwards, he grasped the palm of his hand and directly strangled the body of the giant python. The two true soul-level treasures were suppressed without even the strength to resist.

"Dangtang is at the peak of the Three Difficulties Realm. Is this all he can do?"

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked into the distance, "Both, if you want to stop this poor man, you have to show some real skills."

"Your Excellency, your tone is not small. Apart from the huge strength of my two snake-toothed awls, what is really powerful is the poison of Qingfeng. I advise you to let go quickly. If the poison enters your body after a while, don't say that you are just a venerable person. , even if you are a true master, you will have to suffer a lot."

A sneer came from the depths of the void.

After hearing this, Gu Xiuyun glanced at the giant pythons on both sides. The surface of the snake scales was filled with a green halo, and it was drilling into the palms of his hands.

After the evil poison comes into contact with the flesh, it quickly invades the depths of the blood. If it is a monster or void creature, the blood will be damaged and the strength will be greatly reduced.

But Gu Xiuyun was a warrior, and he followed the black hole particle route. In his eyes, Qingfeng Evil Poison was no different from an elixir, and it was refined in the blink of an eye.

"It turns out that he just wanted to test me, so he just took advantage of it."

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun did not let go, but activated his thunder and fire magical powers.


The blazing flames mixed with thunder light burned the giant cyan python into flying smoke, leaving only two cone-shaped spiritual treasures, tightly held by black and white palms.

The true energy turned into a seal, completely suppressing the two treasures.

At the same time, the aura around Gu Xiuyun was a little weaker, and it seemed that the evil poison had really entered his body and he was seriously injured.

"As I expected, this generation wants to break out of the ban in one go."

Deep in the void, the Moon Moth looked at the blue-scaled figure from afar, with a sneer on his face.

The reason why he reminded Gu Xiuyun was not out of good intentions, but because the giant python was captured by the other party, and the treasure itself had limited spiritual power and could not sustain it for long.

Even if Gu Xiuyun didn't use his magical power of thunder and fire, the two giant pythons would completely collapse after a while.

Through this test, the Venerable Bodhisattva has confirmed that the other party is really going to fight to the death. It can be seen that there is not much divine power left in this person's body.

"In that case, use that move!"

Venerable Bodhisattva made a decision in his mind.

The next moment, the void rippled, and sharp thorns appeared out of thin air. Each thorn was filled with a cyan halo, and the phantoms of monster beasts could be vaguely seen clashing deep in the thorns.

These thorns are all refined by Venerable Bodhisattva himself.

It is also one of his most important treasures.

Although the giant python spirit treasure is a true soul-level treasure, it was not refined by him personally and cannot exert its true power. The thorns in front of him are the trump card of Venerable Bodhisattva.


A low cry.

Thousands of thorns exploded suddenly, condensing into the form of a monster. Two monsters with exactly the same appearance as the Bright Moon Moth appeared in the depths of the residual world. Even the aura around them was exactly the same.

"I want to see how long you can last?"

A flash of light flashed out of the Moon Moth's eyes, and the three bodies rushed towards the deepest part of the formation at the same time.

The wind roared.

Gu Xiuyun used the mystery of fate again and again to destroy the formation in front of him. Just when he passed through the 400th level of the formation——

Three huge, semi-humanoid moon moths fled from a distance.

"Three Venerable Bodhisattvas?"

Gu Xiuyun's pupils shrank slightly. The shape and aura of the bright moon moth in front of him were exactly the same. Even the lines of cause and effect and fate were connected to each other. It was impossible to tell which one was the real body.

Of course, it's possible that all three are fake.

"This old ghost actually has magical powers similar to those of a clone. The aura in Haoyue Moth's body has not weakened, and all three bodies are in peak condition?"

While he was thinking about it, the Venerable Bodhisattva had already taken action.

The humanoid Hao Yue Moth on the left is holding an ink-colored spear. The tip of the spear flashes with electric light, and the thunder ripples are clear and abnormal. Even though they are thousands of miles apart, Gu Xiuyun can be sure that when the true soul-level treasure in the opponent's hand is pushed to the extreme, it is almost as good as Gengyang Zun. The seven-colored divine sword.

The humanoid moon moth on the right is dancing with its wings, and the surface of the wings is covered with scale powder. In fact, those are not powder, but a strange gravel-like object. Wherever the powder touches, the void is cracked, which shows how powerful it is. horrible.

The bright moon moth in the middle is performing the ultimate Taoist technique of Yuan Xian.

Three bright moon moths attack at the same time, which is equivalent to three venerables joining forces.

"This is the old ghost's trump card!"

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath. The Peak Master was indeed not an easy person to deal with. Whether it was a black spear or scale powder, it could easily seriously injure Gengyang, Qingshui and others.

Coupled with Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist skills... the Second Difficulty Realm Venerable has almost no power to resist in front of him.

Not to mention there is a Yin Luo hidden in the dark.

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