Fortune Teller

Chapter 193: Qilin wakes up

"Shouyi, how are you practicing the Dust-Removing Heart Sutra taught to me by my master?" Buse Luohan asked quietly.

"I just broke through to the fifth level not long ago."

The young novice on the left touched his head.

"Shou Nian, where are you?" Buse Arhat looked at the other novice monk again.

"Master, I have been studying for a long time, but I still don't understand the meaning of 'the law has no fixed law', so I have been unable to make a breakthrough."

The novice monk on the right lowered his head, feeling a little ashamed.

"That's all, everything is destined," the Buse Arhat looked up to the sky and sighed, "It won't be long before my master will leave. At that time, I will untie the shackles in your body."

The eyes of the two young novice monks suddenly lit up, and then they asked doubtfully, "Master, didn't you say that only by understanding the sixth level of the Dust-Removing Heart Sutra can the shackles be released?"

"All conditions are empty."

The Buse Arhat shook his head slightly, waved his palm, and sent the two young novices down to Dingyin Mountain.

At the same time, a cyan figure stepped forward.

"I haven't seen you for decades, my Taoist friend Buse has improved a lot!"

Gu Xiuyun looked at the bald monk with strange eyes. In just seventy years, Buse Arhat's whole body was actually filled with the pure energy of life and death. It seemed that he had integrated most of the five elements' origins, and he was not far away from the realm of the Venerable.

"Since I am bound to die, I would rather choose the best way," Bu Se Luohan showed a smile in his eyes, "My dear Taoist friend left that day, and I knew that you would come again. The young monk is willing to help Taoist brother."

"Help me?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"Fellow Taoist only asked about the secret of the Moro Realm, but did not ask about how to refine the relics. It shows that there is no rush to go there."

The Buse Arhat put his hands together, golden light flashed all over his body, and Sanskrit sounds came out from his hair, skin, and even his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"This is the Sakyamuni Buddha's robe, which is refined with the golden blood of Arhat. Combined with the young monk's ten thousand years of cultivation, it can temporarily resist the oppression of the samsara heart array."

"The young monk has no way out. Even if he stops practicing, his soul and will will continue to change until he completely becomes that person's puppet. Instead of sinking like this, it is better to ask for a favor before dying."

"Not sexy..."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the bald monk dressed in golden light and didn't know what to say for a moment.

This time he went to the Moro Realm, and he was also beating a drum in his heart.

The peak combat power of the Three Difficulties Realm is enough to deal with the likes of Ji Zhi, Li Kong and others, but he is not sure if he faces the guardians of the Samsara Heart Formation.

From reading the words of Never Colorful Arhat, Gu Xiuyun understood that the protector had been around for a long time and was probably a strong man similar to the Eternal Master, who also had at least six difficulties.

The Six Difficulties True Master is terrifying just thinking about it.

Such beings have probably fully understood the five elements, wind and thunder, and space, and have a certain understanding of the rules of time. If it were not restricted by the rules of heaven and earth and unable to step out of the samsara heart formation, Zen Buddhism would have swept across all the northern realms!

"Fellow Taoist Cherish Your Life, little monk's time is running out. Before he dies, I have two things to ask of you."

"Please tell me." Gu Xiuyun looked solemn.

"After I die, please help me take care of Dingyin Mountain. The realm of Shouyi and Shoumind is still shallow, and the skills I practice are not as good as others. I am afraid that the two of them alone will not be able to maintain the inheritance."

The Buse Arhat glanced at the foot of the mountain, "These two children are poor people. They have been wandering around with me for thousands of years, and they have to shoulder the inheritance of Dingyin Mountain. Although they don't say it, they practice behind closed doors every day. It’s a pity that without the precious place of practice in the Moro Realm, it would be too difficult to understand the Zen mind.”

"As long as Pindao lives for one day, Dingyin Mountain will not be destroyed." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"Thank you."

The unsung Arhat took out a jade stone from his arms and said, "Everything my fellow Taoist wants to ask is in it. The secrets of Zen Buddhism...the young monk has written down everything that can and cannot be said."

The jade stone came out of his hand and fell into Gu Xiuyun's palm.

At the same time, Buse Arhat's face turned gloomy. What was recorded in the jade stone were all the true secrets of Zen. If the secrets of the sect were revealed, the oath would inevitably backfire.

"In addition, I would also like to ask my Taoist friends to help me go to the Zhenyan Temple in the Moro Realm to find a monk named Shouxin. If he is willing to come to Dingyin Mountain, I will ask my Taoist friends to help me take him there. If he is not willing... …Never mind."

As soon as the words fell, the body of Buse Arhat disintegrated, and every inch of flesh and blood turned into golden light patterns, condensing into robes.

Sakyamuni's robe consumes not only flesh and blood, but also soul.

"Fellow Daoist Bu Se, you were hesitant to speak back then just for this day!"

Gu Xiuyun looked disappointed.

For seventy years, the Buse Arhat has been practicing the Sakyamuni Sutra. The two energies of life and death emanating from his body are actually the manifestation of dharma robes, and his body has long become an empty shell.

At the foot of the mountain.

The two novices knelt down and wept softly.

"Master, have a good journey."


The twelve-tailed demon fox swung its tail, and the blood in its body was much richer than before.

As a demon clan venerable, the demon fox's physical body is much stronger than Minghuang's, and it can break through very quickly, but it is not in a hurry, but repeatedly feels the changes in the blood of the demon god.

"If my guess is correct, these divine blood should be at the level of true masters. To be precise, they are true masters of the body refining lineage."

The demon fox narrowed his eyes.

Looking into the endless void, one of the true masters of the body-refining lineage cannot be found. Only the demons in the underground abyss exist such beings.

Unfortunately, demons come from the death energy of the underworld, and their rules and bloodline are in opposition to the origin of the void. Their blood is not only of no benefit to the demon clan, but also extremely harmful.

Therefore, no one has ever known that the divine blood at the true level can break the shackles of blood and enable practitioners to enter the realm of the venerable.

"Where did Taoist Xi Ming get this divine blood? Just three or four drops can allow me to break through to the early stage of the Venerable Realm. If I absorb more divine blood, maybe I can raise my physical body to the level of three difficulties."

"At that time, Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist skills combined with the true form of the demon clan will not be afraid of anything even if he faces the true master."

While he was thinking, the demon fox lowered his head and looked towards the illusion of thousands of generations.

Waves undulated around the illusion, layers of illusions collapsed, and phantoms of creatures could be vaguely seen, including mortals, monsters, and void creatures...

Every phantom is the life that the Black-striped Golden Dolphin has transformed into.

The strange thing is that no matter which phantom it is, the twelve-tailed demon fox can always be seen with its tail raised, beating and scolding it, with a superior attitude.

"My understanding is not bad. In just a hundred years, I have broken free from all illusions." A smile appeared on the corner of Venerable Huanming's lips, "It's time for me to let this young man take care of me!"

A wave of soul thoughts penetrated the realm and fell into the void land where the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect was located.

An instant later, a green figure appeared outside Qianbao Mountain.

"Junior, I cherish my life. I have seen Venerable Huanming." Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be polite. Now you also have a venerable level of combat power. Let's just be friends of the same generation."

The twelve-tailed demon fox smiled and said:

"That unicorn has broken through all the illusions of thousands of generations. It can break away from the illusion in a moment at most. After this experience, its mind and will should have reached the peak of the ninth level, and it is not far from the threshold of the Venerable Realm. With just a little more If you work hard, you can break through.”

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists again.

The Millennium Illusion Realm's ability to sharpen the mind and will is truly extraordinary. Ordinary illusions can only affect Douxiao Realm practitioners, but have no effect on the eighth-grade almighty and ninth-grade patriarchs.

Only the Thousand-Eternity Illusion of Venerable Huanming can make the ninth-grade Patriarch one step further.

But every time he opens the Thousand Worlds of Illusion, it is a huge drain on Venerable Huanming. Without enough benefits, he will not agree at all.

"Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, can I ask if there is still more divine blood?" The demon fox asked expectantly, wagging its tail.


Gu Xiuyun nodded without hesitation.

The demon fox's face suddenly showed joy, "No matter how much I want, fellow Taoist, just ask, I can accept any price."

"Senior has misunderstood. I just know where the divine blood is, but I can't get it for a while. If senior is interested, you might as well find a group of suitable demon clan lords, preferably those with extremely high Taoist realms and who value commitments. , a person who will not betray his trust easily," Gu Xiuyun continued.

"Looking for a group of demon lords?"

The demon fox's face changed slightly, and he was thoughtful.

It seems that the place where the divine blood is located is quite dangerous and requires the cooperation of many venerables. That's right. It has been 400 million years since the endless void was opened. I have not heard of any demon clan that can elevate the bloodline to the venerable state.

It can be seen that that place is not only hidden, but also dangerous.

While the two were talking, a beast's roar came from the illusory mist, like a tiger's roar or a pig's grunt.

This stupid pig thought he was a white tiger beast... The twelve-tailed demon fox glanced at his feet, a hint of cunning flashed deep in his eyes:

"Friend Taoist Xi Ming doesn't know that every stage of the Thousand World Illusion will be reincarnated once, and the last one happened to be the white tiger beast of the demon clan. This unicorn probably hasn't woken up yet, and still thinks of itself as the white tiger beast."

With that said, the demon fox flicked out its tail, dispersing the last illusionary mist, revealing the figure of the black pig.

The black-striped golden dolphin was lying on the ground, drooling from its mouth, not knowing what it was thinking.

After the mist dispersed, it raised its head in a daze, and first glanced at the twelve-tailed demon fox. The next moment, its whole body trembled suddenly, and its scales stood up.

The little pig head looked frightened.

At this time, it saw Gu Xiuyun standing opposite the demon fox again.


The black-striped golden dolphin flew through the void at lightning speed and hid directly behind Gu Xiuyun, covering its head with its two front hooves and trembling.

"Senior, what's wrong with Xiao Hei?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

This look does not look like the peak ancestor after going through the test, but more like a domestic pig that was frightened by being beaten.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. It's probably because the Thousand Worlds of Illusion has been too affected. I haven't recovered for a while. I'll be fine in a few days!"

The demon fox shook its tail, "In addition to the xinxing aspect of the matter just now, do fellow Taoists have any other requirements, such as the number of people and time?"

"The more helpers the better, of course. The time... I'm afraid it will be set one thousand four hundred years later." Gu Xiuyun said.

"Okay, I'll get started immediately."

The twelve-tailed demon fox jumped up and flew outside the chessboard boundary.

"So anxious?"

Looking at the back of the demon fox in the distance, Gu Xiuyun blinked. Why did he feel like Lord Huanming was on the run?


The black-striped golden dolphin gradually regained consciousness, its trembling body also calmed down, and he cursed:

"Damn old fox, a heartless old fox."

"Gu Xiuyun, you must help me take revenge. This fox is so petty. I just said a few words back then, and it took the opportunity to take revenge..."

The black-patterned golden dolphin sobbed and recounted the experience of a thousand worlds of fantasy one by one.

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