Fortune Teller

Chapter 195: Zhu Wu Strange Beast

Thunder deep in the ocean.

The cyan figure stood in the sky, and the laws of heaven and earth always shrouded the void, constantly absorbing the power of thunder.

The level of Yuanli has climbed a level, and the energy required has also increased several times.

If it were an ordinary thunder ocean, even if it were drained completely, it would not be able to fill the inner world. Only a super-large thunder ocean like the Thunder Punishment Domain could withstand Gu Xiuyun's swallowing.

time flies.

Before I knew it, two days passed.

The Five Elements Yuanmai deep in the inner heaven and earth gradually returned to stability, and the five heavenly pillars stood between the heaven and the earth, giving off different halos.

The golden pillar is like a silver sword, thrusting straight into the sky.

The Earthly Pillar is thick and turbid, extremely wide, and has a radius of thousands of miles.

The water-moving Tianzhu gathers and disperses indefinitely. It is not so much a Tianzhu as it is a waterfall falling from the sky.

The wooden pillar is like an old tree. There are many branches and even green leaves growing on the pillar.

The Fire Pillar was blazing and violent, exploding sparks from time to time.

Compared with before, the five heavenly pillars are more real, and the inner heaven and earth are also evolving towards the real world.

"When I understand the rules of the great road, the inner world will turn into the prototype of the world. By then, there will be no need to carry the storage spirit treasure with me!"

Gu Xiuyun said to himself.

The inner world evolved into the prototype of the world, and it was no longer half-empty and half-real. It had a real form that could store objects and even carry life.

Of course, few His Holiness would do this.

The inner world of an ordinary venerable is very small, usually only 10,000 miles in circumference. The inner world of a true venerable is only over 100,000 li. If the accumulated divine power is not enough, how can there be any extra space to live in?

Gu Xiuyun is different. The inner world evolved by the Infinite Species is astonishingly huge, and the Yuan Power is so vast that it cannot be used up.

Even if a space is opened alone, it is enough for many living beings to live and practice.

While he was thinking, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly and looked into the distance from the corner of his eye.

There were no abnormal fluctuations there, and there was no aura of soul thought, but in his eyes, a thin line of fate appeared in the void.

"What a powerful concealment method. Even the laws of heaven and earth are not noticed. If I hadn't been running the void field all the time, I might not have been able to find it."

Gu Xiuyun was secretly shocked.

This is the Thunder Punishment Domain. There is nothing but the Thunder Ocean. Who would attack another Venerable for no reason?

"Xiao Hei, use your innate magical power to observe the surroundings. There are sages sneaking into this place to see how strong the opponent is. How many are there?" Gu Xiuyun said through his soul.

On the side, the black-striped golden dolphin who was refining divine blood quickly opened his eyes, gathered the blood energy around his body, and at the same time activated his unicorn magical power.

At this moment, a ray of light passed through the void, tearing open the ocean of thunder at an incredible speed and falling towards the Black-striped Golden Dolphin.

"court death!"

Gu Xiuyun snorted angrily, and when he turned his palm, black and white light surged, covering the golden dolphin with black patterns. At the same time, the mysterious destiny unfolded, turning into red flame meteors, and smashed into the void.


The shield formed by the black and white light had no effect at all, and the dark light came to the black-striped golden dolphin in an instant.

At the critical moment, invisible fluctuations once again filled the void.

Twisted fate not only twists oneself, but also twists others.

Before the dark light had time to swallow the black piggy, it was sent half a breath away by the reversed fate line.

Peng! !

The red flame meteor crashed down, shattering the dark light, revealing a small black palace. There was a gold plaque in front of the palace door with the word "Gou Shan" engraved on it.

"Goushan Palace!"

Gu Xiuyun looked surprised when he saw the palace in front of him.

Gou Shan Palace was once the supreme treasure of a super power in the southern void. It was said to come from outside the world and was originally a broken palace of strange objects.

Later, several true masters joined forces to sacrifice and use true soul-level treasures to repair the defects of the palace. Even when faced with the bombardment of true immortal Taoism, it was still unscathed.

Since the collapse of that super sect, Goushan Temple has disappeared from the world and has not been seen for millions of years.

To this day, this record has been spread throughout the world. After all, although there are many treasures in the endless void, there are very few that can save lives like Gou Shan Temple.

"Gu Xiuyun, there is a Zhuwu strange beast in the palace, and I can sense its bloodline aura." The black-striped golden dolphin screamed urgently.

"It turns out to be the Zhu Wu strange beast." Gu Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Wu is also a descendant of Qilin. He is good at escaping, hiding, and breaking seals. He can easily tear apart ordinary spiritual energy traps.

If Gu Xiuyun hadn't used his true energy to use the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand to slightly block the moment, he might not have had time to activate the mystery of fate.

Zhu Wu's strange beasts are best at hiding and breaking seals, and the opponent has reached the realm of the Venerable. Their magical powers in these two aspects are no worse than those of the real Qilin.

In the distance, streaks of red flame meteors fell.

Each meteor is no less than a powerful blow from the Three Difficulties Venerable.

This monster dared to attack the black-patterned golden dolphin. It had already touched Gu Xiuyun's reverse scale. How could he let him go?

Without the Black Patterned Golden Dolphin, the rules of heaven and earth would definitely push his misfortune to the extreme. In that case, not to mention going to the Moro Realm, even going to the underground abyss, he would be in danger of death.

Peng! Peng! Peng! !

The black palace was shaken by the smash, but there was no damage at all.

The palace is surrounded by the power of blood and the rules of the avenue, turning into sharp swords, trying to tear away the bonds and escape from this place.

But no matter how Zhu Wu Yi beast tried, the void restraint did not change.

"Zhu Wu strange beast... I want to see if your magical power can break through the suppression of the void realm?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed coldly.

The magical power of martial arts - the void domain, when pushed to the extreme, will form a space domain that is entirely your own.

In this space, there are no rules of heaven and earth, and bloodline magical powers and Taoist methods will be severely suppressed.

Gu Xiuyun's martial arts cultivation is only at the ninth level of true meaning. If he can reach the transcendence state and the void realm expands, even a venerable-level unicorn may not be able to escape.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The red flame meteors continued to hit the palace crazily. Even if they could not break through the defense of Gou Shan Palace, they could still consume the divine power in the body of Zhu Wu's strange beast.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

The black-striped golden dolphin stood on Gu Xiuyun's shoulder, jumping up and down excitedly, "This guy wants to swallow me, Gu Xiuyun, kill him!!"

"Don't worry, it can't escape."

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his right hand, his palm turned into a million feet, and directly grabbed Goushan Palace.


There was a muffled sound.

The power of thunder and fire completely enveloped the entire palace like a fire snake. The thunder and fire magical power of the ninth level of martial arts combined with the red flame meteor crazily consumed the power of the Zhu Wu strange beast.

"How could the venerable person beside Qilin be so powerful??" Deep in the palace, Zhu Wu Yishou had a look of fear.

It really couldn't imagine how the other party could push it back thousands of miles?

That inexplicable fluctuation is completely beyond the scope of the rules of the great road. It does not belong to the five elements, wind and thunder, or time and space.

Is there actually Taoism beyond the nine origins in the world?

That's all. The magical power exerted by the other party was also extremely terrifying. Even the most powerful forbidden-breaking magical power of the Zhu Wu beast was almost unable to be torn apart.

"This person is in at least three difficult situations. With my strength, if I dare to step out of Gou Shan Palace even half a step, I will definitely die. But if I don't go out, I won't be able to escape from this place." Zhu Wu Yishou's forehead dripped with sweat.

Zhuwu Yishou is a descendant of Qilin, and he also inherited Qilin's greed and cowardice. He is itchy when he sees treasures, and he becomes fearful when he encounters strong people.

Normally, it would never take the initiative to approach a venerable person.

It was only because the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin was refining divine blood that the blood energy fluctuations caught its attention, so it took action desperately.

Unexpectedly, just this time, I hit the iron plate!

"By the way, ask Xuanhan for help. It has always wanted to get a share of the secret realm of the Thunder Punishment Realm..." Zhu Wu Yishu's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of Venerable Xuanhan in the Demon God Realm.

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