Fortune Teller

Chapter 1163 The True Lord Preaches

Shingon Temple has a shouxin and a strict path.

The Zangxiang Temple also produced a seventh-grade fusion of mystery.

And Dingkong Temple... can't even see a decent seventh-grade person, and the true artistic conception is also a dull person, and there is no hope of ninth-grade people in this life.

Ten thousand years from now, Dingkong Temple will probably be ranked at the bottom of the Sixteenth Ancient Temple.

If not, he would not have tried his best to invite Patriarch Qi Wan to preach. Unfortunately, the effect was not obvious.

While shaking his head, the Patriarch of Dingkong Temple frowned slightly, and a jade communication talisman appeared in his palm.

'Grandmaster, there may be a disciple in the sect who combines the secrets of the sixth level. This person's name is Yinshan, and he should be a disciple of the great master Dingyin...'

"Integrating sixth-grade mysteries?"

The Patriarch of Dingkong Temple suddenly widened his eyes and quickly explored the edge of the distant sea with his soul.

After a moment, his face showed ecstasy.

"Fusion of mystery, definitely fusion of mystery, there is a genius in the temple, but I never knew about it? What do those wine bags and rice bags do on weekdays?"

"Hahaha, Dingkong Temple is so lucky, so happy, so happy!"

The loud laughter immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding ancestors.

"Dingfang? Why are you so happy?" asked an ancestor.

"To tell you the truth, the Zen sect has a fifth disciple who integrates the mystical." The founder of Dingkong Temple looked proud, "This person comes from the sect of this temple..."


The sword energy stabbed the puppet beast full of holes. After just a hundred breaths, the puppet beast completely collapsed, and its tough body turned into rubble.

"Senior Brother Yinshan is so awesome!"

"I have never seen anyone pass the third test and actually smash the puppet beast into pieces."

"Senior Brother Yinshan is really in the middle stage of Douxiao Realm?? Could it be that he has hidden his strength and has reached a superior level?"

"I don't think so. There is an essential difference between the seventh-grade mysterious technique and the sixth-grade mysterious technique. Senior Brother Yinshan's secret technique has not taken a specific form. It should be at the sixth-grade level."

Everyone was muttering.

Yinqiu, Yinze and others have different expressions.

Yinqiu's exclamation was mixed with a bit of disbelief. Although he knew that his senior brother was amazingly powerful and much stronger than himself, he still couldn't believe it when he saw the puppet beast being chopped into rubble in the middle stage of the Xuan Dynasty.

Yinze was afraid in his heart.

Such a powerful person turned out to be his fellow senior fellow student, and not long ago, he provoked the other party over and over again, and I am afraid he will inevitably suffer hardship in the future.

"After the Buddha Worship Day is over, I won't go back to Dingkong Temple. No matter how powerful Yinshan is, can they still find me all over the world?"

The monk Yinze whispered in his heart.


Gu Xiuyun's whole body lit up with escaping light, and he passed through the third largest mountain, leaving only his back to everyone.

"Do you think that Senior Brother Yinshan can be recognized by the Zen Sect and go to the Holy Land?"

"There is at least a 30% chance."

"If we can really go there, Senior Brother Yinshan's status will probably be higher than that of the Patriarch."

Everyone murmured.

On the day of Buddha worship, the most important thing for Douxiao disciples is the sect competition. The competition is based on different training years. Senior Brother Yinshan only has more than a thousand years, but his strength is so strong. The hope of reaching the end is too great.

Thinking of this, the monks around them all looked at Yinqiu and Yinze. For Yinqiu, they were envious and flattering, but for Yinze, they were resentful and pitiful.

Time passed by, and half a month passed before I knew it.

All the nine sea areas disappeared.

Countless disciples are placed on a billion-foot lotus. From the inside to the outside, the disciples who have not passed the three tests are left on the outermost layer. The other Douxiao disciples are in the middle area. As for the eighth-grade great master and the ninth-grade patriarch, they are all sitting in the bud. superior.

Hundreds of millions of lotus flowers almost hold up the entire world.

Deep inside the lotus, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, looking far ahead.

"According to the rules of the Buddha Day, the next step is to burn incense, pray, and worship the Holy Buddha. I once made an oath to Luo Shen not to worship any gods. I don't know if the Holy Buddha is among them??"

"Forget it, let this flesh fetus be worshiped!"

Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his heart.

The Holy Buddha is too far away from the realm of heavens, and no one knows whether this legendary Zen Buddha is of the Xianghuo lineage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The distant bell rang.

A hazy Sanskrit sound appeared in the sky and earth, and then, countless sacrificial prayers resounded through the void. From the Zhenzun to the early Douxiao Realm, everyone was worshiping the Holy Buddha.

The invisible power of thought actually condensed into golden Buddha light, completely illuminating the sky above the lotus.

"Billions of practitioners are worshiping together. This power of thought is too huge. I don't know if the Holy Buddha can receive it. It is across the Holy World of Reincarnation and under the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth..."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the sky.

The power of living beings is also a kind of power. Although it is illusory, it does exist, but ordinary people cannot sense it or touch it.

The line of Xianghuo is to absorb the mind power of living beings and improve their cultivation.

Of course, there is no such method in the Holy World of Reincarnation, because the rules of heaven and earth do not allow the appearance of the incense lineage. Even if there are sacrifices from living beings to form telekinesis, it will dissipate quickly and cannot be integrated into the body.

But it is undeniable that this is an extremely simple path to practice.

It is simpler than bloodline cultivation, and even comparable to the demon's cultivation system that relies entirely on devouring. It does not require secret methods, soul thoughts, or will. Even an ordinary mortal can reach the true state of mind in a short time. peak.

"The rules of heaven and earth set these rules, perhaps because they hope that life in the world can follow a powerful path of cultivation... rather than becoming an immortal god."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

It is true that gods can live forever, but at the same time, they are also a cancer in the spiritual world. No one will abandon the easy path and choose the most difficult path.

Just like a person, there are two ways to get ten million.

One is the Big Lotto (——!)

The other one is to work hard all your life, which one do you choose?

No need to think about it.

The rules of heaven and earth do not want the Xianghuo lineage to destroy the holy world of reincarnation.

The sound of sacrificial prayers lasted for three full days.

Finally, the sky and the earth became clear, and a figure sat cross-legged on the ground, hundreds of millions of feet high, with its head pointing toward the starry sky and its knees pressing into the depths of the turbid current.

"Unknowingly, tens of thousands of years have passed. You are all lucky people to be able to come here to participate in worshiping the Buddha. Immortal cultivation pays attention to chance and luck, and luck is naturally very important."

"If you have no luck, you might be killed by a meteorite one day, right??"

The billion-foot-long figure said leisurely.

"This true master of Zen...seems a little out of tune!" Gu Xiuyun stared at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Most of the venerable sermons were extremely serious, and every word was full of mystery. However, this true venerable Zen sect spoke like a drunkard. How could he have the slightest aura of a true venerable? ?

"Perhaps this is the temperament of the Zen Master!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and continued to listen.

Deep in the lotus, several figures looked towards the sky from a distance, led by the Zen Master. He looked helpless and held his forehead with his right hand, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Speaking of which, the last time our ancestors gave a sermon was probably 300,000 years ago!"

"That's right, the ancestor also preached in the appearance of the true master that time. At that time, many Zen disciples had a breakdown and almost rebelled from the Moro Realm."

"I hope there won't be any trouble this time. Every time he's hard to look back on."

"If you don't say a few words, how can we evaluate the ancestor?" Zhenzun scolded in a low voice, but his expression showed great approval.

I wonder if the Zen protector has lived too long and his temper is getting weirder and weirder.

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