Fortune Teller

Chapter 1295 Shocking the Sea

Over the sea.

A group of cultivators looked at the Kuyu Sect's headquarters hundreds of millions of miles away with murderous intent on their faces.

"It's almost time," the elder of Hongbo Mountain turned to look at the other Six Difficulties True Masters, "Has there been any news from the ancestor? When will we take action?"

"The communication talisman has not moved, and the ancestor's soul imprint has also fallen into silence. It must be too far away, or it has entered a dead space."

said another.

Fights between World Masters usually take place in the Chaotic Void or Dead Space. Only there can withstand the World Master's mighty power that destroys the heaven and earth.

If it is too far away, the soul mark will indeed lose its sensitivity.

"It's been half an hour. If we keep waiting like this, our ancestor will definitely be angry when he comes back. Let's do it!"


Several Zhenzun elders immediately gave orders and fled towards the Kuyu Sect's residence.

Before they could go far, one after another, giant beasts that looked like mountains reaching into the sky appeared over the sea, their blood and energy surging, and their divine power surging.

"Six Dilemma Monsters? How come there are so many of them?"

The practitioners at Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island looked shocked.

Each of those monster beasts cultivated two meridians, with majestic bodies, powerful blood, and extremely shocking fluctuations in Taoism. If placed in the floating sea area, they would only appear in the Scarlet Scale Palace and Guiao Island.

Taoist cultivation requires talent, understanding and time, and bloodline cultivation relies on rare treasures. From the early stage of the Venerable Realm to the physical body of the Sixth Refinement Realm, nearly 340 million square meters of divine crystals are consumed, which is definitely not something ordinary practitioners can afford.

Even the old servants around Young Master Cang Yan dare not cultivate both meridians, let alone these true masters?


The eight-headed demonic beast crashed directly into the crowd, its sharp claws mixed with the light of Taoism, and struck at the practitioners.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Several True Masters of the Six Difficulties shouted continuously, and at the same time activated their Taoist secrets to attack the monsters. The other disciples of the sect retreated one after another.

But it was too late.

A Six Difficulty Realm monster that cultivates both bloodlines and has magical powers of blood combined with Taoist secrets. Will its escape speed be slower than those of ordinary true masters?

Not to mention the blessing of time rules.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

With roaring sounds, disciples from Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island continued to fall...

Two months later, a surprising piece of news came out.

Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island were destroyed, and all branches of the Kuyu Sect were raided.

at the same time.

Near Luojian Island, a large number of practitioners wearing silver-white armor with gold patterns were approaching quickly. Behind them were many practitioners in green robes, purple robes, and white robes. They had different costumes and seemed to come from different sects.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of bells and drums filled the void, and tens of thousands of Luojian Island disciples rushed out of the divine formation to confront the gold-patterned armor practitioners from a distance.

"Shi Wen, why did you come to Luojian Island if you didn't take me with you on Jinshi Island?" A Sixth Difficulty Master of Luojian Island said coldly.

"Of course it's to destroy your sect." Zhenzun Shi Wen sneered.

"What did you say?!"

"How dare you say such things? Are you not afraid that Ancestor Han Jian will be angry and destroy your Jinshi Island?"

"Senior brother, what are you talking about with these practitioners on Jinshi Island? Anyone who offends our island will be killed. This is the rule set by our ancestors, and no one can be exempted."

The disciples of Luojian Island spoke one after another.

For hundreds of millions of years, except for the Scarlet Scale Palace and Gui Ao Island, no force can make Luojian Island bow its head. Even the Scarlet Scale Palace has to be wary when facing them.

The Master of the Cold Sword Realm is at the pinnacle of the Concentration Realm and a swordsman practitioner, so his intimidation is too great.

"Your Hanjian Ancestor is already dead, why do you still show off your majesty?"

The corners of Zhenzun Shi Wen's mouth slightly raised, and as he waved his hand, a large number of Zhenzun in green, purple, and white robes appeared all around, surrounding the disciples of Luojian Island.

"Baicaomen! Purple Sun Sect! Haokong Mountain!"

The face of the Six Difficulties True Master on Luojian Island turned black. There were four realm-level powers, and they were all extremely powerful sects.

The four major sects came out in full force, including twenty-four True Masters of the Six Difficulties and two hundred and seventy True Masters of the Five Difficulties.

So many strong men are enough to completely destroy Luojian Island.

"Senior brother, what should we do?" The Zhenzun disciples on Luojian Island all looked at the leader.

"How could the Ancestor Hanjian be so powerful and fall so easily? My fellow disciples, use your sword energy to defend against the enemy and let them know how powerful sword practitioners really are!"


Countless sword lights appeared across the sky.

However, before they could take action, the void trembled violently, and the power of the world swept in from a distant place, directly killing all the Six Difficulties True Masters on Luojian Island.

The eight sword cultivators in the Sixth Difficulty Realm fell completely without even a chance to take action.

Sword Dao practitioners are the best in lower-level Dao methods in terms of killing methods. If they really fight, at least 90% of the strong men from Jinshi Island, Baicaomen, Purple Sun Sect, and Haokong Mountain will perish, and the Six Dilemma True Lords will also be killed or injured. half.

How could the Jiezun Patriarch behind it watch as 90% of his disciples were killed or injured just for the sake of a little face?

Face also has a price.

Beyond the price, face is worthless.

"Big brother!"

"Uncle! Uncle!!"

Looking at the eight fallen Zhenzun elders, the eyes of the disciples of Luojian Island were about to burst, and the fear and anger in their hearts turned into madness, and they attacked the four major sects.

The sword energy was flowing horizontally, and the roaring sound echoed through the void.

A few days later.

The entire sea area was stained red with blood.

There are too many disciples on Luojian Island, all of whom are inferior Taoists. Swordsmanship is much more difficult than ordinary Taoisms such as Hua Dao, Jianghe Dao, and Lieyang Dao.

To practice the Tao of painting, you only need to paint every day, observe objects, mountains, rivers, and creatures, and imitate their charm, and you will gradually understand the Tao.

To practice the Way of the Burning Sun, you only need to observe the changes of the sun and stars, and you will be able to gain some insights over time.

As for swordsmanship, one must experience fighting and feel the pulse of the sword again and again in order to achieve success.

Different difficulties also mean differences in strength.

Therefore, the number of sages on Luojian Island is far hundreds of times more than that of ordinary sects, and the number of true sages is also ten times more. Countless practitioners have died, making the entire island filled with strong resentment.

"Remember, you are not allowed to take any of the crystals, elixirs, spiritual treasures or even Taoist books on Luojian Island, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

Zhenzun Shi Wen looked at the disciples of the four major sects with cold eyes, "All treasures will be sent to the Kuyu Sect, do you hear that?"


Disciples from the four major sects traveled between the islands and carefully swept everywhere.

Half a month later.

Shi Wen led a group of sect disciples to visit Kuyu Sect and presented all the divine crystals and spiritual materials from Luojian Island.

And sent a greeting card from the Jinshi Realm Master.

Once this incident came out, it immediately shocked the entire Floating Sea Area.

"Luojian Island was destroyed? Jinshi and Hanjian are obviously allies, how could they attack Luojian Island?"

"What I'm more curious about is, how did the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm die??"

"Needless to say, it must be related to Ancestor Kuyu. Since hundreds of years ago, Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island have been targeting the Kuyu Sect. Who would believe that Luojian Island is not behind it?"

"Two and a half months ago, Hong Bo and Ku Ri teamed up to attack Kuyu Sect. I thought Patriarch Kuyu was dead, but I never thought that they would fall in the end... Hanjian also died, which is simply unbelievable."

In the depths of the sea, dozens of shadows gathered together, whispering to each other.

They are all the ancestors of the major sects. In terms of strength, they are far inferior to Han Jian, Jin Shi, Jun Shan and others. They are all in the early stages of the Concentration Realm, so they gather in secret to communicate with each other.

As for those powerful people who know the truth, they will not appear at all.

How could Jin Shi and others leak out the cultivation of Patriarch Kuyu? Wouldn't that mean that he offended the Master of the Eight Difficulties Realm for nothing?

"After the fall of Luojian Island, there was no movement from the three sects of Jinshi Island and Qilian. Jinshi Island, in particular, took the initiative to offer spiritual treasures and rare treasures, and then hunkered down in its own territory and behaved extremely low-key. It can be seen from this that they have already By default, the 350 billion miles around Luojian Island are the territory of the Kuyu Sect.”

"Ancestor Kuyu, what kind of person is he that makes all parties so afraid? He doesn't even have the courage to avenge Han Jian, and even offers treasures on his own initiative?"

The more the Realm Masters discussed, the more frightened they became.

You know, the three sects of Jinshi Island, Luojian Island, and Qilian had previously teamed up to kill two peak Concentration Realm sects.

Now facing the Kuyu Sect, not only did they not join forces, but they acted in a flattering manner.

This is very interesting.

"At least one thing is certain, Patriarch Kuyu is not to be provoked."

Everyone came to a conclusion and left one after another.

Secret Valley.

Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged. On the other side, the space-time barrier enveloped a hundred miles of void, and Yan Suqing was deducing the formation in the depths of time and space.

At the edge of the valley, Jia Shu stood with a bow, and behind her stood twelve law enforcement elders including Ji Dun, Yin Fang, Luo Hu, and Ning Jiao.

The faces of these law enforcement elders turned pale, and they were faintly excited.

How many years!

Since the establishment of Kuyu Sect, only Jia Shu can meet the ancestor, and the other disciples are not eligible.

Now, they can finally enter the legendary secret valley and meet the ancestor of the world.

"Old Ancestor, my disciples have found out clearly that Zhenzun Fuhuai is the spy who sneaked into our sect and is also the registered disciple of Zunjian Realm Zun." Jia Shu bowed and said, "During the sect's accident, there were a total of thirty-two Zhenzun. All the rebels have been killed by the disciples. Only Zhenzun Fuhuai has a remnant soul left, please forgive me."

"It's up to you!!"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes, divine power surged around his body, and the shadow of his green robe was faintly revealed.

"As you command!"

Jia Shu bowed and continued, "These twelve true sages have protected their disciples in the previous incidents and are loyal to the sect. The disciples have given them the power of law enforcement elders and are preparing to build the Pill Hall and the Formation Hall. , Jingshi Hall, Secret Art Hall, Lingbao Hall, Yanfa Hall, Criminal Law Hall, Gongbook Hall...the twelve branch halls are under their control, and each one is the master of one hall."


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Jia Shu continued, "In the past three months, the disciples have destroyed Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island, and seized a large number of Taoist books, elixirs and spiritual materials..."

"Not long ago, the True Master of Jinshi Island suddenly came to visit and presented the treasure resources of Luojian Island. He also said that the Master of Jinshi Realm wanted to come to the sect to pay respects. I wonder if the ancestor will allow it?"

After the words fell, the twelve law enforcement elders were a little surprised.

See you?

Why would someone at the peak of the Concentration Realm use this word?

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