Fortune Teller

Chapter 703: The Twin Stones Given by the Lord


As soon as the bat beasts arrived at the other end of the barrier, they were suppressed by the rules and talismans, slowing down most of their speed. In addition, the power of the tide was everywhere, trapping them in place and making it difficult to break free.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, did you use the rules of void escape just now?"

As soon as Gu Xiuyun appeared, Taoist Lei Chi couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

This matter can no longer be concealed. Instead of making a lame excuse, it is better to openly admit it. Seven points are true and three points are false, which will make people believe it more.

"It's really the rules of space!"

Everyone was shocked. The rules of void escape are just a low-level rule, but they are also the threshold of the great avenue of space. Understanding void escape means that you can hide in the void space at any time. Whether it is to save your life or escape, it is far better than peer.

"Fellow Taoist Cherish Your Life, the avenue of space is difficult and complicated. Even if you are truly powerful, you will have to practice hard for tens of thousands of years to understand it. Could it be that you already understood the true meaning of the rules thousands of years ago?" Taoist Sancai's face was full of surprise.

Tens of thousands of years is just an conservative statement. The eighth-grade almighty can absorb a huge amount of original power. His natural talent and understanding have improved ten times and a hundred times compared to those in the Douxiao realm. Ten thousand years of practice is worth one hundred thousand years of hard work in the Douxiao realm.

"Now that Wuxiang Heaven is blocked by the divine formation, and the four Changli sects cannot enter, there is no harm in telling you some things," Gu Xiuyun said softly, "To be honest with you fellow Taoists, Master once gave Ping Dao a twin stone. Therefore, I have a clone of a space alien beast."

"Twin Stones!"

"Space alien beast clone!"

Dozens of top leaders gasped in unison.

"What are twin stones?" Other practitioners asked, puzzled.

"The legendary twin stones can create a second true body," someone explained. "It is not a separate soul, but an independent true body. The two bodies have no priority except that their consciousness is connected to each other. One of the true bodies Even if it dies, the other true body can still survive.”

"Wouldn't that be an extra life?"

"More than that, the twin stones can place their consciousness on other creatures, such as ancient beasts and void creatures, and can perfectly inherit the innate magical powers. With the innate understanding of the human race and the innate magical powers of the ancient alien beasts, it can be imagined that the speed of practice is far beyond that of its peers. comparable."

"There is such a treasure in the world!"

The practitioners of Zhutian sect are envious and jealous.

No wonder Gu Xiuyun can understand the rules of void escape. With the true form of the alien beast, it is easy to understand the avenue of space. Although his two human bodies are still in the Douxiao realm, the alien beast clones have never appeared in front of people, and they may have broken through long ago!

At least thirty or forty years have passed since Gu Xiuyun understood the true meaning of the rules.

If his alien beast clone had been staying in the secret realm of time and space, he would have been practicing for at least hundreds of years. With his space talent and the many opportunities given by the Lord, it would not be impossible to understand the rules of void escape.

"The legendary twin stones are said to be only effective for practitioners at the Douxiao realm and below."

Lei Chi Taoist sighed sadly, "But this kind of treasure cannot be obtained by the Douxiao Realm. Even if it is a powerful person in the True Intention Realm, there is no way to find it. Only a great being like the Venerable can search for this thing."

The Twin Stones are already rare objects at the Venerable level. Except for someone like Gu Xiuyun who was given by Venerable Gengyang, who can possess the second true body!

At this moment, Yuzhu Demon King's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. It was angry and unwilling. In terms of talent and understanding, it was far superior to Gu Xiuyun. Why didn't any venerable accept it as a disciple?

This world is so unfair.

"A fool who only understands the rules of the lower five elements can actually be treated favorably by the Venerable and even get the Twin Stones. I am thousands of times better than him. Venerable Gengyang is simply blind." Yu Zhug. The demon king roared in his heart.

People like him can only see the surface.

How can the Venerable care about talent and understanding?

Over the past tens of thousands of years, there have been countless geniuses in the world. How many of them have finally reached the realm of venerables? not a single one.

If you cannot detach yourself, you are like an ant. How can you enter the eyes of the venerable?

If Gu Xiuyun had not saved the life of Venerable Gengyang and formed a great cause and effect, it would have been impossible for him to become his direct disciple. Even so, the twin stones were not given by Venerable Gengyang, because Venerable Gengyang did not have twin stones at all. .

Such a treasure is rare in the world, and only the master of the Time and Space Palace and other great beings at the pinnacle can easily take it out.

Since the establishment of the secret space, in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, only a few hundred people have obtained the twin stones. This shows how rare this treasure is, and even Bai Ze Zhenzhen will feel distressed.

"Without further delay, let's deal with these strange bat beasts first," Gu Xiuyun said. "As long as we find out the hidden source, all fellow Taoists will be able to join the sect of the Venerable. In the future, their practice will be smooth sailing, and they may even hope to reach the realm of the Venerable."

"Fellow Taoist Cherish Life is right. Instead of envying others, it is better to strive for your own opportunities. The secret in the cracks of the divine fire is a great opportunity that must not be missed." Taoist Lei Chi said solemnly.

Everyone's eyes were burning.

At this moment, they had extremely ardent hopes to become His Holiness’s disciples. Being His direct disciples was by no means an empty name. It represented endless benefits. Some people were even fantasizing that after becoming a registered disciple, they would be awarded the title of His Holiness due to their outstanding talents. Favorite, was also given twin stones.


There was an explosion in the void.

The Yuzhu Demon King was the first to take action, and the endless sea surge hit the bat beast.

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward, his palms glowing in black and white, like huge millstones, pressing against the alien.

The two true artistic conceptions joined forces and immediately caused death and injury to the bat group.

The bodies of dozens of bat beasts were shattered, and the energy of life and death was intertwined, consuming the vitality in their bodies. Even if they could be resurrected, their vitality was far less than before.

As for the hundreds of real people from the Zhutian Sect, they either used Taoist secrets, circulated bloodline magical powers, or activated eighth-grade spiritual treasures. They used all means to suppress the bat beast in its place.

Hundreds of bats and beasts were unable to form an effective offensive. Faced with the endless secret techniques of the heavenly sects, they were immediately at a disadvantage.

Alien creatures win by quantity. If they are outside the realm, there will be hundreds of millions of bats. There are also tens of thousands of bat leaders who are comparable to the eighth-level true artistic conception. Not to mention Gu Xiuyun and Yuzhu Demon King, even the white-haired old ape , but also to flee.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward among the strange beasts. Every time a palm fell, several shadows collapsed and were annihilated. He was like a god of death walking in the forbidden land of life. The two energies of life and death surrounded him. No living thing could withstand the five elements. The power of a palm.

"The power of Daoist Taoist Xi Ming's palm technique is much stronger than that of thirteen years ago," Yu Fairy commented. "Back then, he still had to put in a lot of effort to face the Taoist Talisman of the Seventh Grade Venerable. Now, with just one palm If it falls, even the eighth-grade rule talisman is slightly inferior."

"After more than ten years of practice, I think he has a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the Five Elements," Master Qi He nodded, "It's just that for some reason, he didn't master the middle rules."

Understanding the rules of space is far more difficult than the five elements. Even the simplest rules of void escape take a lot of time. Gu Xiuyun spent so much energy studying the way of space, but the rules of the five elements are still at the lowest level, which is really puzzling.

Except for Fairy Yu and Zhenren Qi He, the practitioners of the All-Heaven Sect all had a leisurely look on their faces, transmitting soul thoughts to each other, and sometimes using secret techniques to suppress the strange bat beasts in the void.

With only three hundred aliens, most of the pressure was reduced. With Yuzhu Demon King and Gu Xiuyun sitting in charge, everyone was naturally much more relaxed.

At this moment, a loud noise came from the void barrier.

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