Fortune Teller

Chapter 762: Release the Black Cloud

"Girl, don't worry about me. Let's deal with those God Lords first. The Ten Thousand Gods Demon Array is operating at its peak, and its influence on us is no less than that of the five great God Lords." Gu Xiuyun said solemnly.

"Brother Xi Ming, can you stop me?" Gu Yue was a little worried.

Both Heshan and Lanshu are good at frontal killing. Heshan has the power of the ancient sacred mountain, and Lanshu contains the power of the wild waves of the blue sea. If the mountains and seas are connected, each other's power will be greatly enhanced.

Coupled with the increase of Sun and Moon, even though they are two great gods, their real combat power is no less than that of four great gods combined.

"Don't worry!" Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

Qianzhang's body is filled with black and white light, and the Five Elements Formation is surging, and his momentum has returned to its peak.

Gu Yue nodded and continued to attack the Ten Thousand Gods Demon Array.


The divine sword was swung, and the sword light penetrated the void and fell on the surrounding divine masters. They were blocked by the formation barrier. Although it could not severely damage the divine masters in the formation, it could suppress them and prevent the formation of the Ten Thousand Gods Demon Array.

The Ten Thousand Gods Formation was not created by the gods, but a battle formation taught by the Patriarch Tianji.

This formation is quite simple to coordinate, and requires very little Taoism and secrets. As long as there are enough gods and enough power, a small space can be formed, which will be continuously compressed until all demons and monsters are annihilated.

After Patriarch Tianji passed down this formation, the realm of living beings truly fell into the hands of the gods. Before that, at least 40% of the territory of hundreds of millions of miles was controlled by demons.

Although there are many gods, they have one biggest weakness... Once the divine armor collapses, they will immediately fall into the realm.

The demons know this very well and often attack the gods everywhere, even exchanging their lives for their lives. The demons' resilience is much stronger than that of the gods. Even if their bodies are injured, they can maintain their peak combat power and can recover after a period of recuperation in the future.

However, the gods cannot do this. One thing disappears and the other increases. The three realms have always been in a situation where you and I are fighting for each other.

It wasn't until the Wanshendang Demon Array came out and a large number of low-level gods used this array to kill many demon lords that the demons were completely defeated.

After hundreds of thousands of years, the realm of living beings was free of the threat of demons, and the number of mortals increased dramatically, reaching hundreds of billions of living beings.

puff! puff! puff!

The sword energy spread across the void, and Gu Yue's physical body was almost completely integrated with the Wan Zhang Divine Sword, exuding an unparalleled aura.

On the other side, Gu Xiuyun looked as calm as water as he faced the encirclement of the two great masters of mountains and seas.

In terms of killing methods, Gu Xiuyun considers himself not as good as Gu Yue, but his martial arts cultivation is higher, he is at the eighth level of Douxiao, plus the Five Elements Skyshattering Spell, and the Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm, his life-saving ability is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that he is good at the secret technique of divination. With such a close distance, he can detect in advance no matter what killing move the opponent performs.

Of course, being aware of it is one thing, being able to avoid it is another. Faced with the almost terrifying power and speed of the gods, many attacks cannot be avoided and can only be resisted.

Especially large-scale magical powers.

But in fact, Gu Xiuyun only needs to protect the area where the Tianji Disk is located. No matter how serious the injury is to other parts, he can quickly recover with the power of the original source.


The Great God Lord Heshan attacked again. Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with coldness, and he raised his fist to face him.

The mountain-like huge force collided together, instantly tearing apart the void of a hundred feet, revealing a deep and dark abyss.

In the depths of the darkness, the golden light was still shining brightly. The Great Divine Lord Heshan seemed not to be affected in any way, but Gu Xiuyun's arms collapsed steadily and turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye.

"The power of the Great Divine Lord Heshan is much stronger than mine. Even with the help of the mystery of space and the mystery of the five elements, it is still difficult to resist." Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

While the two were fighting each other, the Great Lord Lanshu also activated his magical power, forming a sea tide that filled the sky. There were many sharp spikes in the tide, glowing with a cold light.


The tide came and flooded the whole body. One huge wave after another seemed to be endless, shattering Gu Xiuyun's skin and flesh, and his bones were close to collapse.

And those sharp thorns are stabbing into the deepest organs of flesh and blood. The cold light contains inexplicable destructive power, which is extremely harmful to life.

Spikes penetrated the whole body, and the thousand-foot giant became riddled with holes.

But after only half a breath, it recovered again.

"This extraterrestrial creature is just like the black cloud. No matter how much the physical body is destroyed, it will recover quickly. If this continues, I'm afraid he won't die until our divine power is exhausted!" Master Lanshu frowned.

In the situation before us, it seems that the gods have an absolute advantage, but in fact this is not the case.

The white-haired old ape's physical body is extremely tough and difficult to kill. Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue possess terrifying magical powers like black clouds. No matter how their physical bodies are destroyed, they can quickly recover.

Even if we fight for ten more years, it will be difficult to achieve a result.

"The Heavenly Secret Disk must not fall into the hands of outsiders, otherwise we will all be like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others," the Great God Master Heshan took a deep breath and sent a message, "Compared with the Heavenly Secret Disk, the threat of the black cloud is not worth it. Ti, in my opinion, it is better to untie the Ten Thousand Gods Demon Array and release the black cloud, so that the other five great gods can also join the battle."

"Release the black cloud?"

The great gods fell into thinking.

Ever since the seal of the Tianji Pan was released, the black clouds began to riot, and the three great gods could not suppress it, so they sent two more great gods.

If Heiyun is released, not only can he gather the power of the eleven great gods, he can also drive the tiger to devour the wolf, allowing Heiyun to fight with the opponent.

Of course, the consequences are also serious. The black clouds rushed here from the northern states, and the number of gods and mortals they devoured along the way was by no means a small number, probably in the trillions.

"As long as we get the Heavenly Secret Disk, the three realms will be ours. It doesn't matter if a few mortals die. Let's do it!" Lord Jinyang nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's do it!"

"I'll fight for the secret disk!"

Eleven great lords agreed, including the other five great lords far in the north. Although they are far apart, the great lords have magical communication methods. As long as they are in the three realms, they can talk to each other.

At the northernmost point of the Sentient Realm, strong winds mixed with flying snow, icebergs stood tall, and the entire world was shrouded in cold.

This is a dead and cold land.

In the deepest part of the iceberg, five great God Lords were fighting fiercely with Hei Yun. One after another, their magical powers were blasted out, destroying Hei Yun's physical body, making it impossible for him to break free from the constraints of the divine formation.

Compared to Gu Xiuyun, Heiyun's martial arts cultivation has reached an incredible level.

Every wisp of breath is invisible and penetrates directly into the essence. No matter how the great gods bombard it, it is difficult to damage it at all.

It is a fact recognized by the entire three realms that the black cloud is immortal. The God Lords can only suppress it but cannot completely eliminate its vitality.

Even the formation diagram left by the founder of Tianji may not be able to do it.


The strong wind roared and black clouds filled the void, hitting the barrier of the divine formation again and again, trying to break out of the prison and head to the south.

An original ocean has an unimaginable allure to it.

"At this point, we can only take a risk!"

The five great gods looked at each other and left the place with the gods outside the formation.

After a moment, the divine formation collapsed, the black cloud roared wildly, and the weak spirit rushed towards the Black Mountain Prefecture with a hint of excitement and excitement.

It’s hard to imagine what a disaster it will bring once the black clouds come to Montenegro Prefecture.

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