Fortune Teller

Chapter 805 Endless Cause and Effect

As everyone moved away quickly, the wind surged in the divine formation, and countless sand and dust flew into the sky. Some of the gravel fell on the Blue-Footed Demon Emperor and Master Ducheng.

For some reason, the scattered particles actually passed through the spiritual barrier and clung to the skin.

The venerables outside Jie Kong were all staring at Gu Xiuyun and did not notice this. Neither the six patriarchs nor the powerful masters of the True Illusion paid attention to it.

The sea of ​​fire gradually annihilated, and the force of bone-eroding disaster filled the void, turning hundreds of miles around into a barren land.

"Three disasters and nine disasters are really a good method."

A cold light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes, "If warriors weren't the best at saving lives, I would definitely die in this battle."

His heart was filled with joy and fear.

The world does not yet know the magical powers of Douxiao Realm warriors, otherwise the bone-corroding calamity bead would not only attack Gu Xiuyun in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, but would also melt together with the other two pieces of flesh and blood.

In front of the Venerable, the clone may not be able to be hidden.

The force of bone erosion permeates the whole body, time slowly passes, and the black hole particles collapse and disintegrate one by one. No matter how tough the flesh and blood is, it still looks fragile in the face of three disasters and nine disasters.

Half a stick of incense passed.

Gu Xiuyun completely turned into flying smoke, and his endless spiritual power was completely annihilated by the Bone Corrosion Tribulation Pearl, returning to the origin of the realm.

"Finally dead!" Patriarch Changning breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity that fellow Taoist Baozheng couldn't see this person fall with his own eyes."

Patriarch Shuiyuan looked sad. They were both Patriarchs of the Fourth Sect. He was very close to Bao Zheng. They had jointly explored the secret realm of the void many times in the past. Bao Zheng's death left a scar in Patriarch Shuiyuan's heart.

"Life and death are just reincarnation, and we will always meet again."

Patriarch Li Jing consoled him.

Outside the Formless Heaven, the venerables observed the depths of the world attentively, and at the same time, they were alert to the surroundings to prevent the founder of Tianji from suddenly appearing and taking away the two treasures of Tianji Pan and Fate Star Pan.

"It's strange, this junior's true form has obviously died, why is there no trace of the Supreme Treasure?"

"Isn't he dead yet?"

"Impossible, even a newly promoted venerable can't resist the Bone-corroding Tribulation Pearl, let alone a junior like him?"

"The line of cause and effect of this person is still in the human world and is spread all over the Formless Heaven. He should be the true body of the alien beast in the void. Is it necessary to kill all the true bodies before the Supreme Treasure of the Venerable can appear?" Venerable Lei Yun guessed.

"Fellow Taoist, are you joking?" Venerable Jiyue snorted, "Everyone knows that the second body separated from the twin stones has nothing to do with the original body except for the connection of consciousness. Even the slightest thought can't affect it, let alone the Supreme Treasure?"

"If this person really dies, the second soul will also dissipate with him. Even if the heavenly chart does not appear, the destiny star chart should appear!"

"So...he's not dead yet?"

A cold light flashed in the giant's eyes, and an inexplicable meaning flashed through the depths of his eyes.

"Nine times out of ten, he is still alive, but I don't know where he is hiding!"

The souls of more than thirty venerables swept through the space and thoroughly investigated every space.

At this moment, a black and white sword light appeared out of thin air, slashing across the Blue-Footed Demon King, tearing open a large piece of flesh and blood, and a violent swallowing power surged out from the body surface, swallowing half of the dragon's body in an instant.

"over there!"

"He's actually still alive."

The venerables looked at each other, with shock and anger mixed in their eyes. A junior had actually deceived the venerable.

In their eyes, the Blue-footed Demon King was just some broken gravel, not worth mentioning.

But in the blink of an eye, the gravel exploded with astonishing power, swallowing most of the dragon's body. From some scattered particles, it quickly grew into a five-inch tall humanoid body.

This scene made the venerables feel incredible. Does it mean that Gu Xiuyun does not need a soul and can be resurrected with any trace of flesh and blood, so how can he fight?

"Jiyue, what's going on?" Lord Li Kong glared at the woman in palace clothes beside him.

"I don't know either," Venerable Jiyue shook her head, and at the same time urged her soul to think, asking the True Venerable Tianxing who was far away outside the Shanshui hut. After a moment, she smiled bitterly, "The other avenue that I have practiced is not complete. His soul, every particle of his body contains soul thoughts, and if he wants to kill him, he can only annihilate all his bodies in one breath."

"That avenue goes further than the body refining lineage, and the means of life-saving are so powerful that it's almost unbelievable."

Venerable Li Kong's face darkened completely.

The venerable gods looked at each other and smiled bitterly in unison.

Annihilate all true bodies in one go?

This can only be done if His Holiness takes action himself.

The three true masters have given orders not to allow them to take action. Who would go against the true masters for two treasures? ?

Forget it if it is a killing treasure. The fate star chart and the celestial disc are both celestial calculation treasures. It is really not worth risking your life for.

"That's all, that's all, just treat it like watching a show!"

Venerable Lei Yun waved his hand, picked up the Qing Lei Patriarch in the sky, turned around and left.

"Everyone, I have important matters to attend to, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time."

The figure of Lord Jinyin flickered and disappeared without a trace.

"Tiangu is dead, and there is another Taoist who cherishes life. Maybe he will be useful in the future," Venerable Jiyue smiled with beautiful eyes, "You don't mind if I do it as a favor, right?"

As he spoke, endless energy surged out of the palm of Venerable Jiyue, blending into the depths of the void along the cracks in the void, and was swallowed and absorbed by the figure in the divine water formation.

Lord Li Kong snorted angrily and did not stop him.

In fact, it was useless to stop him. Although Gu Xiuyun's physical body was only five inches in size, the power of his true energy was not reduced at all. The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand combined with the Dawn Taoist technique instantly killed half of the true spirit realm and swallowed up a huge amount of spiritual power.

In the blink of an eye, the five-inch body grew to three feet tall.

"This isn't going to kill you?"

The ancestor of the horned dragon glanced around, and the long and narrow black dragon body twisted suddenly and galloped towards the edge of the world. It was not that it was afraid, but that the Gu Xiuyun in front of it was too weird and had no benefit. How could it risk its life? Fight?

Ancestor Qiu Long has always been a master who never suffers losses.

Patriarch Changning also received the order from Venerable Jinyin, and without stopping at all, he stepped out of the edge of the void in several consecutive steps, followed closely by Patriarch Yuyang.

Patriarch Shuiyuan also wanted to leave, but was blocked by a sword light.

"Others can leave. The four Changli sects have grievances with me, so they should stay!!"

"It's shameless to talk big."

Patriarch Li Jing laughed angrily, with no fear on his face. He waved his spiritual treasure and killed Gu Xiuyun.

"Li Jing?"

Patriarch Shuiyuan was shocked and confused. Patriarch Lijing dared to face Gu Xiuyun alone? Aren't you afraid of death?

The gap between the fourth realm and the fifth realm is comparable to the Tianshi realm and the Tianshu realm. Once Yuanxian Taoism comes out, who can resist it?

"No matter what Li Jing's plan is, Pindao still puts his life first."

Patriarch Shuiyuan's body swayed, like water flowing backwards from the sky, passing through the barrier of space and flying into the distance.


Night fell, and then the red flame sword light tore through the darkness and tore the body of Patriarch Li Jing into pieces. The killing power filled the void, and the strong man in the fourth realm - Patriarch Li Jing, fell.

"Is he dead now?"

Patriarch Shuiyuan glanced behind him, feeling horrified, and his speed surged again.

From the broken flesh and blood, a figure rushed out suddenly, with an expression full of the will to die. His whole body, even his palms and chest were covered with spiritual treasures.

"Master Xi Ming, today is the day of your death!!"

Great Neng Li Kan roared angrily, and tried his best to mobilize the participating Yuan Power in his body to kill forward.

"True artistic conception?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly and felt a little bad in his heart, but for some reason, the nine-yuan arithmetic that had been running did not bring him any sense of crisis.

Poof! !

The red flame sword light appeared again. Out of caution, Gu Xiuyun did not let the other party get close to him, so as not to be attacked by treasures such as the Bone-corroding Tribulation Pearl again.

The sword light swept through the void and instantly tore apart Li Kan's body.

But at this moment, he finally discovered the source of the uneasiness in his heart. The great power of Li Kan mobilized his Yuan energy, and instead of using secret attacks, he activated all the cave spiritual treasures around him. The two energies of life and death evolved from the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand poured in like a tide. Every piece of cave spiritual treasure is deep inside.

Inside the cave spiritual treasure, there are densely packed mortals, the number of which is immeasurable. One cave spiritual treasure can contain hundreds of billions of mortals.

Thousands of cave spiritual treasures, like bells, hung all over his body, millions of mortals, the almost terrifying number made Gu Xiuyun's face completely change!

Almost instantly, the two energies of life and death filled all the spiritual treasures, and millions of mortals were killed or injured.

Li Kan Da Neng's mouth showed a hint of pride.

He didn't have a defensive spiritual treasure on his body, only a slightly dark yellow talisman stuck on his back. This talisman came from Master Tiangu. The place where the talisman was suppressed was the place where Zangyuan covered the sky.

Master Tiangu spent all his life and finally succeeded in plotting against Gu Xiuyun.

The monstrous cause and effect of killing millions and billions of mortals, which even made the venerable become pale, is coming at this moment.

PS: I have been waiting for so long, and finally I have written the title of this volume. Many foreshadowings are about to be revealed. Since I am a destiny-defying fortune teller, I must not take the ordinary path. Yes, the protagonist is cultivating destiny. This chapter begins. , the plot really begins.

——! ! !

I'm really good at water!

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