Fortune Teller

Chapter 808: Sharpen your will

"In this state, you can't even evolve the particle structure and enter the twelfth level of Douxiao. You must first adapt to the torture of the power of cause and effect."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, resisting the tearing feeling deep in his heart, using the pain to sharpen his will, and slowly adapted to the pain.

The power of cause and effect is illusory in the eyes of ordinary practitioners. No matter how complicated it is, it will at most make the mind covered with a layer of dust, which is no big deal.

But Gu Xiuyun's mind seemed to have opened his eyes, grown a nose, and had the sense of taste, pain, and smell. The power of cause and effect was entangled in it, and the five flavors were mixed, and even some distracting thoughts of cause and effect turned into swords, slashing at the mind at all times.

This is not a flesh wound, this is pain from the deepest part of the mind. Every trace of pain is particularly clear. Thousands of swords fell at the same time, and the feeling of thousands of arrows piercing the heart can be felt almost every moment.

"Hold it, you must not fall asleep."

Gu Xiuyun gritted his teeth, and he didn't know how many of them were broken. "Once you fall into a deep sleep, I don't know how long it will take to wake up. I only have 30,000 years left, so I can't waste my only time in a deep sleep."

There was nothing he could do about the human real body. The pain there was ten times stronger than the second clone, far beyond his own limit, and it was simply not something Gu Xiuyun could bear.

But the second clone is different. Although Issei's pain is still severe, he can manage to maintain his mind. This kind of pain infects his mind all the time and is constantly tempering his own will. As long as he can persist, sooner or later he will be able to adapt to the power of cause and effect. torture.

Of course, if you achieve that step, you can only stay awake and cannot practice Taoist secrets.

Time passes bit by bit.

Unknowingly, four hundred years have passed.

The underground void is deathly cold and cold, and the unicorn monster seems to never wake up. Its huge body leans on the edge of the mountain, and there is no movement except for the occasional breath of air from the mouth and nose.

During this period, the unicorn's mouth closed three times, lasting a total of 170 years.

And Gu Xiuyun gradually adapted to the torture of the power of cause and effect, and gradually became able to control his mind, and even activate the physical particles to operate the secrets of heaven and earth.


The breeze surged.

Gu Xiuyun stood up. For the first time in four hundred years, he stood up. His physical aura was integrated, and his true energy flowed around him without any sign of confusion or collapse.

As for the Tianji Disk, it has been constantly integrating with itself during the four hundred years of refining the soul. According to Hu Xiuyun's speculation, it will take at least two thousand years to completely refine the Tianji Disk, but as his will becomes more and more powerful, , this time is also constantly shortening.

In four hundred years, it is not far away from being completely refined.

"More than 90% of the mind and will are controlled. It's time to evolve to the twelfth level and take the physical body one step further!"


His left hand cracked, and the scattered particles evolved rapidly. He had experience in the transformation of the human race's true body. This time, Gu Xiuyun was not in a hurry. A black hole particle was the first to take shape, and endless source power poured into it like a frenzy.

After a while.

The black hole particles are complete and split into a second black hole particle.

Then, the third one, the fourth one...

The Tianji Disk contains endless source power, supporting the transformation of the physical body, and the integration of essence, energy and spirit. The extremely powerful will actually stabilizes the particles of his physical body.

"The black hole particles of the second clone seem to have a much stronger endurance than the real human body?" Gu Xiuyun felt slightly surprised.

They are both in the twelfth level of Douxiao, with the same realm and the same method. The real body of the human race has already condensed the true soul golden elixir, but the black hole particles are not as good as the second clone?

"Is it because of will?"

"Martial arts practice is related to will?"

Ever since he broke through to the twelfth level of Douxiao, he has been thinking about how a warrior of the True Inspiration Realm should practice. If it is to evolve the space particles, he must construct an exquisite formation to maintain the stability of the space. The point formation method is indispensable, and the formation path The attainments must also be sufficient.

If it is a black hole particle, it is enough as long as it continues to swallow up external energy and enhance the mass and intensity of the black hole!

But is it really that simple?

The power of black hole particles is extremely powerful. As it rises step by step, it will eventually be completely beyond the control of the warrior. At that time, there will be a danger of extinction.

Gu Xiuyun has been thinking about how to control black hole particles. Now he understands that the cultivation route of black hole particles is to sharpen his will.

The spirit, energy, and spirit are the soldiers, and the will is the general. Only by combining the two can we truly control the black hole particles.

Half a month later.

The cyan figure regrouped, and the flesh and blood all over the body were integrated, and every hair showed amazing power.

The second clone finally broke through the twelfth level of Douxiao.

"Something's wrong!"

Gu Xiuyun took one step forward and walked outside the mouth of the giant unicorn. A wave of void surged towards him, but it only knocked him back half a step and failed to annihilate any chance of life.

The physical body of the twelfth level can already withstand the tide of the void. Only when you take this step can you truly embark on the path of becoming a strong martial artist.

The black hole particles greedily sucked in the inexplicable aura in the void and slowly transformed.

"My power... seems to be much stronger than the real human body?"

Gu Xiuyun swung out a punch, without stimulating any true energy. The pure physical force ripped apart the tide of the void, forming an invisible wave and smashing into the distance.

The power of the fist is breathtaking. The power of this punch alone is no less than that of Taoist Huang Zhi's full blow.

"Sure enough, the strength is seven times stronger than the real human body, and the strength of the will has such a great influence on the warriors!"

When the human race's true form first broke through, it could only activate one percent of the particle power, but now it has been enhanced by more than seven times. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the Five Elements Heaven-turning Spell and Yuanxian Taoism, to Gu Xiuyun, this It's like lighting up the road ahead.

"I have always been curious. Hei Yun also follows the martial arts route. Why can't he form a complete body with martial arts cultivation comparable to the ninth level? If it can be integrated into one, even if the twelve great gods join forces, they can't stop Hei Yun. Cloud punch."

"Now it seems that the strength of Heiyun's will is too low. He barely breaks through the cultivation level, but cannot control the huge power, so he can only maintain the form of scattered clouds and mist. Its control of physical power is probably not even one in ten thousand. "

"And now, I'm only close to 10%."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were filled with joy. After all, the hardships of cause and effect were not all bad things. The pain that was always entangled in his mind was constantly tempering his will.

In just four hundred years, his willpower increased sevenfold, something even Feng Leiyuan couldn't do.

This is just a second clone, and the pain it endures is not as much as that of the real body. If one day, the human real body can completely suppress the karma, will it reach an incredible level with its strong will?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun turned back and walked back to the giant beast's mouth, grabbed the heavenly secret disk, and started to activate it secretly.

The next moment, the two consciousnesses merged, and a severe pain came through the air, almost causing his body to collapse.

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