Fortune Teller

Chapter 816: The Underworld Ghost King

Deep inside the porch, seven islands float.

Thousands of miles away from one of the islands, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue stood in the air, surrounded by shadows. Above their heads, thunderclouds gradually gathered, as if thunder would fall at any time.


The golden wood coffin flew in, the Qilin corpse removed its magical power, and the porch disappeared.

"You are so brave, you dare to take advantage of the ghost mansion. It seems you are tired of living!" A cold voice came from the coffin.

"This is the chessboard realm, not the Langhuan realm," Gu Xiuyun looked around with an indifferent expression, "There are three true masters sitting in the chessboard realm, and even the ghost mansion has to be a dragon."

"That's not a small tone. Do you know that there are two true sages and six sages behind the ghost mansion? You cannot afford to offend any of them."

Jinsimu Jiejie sneered, "Looking into the endless void, who dares to be rude to the ghost mansion? Today I will let you know what it feels like to have your soul taken away from you."


A phantom waved out a long whip, and the whip shadow seemed to take no time. The moment it was drawn out, it came to Gu Xiuyun.


Before the whip shadow reached his body, he was blown away by the true energy.

The martial arts true energy is integrated with the essence, energy, and spirit, and naturally it can also affect the long whip that condenses the soul power.

The next moment, dozens of long whips swung over at the same time.


Dozens of whip shadows condensed into a ball, forcefully knocking Gu Xiuyun back half a step.

"It's rude to come back without reciprocating, so you guys should take my move too!"

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, and the Five Elements Overturning Hand started to move. The two qi of life and death combined with the martial arts true qi, shot towards the phantom in front.

The Gui Mansion disciple snorted, seeming to be a little disdainful. The aura around his body was uncertain. He stood far away and didn't even have the intention to avoid it.

The strangest thing about the strong men in the Ghost Mansion is that they have no physical body, and ordinary killing methods have almost no effect on them. Especially after turning into the void, they have the magical power of the void like Bai Kongze, and they are almost immune to all attacks.

There are only two ways to kill them, one is to use soul-like secret techniques, and the other is to use a large-scale attack to forcibly annihilate a void, leaving the disciples of the ghost mansion with nowhere to escape.

In terms of soul methods, who is more powerful than the disciples of Guifu? This sect has focused on soul Taoism since the beginning of its cultivation. As for annihilating the void - the Yulin Temple is full of seals left by the true master, tearing the void apart. It's almost impossible. These disciples of the Ghost Mansion are naturally confident.


The palm print comes.

The five elements blend mysteriously, emitting two colors of black and white, and the true energy of the twelfth level is filled with astonishing power.

The palm print instantly passed by six phantoms.


There was a soft sound, and in the stunned expressions of the disciples of Gui Mansion, the six phantoms collapsed and dissipated, leaving not even a trace of breath behind.

"How can it be?"

"What did you do?"

The golden wood coffin trembled suddenly. Since the establishment of the Ghost Mansion, no one except the Venerable can directly kill the true spirit masters of the Ghost Mansion without relying on soul means or annihilating the void.

How did the man in green in front of me do it?

"Is this what the disciples of Guifu are capable of? It's far worse than ordinary true artistic conception!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly. The moment his palm touched the opponent, the six phantoms disintegrated like tofu, without even the slightest resistance, and the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand hardly exerted any power.

If I had known this, I might as well have just waved my palm casually, without using the Five Elements Mystery at all.

"You arrogant person, I will let you know the true methods of the strong men in the ghost mansion today!"

The golden wooden coffin was opened again, and a human figure filled with strong ghost aura, with red eyes, dark ears, nose and mouth, and a ghost-like appearance came out.

This person is not a phantom, but like a zombie, with a real body, his chest rises and falls, and his heart beats loudly.


The zombie took a step forward, and the surrounding void actually began to tremble under pressure. It was hard to imagine how heavy this body was.

Gu Xiuyun squinted his eyes and carefully observed the fluctuations around the corpse. Gu Yue stood on one side, silent, but the fingertips hidden in her sleeves were already counting secretly.

If the ghost mansion dares to cross the void of the realm to come here, it must not be as simple as the eighth level. There is at least a ninth-level ancestor behind it, and it is the fifth level or above.


The zombie took a big breath, and all the surrounding phantoms poured into his body. Every time he merged into a phantom, the aura in his body increased by one point. Until finally, the aura in the zombie's body reached the peak of the ninth level, only half a step away from the Venerable state. .

"So that's it," Gu Xiuyun said with a look of surprise on his face, "I've always been curious. No matter how many disciples there are in the Ghost Mansion, there is no need to make such a big show of sending thousands of True Illusions to the Extreme Yin Sea. It turns out that those phantoms are all your clones."

"This is not a clone, but a ghost servant," the zombie sneered. "I have 1,200 ghost servants. They accumulate cultivation for me every day, and their cultivation speed is much faster than that of ordinary practitioners. The ghost mansion is known as The most powerful sect in the world has gained its reputation in vain.”

"That's too much bullshit!"

Gu Yue said, "There are many sects in the Endless Void, and there are nearly a hundred true masters behind them. Not to mention other things, the Eight-Eyed True Master swept the void, searching for rare treasures of skills, and defeated the entire Langhuan Realm. If you don’t get up, why don’t you see the Ghost Mansion taking action?”

"The two true masters behind the Ghost Mansion shouldn't have just appeared in the past tens of thousands of years, right?"

The zombie's expression froze.

In terms of peak strength, the Ghost Mansion is indeed inferior to many sects. The Ghost Mansion's methods are still arrogant under the Venerable. At the level of the Venerable, a palm falls, which contains the power of cause and effect, regardless of whether you are a virtual shadow or a real body. , all disappeared.

The two true masters of the ghost mansion may not be able to withstand ten moves in front of the eight-eyed true master.

"If you dare to slander our sect, today I will extract your souls and refine them and turn them into ghost servants," the zombie snorted coldly, "Before you die, I will give you a chance to tell your name and die before I refine the ghost king. It won’t be a waste of your life to practice it.”

"No need!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Why should a person who is about to die know his name?"

"It seems you are still aware of yourself!"

The zombie's eyes flashed with pride.

"What we that you are going to die!" Gu Yue said.


The zombie roared angrily, holding a giant ax and slashing towards the two of them.


Before the giant ax could reach it, it was stopped by a black and white palm. The palm was filled with the light of red flames. The two huge forces collided and forcibly tore a small crack in the tough void.

"how come?"

The zombie looked shocked.

This is a body that has been cultivated to the ninth level, and it is driven by the origin of the ninth level. It has endless power, but it is actually blocked by the opponent with one palm?

"It is indeed the fifth realm," Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly and said, "But the ghost mansion's methods are quite strange. It uses its soul secret technique in conjunction with the ninth-level body. If you encounter him in the fifth realm, you will most likely suffer big losses. !”

The divine sword in Gu Yue's hand made a clanging sound, lightning flashed, and the yin and yang sword energy struck out horizontally.

when! !

The sword light fell on the zombie, leaving only a faint red mark and not even breaking the flesh.

Gu Yue's strength is still at the fourth level. After four hundred years of practice, except for the improvement in martial arts, the immortal way has been stagnant.

It's no wonder that integrating the rules of wind and thunder is not easy, and the years of practice are often measured in ten thousand years.

After she integrated the two most basic rules of wind fluctuation and thunder fluctuation, the next step is to practice the two most powerful advanced rules of thunder of destruction and wind of annihilation. It is not easy to practice these two rules, but once she succeeds, her strength will rise again Soar to the next level.

Just relying on Yin Yang sword energy and martial arts cultivation, you can exert your fifth level combat power.

In contrast, Gu Xiuyun has been sleeping without waking up, with only his second clone struggling to support himself in the underground void. After four hundred years of struggle, his will has increased seven times, and the stimulation of his physical body is much stronger.

At this moment, almost all the black hole particles around him were in motion, and every particle burst out with astonishing power. Gu Xiuyun's control of the physical power was close to 10%. If not, he would not be able to block the zombie's giant axe.

"What a tough body!"

Gu Yue no longer chopped zombies, but activated the Thunder Sword over and over again, leaving yin and yang sword energy in the void and setting up a sword energy cage.

The zombie knew something was wrong, so he quickly withdrew his ax and stepped back quickly.

How could Gu Xiuyun let him go?

The place where everyone is located is only the outer void of Yulin Temple, and the island in the distance is the inner layer. Without the help of the Qilin beast, it is difficult for Gu Xiuyun alone to break through the ban set by Zhenzun and enter the interior of the island.

"Does the ghost mansion, which is known as the best in the world, want to flee without a fight?"

The big black and white hand fell in the sky. The moment before it landed, the world seemed to be darkened, and the night was deep. Then, red light filled the void, tearing open the darkness——

The two colors of black and white condensed into an aurora sword, which pierced through the zombie's abdomen, leaving a three-inch wide hole. The killing power contained in Yuanxian Taoism only penetrated half of the zombie's flesh and blood before being completely eliminated.

"The ninth-grade body of the body refining lineage is really extraordinary."

Gu Xiuyun sighed in admiration and waved his palm again unceremoniously.

The arrogance on the zombie's face has disappeared. The two people in front of him seem to be born to restrain the ghost mansion. Soul-based methods have almost no effect on them. So far, the Lianming Ghost Lord has not been able to find the souls of the two. .

However, every move of the opponent contains soul power attack. Lianming Guijun has practiced Taoism for tens of thousands of years and has never seen such a weird practitioner.

Thoughts flashed.

Zombie cast three kinds of Taoist techniques one after another, all of which were soul-based secret techniques, especially his unique skill - life-killing soul poison. As long as the practitioner was hit by this technique, the sea of ​​consciousness would collapse in an instant, and the true soul would collapse.

However, the two people opposite seemed to be unaware of it. The woman in plain clothes frowned slightly, and the man in green didn't even show a change in his expression. The black and white palm prints turned into fire again and struck at the zombie.

"The Five Elements Mystery combined with the Yuanxian Dao Technique, I was really unlucky. I didn't meet the practitioners of the Moving Mountain Sect, and I was stopped by this person first!"

Lian Ming Guijun secretly cursed the bad luck. It was not that he was weak, but that the two people in front of him were too restrained. Their souls could not be found. How could they kill them? ?

However, both of them are extremely powerful physically, and it is difficult to suppress them in a head-on fight. If they continue like this, they will be beaten to death by each other sooner or later.

After all, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue can draw on the original power to maintain their bodies, but the zombie body of Lian Ming Guijun is a foreign object and can only be nurtured slowly by ghost energy, and cannot be killed for a long time.

"Do we have to abandon our physical body and coffin and leave this place as a ghost?" Lianming Ghost Lord was a little confused.

Gu Yue's sword energy cage has gradually taken shape, and Gu Xiuyun's palm prints seem to have no end, falling continuously into the zombie's body, destroying 20% ​​of the flesh and blood in just a moment.

If he didn't run away, he might really perish here.

But if the coffin and zombies are abandoned, the loss will be too great for Lianming Guijun!

"That's all, as long as the mission can be completed, it doesn't matter how big the loss is."

Lianming Guijun made up his mind, and the flesh and blood in the zombie's body trembled violently, and the endless blood condensed into a long cone, which instantly broke through the void and stabbed into the distance.


The sword energy cage was also forcibly torn open, and black talismans appeared vaguely on the surface of the long cone, containing the aura of the venerable, carrying the soul of Lianming Ghost Lord across the void and into the depths of the island.


Gu Yue looked stunned.

The zombie body and the golden wood coffin are still here, but the Ghost Refiner doesn’t want them anymore?

"You run really fast!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, grabbed the zombie body, sealed it with Taoism, and then walked towards the golden wood coffin.

The coffin is opened.

Apart from the corpse of a young Kirin huddled up in a ball, there was only a liquid as black as ink. I don’t know what it was used for! !

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his fingertips and touched the liquid.

In an instant, a chilling coldness filled his whole body, and traces of ghostly aura climbed up his fingertips, as if they were going to corrupt his body and turn him into a zombie.


Gu Xiuyun nodded, with a smile on his lips.

"Brother cherish your life, what is this?" Gu Yue asked.

"I don't know, but it can hurt people's minds. If ordinary people touch this object with true artistic conception, their minds will be annihilated for at least a moment and a half, and their bodies will be refined into zombies." Gu Xiuyun said lightly.

"Of course, this thing is quite good for me. I am entangled with the power of cause and effect. I am tortured by mountains of swords and seas of fire every moment. It is rare to have a cold current soak into my mind. It is quite comfortable!!"

With that said, Gu Xiuyun grabbed a handful and drank it directly.

The liquid instantly spread all over his body, but the bone-chilling chill made Gu Xiuyun feel sour, just like drinking a bottle of cold drink in the dog days of summer.

He has never felt so comfortable since being entangled by the power of cause and effect!

Compared with the torture of the power of cause and effect, the black liquid is nothing to mention, but fortunately, this substance can freeze the mind and reduce the illusion of cause and effect deep in the consciousness. For Gu Xiuyun, it actually becomes an antidote.


The long sleeves were drawn across the coffin, collecting all the black liquid, and the two looked at the corpse of the young Kirin huddled aside.

After breaking through the stone wall of the Yulin Temple, the aura around Qilin became much weaker, the flames on the soles of his feet were weak and difficult to detect, and the thunder and lightning at the tail seemed to be extinguished at any time.

"How do you activate this unicorn?"

The two of them looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. At this moment, there was a faint fluctuation in the void in the distance, and a piggy with sly eyebrows came out of its head.

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