Fortune Teller

Chapter 822: Struck to Death by Lightning

In a small space, Gu Xiuyun was walking alone in the wilderness, looking slightly hesitant.

The waves in his heart were countless times more violent than his appearance.

The words of the leader of the Moving Mountain Sect were like a sharp sword piercing into the heart, shattering all Gu Xiuyun's beliefs!

Killing millions of mortals turned out to be just the beginning. The rules of heaven and earth were more afraid of him than that. He didn't understand why he was just a small true meaning, so why did the rules of heaven and earth fear him so much?

The sky was getting dark, and the weather was in early spring. The light rain was falling, drenching my body, and I felt a faint chill.

Madam Yu, Gu Xiushu and others have all been sent to the world of Tianjipan by him, including the tyrannosaurus monster and the black-striped golden dolphin.

Gu Xiuyun was the only one in this wilderness at this moment, because this realm was once completely emptied by the great master Li Kan. After four hundred years, many mortals were sent away one after another, but compared to the huge realm, it still seemed empty and lonely.

There are many dilapidated houses on the edge of the mountains and fields, which have long been blown to pieces by wind and rain, leaving only ruins.

Occasionally moaning sounds can be heard in the dilapidated houses, which are wild beasts inhabiting them.

Gu Xiuyun walked forward in silence. His eyes did not really fall on the wilderness. He just wanted to find a place to be quiet and understand his real situation.

The words of the leader of the Banshan Sect were like a sharp sword, piercing his heart, and like a ray of light from the sky, truly illuminating the darkness in front of him.

Gu Xiuyun faintly realized that some things were not as simple as he thought.

After walking for a long time, he came to a village. The village was surrounded by a bamboo fence with three floors inside and three floors outside. The sound of dogs barking came from the tile houses.

It was already dark now, and only two or three households in the village still had candles on. There was a constant stream of shouts and shouts, and in every household, there were people practicing kung fu hard.

Gu Xiuyun paused for a long time, his eyes distant and misty, not knowing what he was looking at.

It wasn't until the sky darkened completely and there was no movement in the village that he picked up his feet and continued moving forward.

After passing this village, there are villages one after another, and the fields are neat and tidy, divided into hundreds of large and small pieces.

Gu Xiuyun walked into the forest.

The stream gurgled, some night birds quietly flew low in the sky, hunting for prey, and wild beasts came out of their caves in search of prey.

A large striped tiger with a ferocious face walked deep in the woods, jumping up from time to time, its sharp claws giving off a cold light at night.

Hissing sounds rippled through the vines, and the slender bungara snake spat out messages, waiting for its prey to arrive.

Every living thing has its own direction of survival. Humans are the wisest and the only ones in the world who can control their own destiny. However, those beasts will always remain beasts if they don't awaken.

"What am I in the eyes of heaven and earth?" Gu Xiuyun was confused.

He originally thought that the Destiny Clan controlled the Divine Powers of Destiny, so they were feared by heaven and earth. After his reincarnation, he discovered that the Divine Powers of Destiny were just appearances, and the inner root was actually the Fate Star Chart.

This treasure allowed him to endure the short-term torture of longevity, and his mood changed step by step.

I thought that if the Life Star Pearl was separated from the soul, everything would be solved.

But now, he suddenly discovered that the hatred of the rules of heaven and earth towards him had never diminished at all. The divine power of destiny, the destiny star chart, and the destiny star bead were not the source of his problems.

"Master and Senior Jin Chong must know something, but they are just like the master of the Bishan Sect. They dare not say too much to avoid contaminating the cause and effect." Gu Xiuyun pondered for a long time and gradually clarified the mystery in his heart. "The rules of heaven and earth should be We will not deliberately target a certain practitioner unless that person has done something treasonous and causing great trouble.”

"Before the death of millions of mortals, my Taoist practice was not hindered at all. This shows that my predecessor was not contaminated by the monstrous cause and effect."

Gu Xiuyun was sure that the cause and effect behind him were only those millions of mortals.

That being the case, why would the rules of heaven and earth deliberately target him?

If it is not killing mortals, then it is violating the rules of heaven and earth on another level. The cause and effect brought by millions of mortals is just a key, a key that allows the rules of heaven and earth to kill him.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

When Gu Xiuyun walked into the city, the refreshment stalls on both sides had been spread out, and the vendors were shouting:

"Highland barley tea and freshly baked sesame cakes, come and try them!"

"Fish noodle soup, delicious fish noodle soup..."

"Sir, would you like some of these top-quality pastries?"

Gu Xiuyun suppressed the doubts in his heart and walked to the vendor, "A bowl of tea and a piece of sesame cake."


Soon, highland barley tea and sesame cakes were brought over.

Just as Gu Xiuyun was about to taste it, a beggar in ragged clothes and smelly came over, holding a broken bowl in his hand.

The hawker looked unhappy, stepped forward and kicked the beggar out, then threw away half of the moldy sesame seed cake, and then continued to shout.

The beggar picked up the sesame cakes and walked to another house with a happy face.

"Shopkeeper, since you are willing to give alms, why did you kick him? If you kicked him, why did you give him half a piece of cake?"

Gu Xiuyun was a little confused. At this moment, he did not use the divine power of destiny. The karma of cause and effect tortured his mind all the time. The more he activated his magical power, the more intense the pain became.

"These beggars smell sour and they are scoundrels. It is impossible to tell them with words. You must be ruthless," the vendor explained. "But they are also very hungry. If they don't give them anything to eat, they will die." In front of the door, the government still has to ask me to pay for the funeral expenses. This is a small business, who should I ask for explanation? "

"That makes sense."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

In the eyes of the rules of heaven and earth, am I that beggar? ?

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that the rules of heaven and earth directly kill people. They always use the three disasters and nine disasters. A being like Gu Xiuyun may be regarded by heaven and earth as a beggar in the city. He is disgusted when he sees it, but he cannot kill him directly.

After all, the rules of heaven and earth maintain order in the world. As a living being, Gu Xiuyun is also part of the order. Killing him is equivalent to destroying the order.

"Shopkeeper, do you want those beggars to die?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"I wish they were dead," the hawker snorted angrily. "I have hands and feet. I come here to beg every day. No matter what, I can make a living by being a tenant. Is it easy for us to do this small business? I still have to Feed them!"

"Then how do you want them to die?"

"It would be best to be struck to death by lightning," the hawker continued, "but you have to die outside the city. If you fall in front of a house, that family will be unlucky!!"

"Being struck to death by lightning... well said, well said!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up, he threw down a silver ingot the size of his finger and walked out.

He already understood why the world was so afraid of him!

Tianji Pan World.

Yan Suqing and others landed in front of a series of palaces. Before they could see the surrounding scene clearly, a green figure came to them.

"Follow me, everyone!"

"Where is this?" Mrs. Yu asked.

"The world of Tianjipan is the realm of immortal magic," Gu Xiuyun said with a smile. "It used to be called the realm of demons. Later, something happened in this world and all the demons died."

"After I refined the Heavenly Secret Disk, I evolved the original power into spiritual energy, which permeated the world and became the residence of practitioners from then on."

Gu Xiuyun led everyone into the palace. The palace building was wide, the stone pillars were often a hundred feet high, and a huge statue of the Eight-Eyed God stood at the end.

"Mother, eldest sister, Miss Yan, you will live here from today on!"

Gu Xiuyun said, "The spiritual energy of the Immortal Magic Realm is still very thin. There is only a sufficient supply of spiritual energy near the palace. If you feel that the Immortal Magic Realm is too boring, you can also go through the Shenzhu Mountain and go to the Living Beings Realm."

"The Realm of Living Beings?"

Mrs. Yu, Gu Xiushu and others showed curiosity.

"The people living in the Realm of Living Beings are all mortals. Four hundred years have passed, martial arts have become more and more prosperous, and there are a lot of innate warriors. In addition, there are gods stationed there, and the folk customs are quite different from Wuxiang Tian. It's just that where you go, it's best Don’t use Taoist secrets to avoid conflict with the gods.”

Gu Xiuyun reminded.

It has been agreed long ago that the realm of living beings is under the control of the gods. The gods need the power of believers to support their bodies and maintain the stability of the human kingdom.

After a few words of warning, Gu Xiuyun seemed a little tired. At this moment, part of his body was walking in the realm of the heavens, which already consumed most of his energy. He also had to maintain his body in the world of Tianjipan. He had to do two things, which was even more taxing on his already tight mind. big.

"Mother, eldest sister, Miss Yan, you each choose a palace. If you are not satisfied, you can also build a new one." Gu Xiuyun turned to look at the tyrannosaurus monster that was shaking its body and looking around, "Ni Ao, do you want to stay here?" Here, or return to the Eight Eyes God Sect?”

"Sir, are there no mortals in the immortal realm?"

"There are only tens of millions of people from the divine religion living near the palace," Gu Xiuyun said. "Shenzhu Mountain is filled with miasma and poisonous mist. Non-innate warriors cannot enter this world, so no mortals have ever lived here."

The Tyrannosaurus monster's eyes lit up.

A certain thought emerged uncontrollably from the depths of my heart, "Sir, leave the reproduction of creatures in the immortal realm to me!!"

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the Tyrannosaurus and understood his thoughts instantly.

The tyrannosaurus monster had an idea to control the world and become the true god in the hearts of countless mortals. After entering the true realm, it actually did it.

It is a pity that all the heaven realms are controlled by major sects, and from time to time practitioners enter the realm to preach. The image of the true god in the eyes of the tyrannosaurus monster has never been established.

Seeing the empty and lonely Demon Realm, the wildfire in the Tyrannosaurus Monster's heart burned brightly.

"I can leave it to you, but don't go too far." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.


The tyrannosaurus monster laughed flatteringly.

"Xiao Hei, what about you?" Gu Xiuyun looked at the black-striped golden dolphin again.

"I don't want to stay in such a ghost place," the black pig hugged the Qilin corpse, "I will return to the realm of the heavens after I have completely refined my bloodline."


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly and disappeared.

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