Fortune Teller

Chapter 826: Mountain Scroll

"Senior, do you know that Lord Li Kong has rebelled!" Gu Xiuyun looked at the illusory dragon soul in front of him and said word by word.

"It was expected."

The dragon soul phantom sneered, "The Silence of the True Master is his only chance. If he doesn't even grasp this, what qualifications does he have to achieve the True Master's path?"

"It's a pity that my cultivation is still shallow and I am not even qualified to compete for the inheritance of the divine religion. Otherwise, I would also have a hand in it."

Gu Xiuyun's forehead trembled slightly, his eyes were closed and he looked down upon two white-eyed wolves!

Still a blatant white-eyed wolf.

What exactly does the Eight-Eyed True Master want?

He suddenly felt that the waters of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect were very muddy. Venerable Li Kong had a deep mind and the Golden Dragon was eager to try. However, the Eight-Eyed True Venerable was like a fisherman hiding behind the scenes. No one could figure out what his plans were.

After pondering for a moment, he swept away all the complicated thoughts in his mind and turned to ask about cause and effect.

"Senior, since you are the soul of the Eight-Eyed True Master, you must know something about the secrets of the world. Do you know how to eliminate the power of cause and effect?"

"Eliminate cause and effect?"

The illusory dragon soul pondered for a moment and shook his head, "This is a punishment imposed by the rules of heaven and earth. There is no solution. Even if there is one, it is not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth. I haven't transcended yet, how can I know?"

Gu Xiuyun sighed in his heart.

If you don't even know about the dragon soul, is there really nothing you can do?

"By the way, I seem to have heard the Eight-Eyed Zhenzun mention that the Patriarch of Tianji is also entangled with great karma." The dragon soul danced its dexterous body and walked in the air. "If not for this, he would not hide outside the endless void. I haven’t dared to return to the realm of heaven for hundreds of thousands of years.”

"In terms of cause and effect, the old ghost Tianji should be the most involved. Compared with destroying the world and killing mortals, spying on Tianji is the most feared thing by the rules of heaven and earth. What's more, this old ghost has changed the future again and again."

The founder of Tianji is also entangled in karma?

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Now that's fun!

Patriarch Tianji followed the immortal path, and it is entangled with cause and effect. Doesn’t it affect the practice of Taoism?

"Could it be that the founder of Tianji has understood Taoism and relied entirely on Tianji to deduce secret techniques? He has so much lifespan to waste?"

Gu Xiuyun thought secretly in his heart. Under the entanglement of cause and effect, the difficulty of Tianji's deduction of secret techniques increased a thousand times. This was just the cause and effect of millions of mortals. The cause and effect behind the founder of Tianji was countless times greater than that of Gu Xiuyun, so much so that he escaped into the endless void. None of the heavenly realms dared to return.

Under such circumstances, the Patriarch of Tianji can still practice and even use the secret skills of Tianji to plan everything. It is really incredible!

"Maybe I can imitate him!"

An idea flashed in Gu Xiuyun's heart.

He can also use the secret techniques of heaven and earth. The destiny horoscope brings him great crisis and also gives him the divine power of destiny.

If one day, he can practice this method to the level of Tianji Patriarch, what does cause and effect mean? All crises will be easily resolved.

"That's right, it's the Secret Technique of Heaven!"

"It turns out that the solution lies within myself, but I don't know it."

Gu Xiuyun quickly reviewed the memory of Tianji Dharma in his heart. After a moment, he took a deep breath and looked at the illusory dragon soul, "Senior, I once heard someone say that the Eight-Eyed True Master got half of the mountain. I don't know what that means. Where is this Taoist book?"

"It's in the river," Illusory Dragon Soul pointed at the stream, "It's useless. I've watched and read it countless times. Apart from some simple stories, it's just the boasting of old ghost Tianji. I don't know why the true master regards it as a treasure."

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward quickly.

The stream was gurgling, with pebbles covering the bottom of the river. It was only half a foot away from the water. A piece of jadeite about a foot long lay across the bottom of the river, showing an unusual color.

"Inject spiritual power and you can see the contents of the classics." Dragon Soul reminded.

Gu Xiuyun tried to activate his true energy, and the jadeite quickly emitted light, and messages poured into the depths of his mind.

'In the seventh hundred and thirty-fifth year of the Lunar New Year, I entered a small world and began to try to practice the secrets of heaven...'

'At the beginning of the secret, mortals were the main ones, but I could never get rid of the influence of returning to Tibet. I finally decided to seal my memory, leaving only a simple Taoist method...'

'After several failures, I finally understood my own secret technique of heaven, and then advanced step by step until I reached the Douxiao level...'

'...At this point, it is difficult to make any further progress in the secret technique of heaven...'

Pieces of messages passed by, most of which were stories about walking in the world, occasionally interspersed with the self-narration of the Patriarch Tianji.

Before the Douxiao realm, Tianji Taoism did not have much mystery. After the Douxiao realm, there were many more mysteries in the words, and even some strange characters and patterns appeared.

After a long time, all the messages in the jade stone were narrated. Patriarch Tianji's insights on Taoism only reached the middle stage of Douxiao Realm, and then stopped abruptly.

"For future generations, this way goes against the will of nature. Once contaminated, the consequences are unpredictable. If you want to practice this method, you'd better enter the realm of the Venerable first, otherwise there will be unexpected disasters." Patriarch Tianji stated at the end, leaving a warning.

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flickered.

"Going against the will of heaven, unexpected disaster...fate..."

Before entering the Douxiao Realm, most of Tianji Patriarch's narratives were based on hexagrams. After he proclaimed his memory, he failed hundreds of times and finally deduced his own secret technique of Tianji, called Jiuyuan Suan.

But the Nine Yuan calculation only reached the sixth calculation and could no longer advance.

According to the founder of Tianji, Zangyuan's ability to cover up the heavenly phase and the past blurred phase has exceeded the scope allowed by the rules of heaven and earth, and belongs to the level of sixth-grade mysticism.

As for the infinite appearance of all living beings, it can be included in the seventh grade of mysteries.

As we all know, the mysteries between heaven and earth can only be found at the Tao Yun level at most. The sixth-grade mysteries and seventh-grade mysteries are created by the practitioners themselves.

The rules of heaven and earth are divided into five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space. Therefore, although the mysteries of the five elements do not exist in the world, they are recognized by heaven and earth. However, the secrets of heaven and earth... belong to fate. This avenue does not exist in heaven and earth.

Practicing the path of destiny is tantamount to going against nature.

"Cultivation of destiny means going against nature." Gu Xiuyun murmured to himself.

He had set foot on this road before, but it was later abandoned!

The Six Deduction Techniques were evolved by Gu Xiuyun himself, and he practiced them to the level of opening the pulse. It can be said that Gu Xiuyun had already completed the first third of the mountain scroll.

What he wants to practice is the Tao method after the path of destiny opens the pulse state.

"Boy, mountains are only suitable for old ghost Tianji," Dragon Soul said, "You have integrated the rules of the five elements, so you should continue on this path. There is a book of five elements on the mountainside, which is more suitable for you."

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The illusory dragon soul is only at the ninth level, so of course it cannot see through the karma behind it. If the influence of the entanglement of cause and effect cannot be broken, any Taoist book will be useless.

"Grandmaster Tianji's words are quite detailed, but there is no clear method of practice. According to the classics, you must rely on yourself to practice the path of destiny."

Gu Xiuyun was a little confused.

On their own?

To put it simply, what is the difference between it and nonsense.

This is equivalent to telling you that I have a small goal. I want to earn 100 million first. As for the method... I rely on myself.

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