Fortune Teller

Chapter 830: Opening up a virtual pass

In the world of Tianjipan.

The true form of the human race has regrouped, and the strands of soul thoughts are separated from the depths of the particles. The spine is flickering, and one level after another of heavenly gates lies across it.

The largest among them is undoubtedly the Heavenly Gate of Origin. The four walls of the Heavenly Pass are covered with strange patterns, all originating from countless species.

Thousands of years have passed, and Gu Xiuyun's understanding of the rules of space has made almost no progress.

Bai Kongze has also left the secret realm of Chijin Mountain long ago.

The second clone of the white-haired old ape is stationed in the ancestral hall. Although it has a lot of resentment towards Gu Xiuyun in its heart, it does not dare to act rashly. It is afraid that the other party will kill its original self, leaving Chijin Mountain unguarded and in danger.

"It has been thousands of years, and the current Heavenly Gate of Life should be able to accommodate the Five Elements Heavenly Gate and condense the Five Elements Yuanmai," Gu Xiuyun whispered, "It's just that the Infinite Seed has not yet been perfected. Although I have deduced the correct secret method to stop it, it must be maintained in the battle. In the early stage of Xiao Realm, once the Five Elements Heaven Pass is integrated, the consequences will be unpredictable."

The Infinite Species at this moment is a hundred times more complicated and mysterious than a thousand years ago. Six spatial rules are displayed in it. The exquisite patterns are almost perfect. When the Infinite Species evolve to the extreme, he doesn't know what it will be like, but he knows that this is a scene. A rare opportunity.

The Infinite Species are underestimated by the world!

This method is the only recognized method left by the Supreme Being in the entire realm of the heavens and even the endless void. It is simply unbelievable that a space can be opened up and lead directly to the source with just two restrictions.

Gu Xiuyun finally found the correct method of countless kinds, how could he destroy his opportunity just for the sake of temporary practice?

This was one of the reasons why he practiced martial arts hard.

"First open the virtual barrier of fate. If my prediction is good, as long as I upgrade the Six Deduction Techniques to the sixth level of mystery, I will be able to forcibly break the karma of cause and effect and understand the restrictions of Taoism."

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes and his mind sank to the end of the Five Elements Heaven Gate.

With his true soul golden elixir level soul thoughts and his ridiculously strong will, he could sense nearly a hundred kinds of fluctuations almost instantly.

The clearest among them is the Five Elements Rules. Each one is like a scorching sun, shining brightly. With just a slight touch, a complete virtual barrier can be opened.

The space is second, but it is also extremely huge. It stretches across the end of Tianguan, like a wall, clear and distinct.

Then came the rules of wind and thunder, like two bright moons hanging in the sky.

At this time, Gu Xiuyun sensed two similar but very different fluctuations, time and fate.

"Time fluctuations and fate fluctuations are actually intertwined, but they are distinct. Are the two avenues different?"

Gu Xiuyun looked into his mind and felt the changes.

After a moment, he discovered the difference between time and destiny.

There is no past and future on the Avenue of Time, only the flow of time, but destiny... there is no present, only the past and the future.

At this moment, he thought of a lot.

Time belongs to the material world and essentially has nothing to do with the living beings in the world. Everyone in the world is dead, and time is still time. It remains unchanged forever, just like the five elements, wind and thunder, and space, which have existed since ancient times. Whether there are living beings or not, they All exist.

Because their essence is matter.

And fate, cause and effect, life and death, killing...all kinds of living things can only exist if they rely on living beings.

Without living beings, how can there be life and death? Where does fate come from? Where is the cause and effect? Where to kill?

"The five elements of wind and thunder, time and space, are the eternal avenue between heaven and earth. They exist from ancient times and will not disappear due to the extinction of living beings."

"But killing, cause and effect, fate, life and death can only be felt by living beings, so they are called the Tao of living beings. These avenues... are created by living beings. Without practitioners, there would be no such Tao."

"Therefore, the avenue of time has no past or future. Time is essentially an eternal substance. The only thing that affects it is the speed of flow. Therefore, there are only two rules of time: time accelerates and time decelerates. Accelerate to the extreme, and in one thought billions of Years passed and it slowed down to an extreme, almost stopping.”

"And the way of destiny has the past and the future."

"Because living beings can feel the past and the future, miss the past, and imagine the future, this avenue exists in the world."

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun had a more thorough understanding of fate.

Destiny only has the past and future, not the present, because you can never find the present. Time is passing, every moment becomes the past, and the next moment belongs to the future. Where is now...?

In life, there are only the past and the future, and every moment between your fingers is becoming the past. Therefore, the Nine Elements Calculation only has the blurred phase of the past and the infinite phase of all living beings, one pointing to the past and the other pointing to the future.

This avenue consists of the past and the future.

His mind came into contact with the fluctuations of fate, and they quickly merged into one. Vaguely, he seemed to see the fate of the world, and even his own fate. In the countless transformed bubbles, almost all of them were scenes of falling and dying.

Obliterated by the palm of the hand of the giant who walks between heaven and earth;

Being robbed by the body and turned into flying smoke;

Being suppressed to death by a strong stranger;

Obliterated by the mysterious formation;

His mind was wiped away by the sword light across the sky and the earth;

Countless scenes represent countless fates. Looking around, almost all of them have fallen. Seeing those countless scenes, Gu Xiuyun understood that it turned out that the Tianji Pan could not stop the true master.

The so-called isolation of cause and effect actually has a limit. Just as the world of Tianjipan cannot stop the karma of millions of mortals, the cause and effect means of the True Master also exceed the limits of Tianjipan.

Suddenly, one of the scenes caught Gu Xiuyun's attention.

It was a picture of countless species condensed into form. A figure appeared at the end of the picture. His face was blurry, but his eyes were extremely clear.

When Gu Xiuyun saw the figure, the figure also looked at him, and their eyes met. After a long time, he saw that person, and that person also saw him.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun's hair stood on end.

With the help of fate, he could see a corner of the future. Logically speaking, the other party was just an afterimage of an illusion.

Is an afterimage conscious?

What a terrifying existence this person would be in his true form.

Gu Xiuyun's eyes fell back on Wuliangzhong. It was exquisite and magnificent. All the praises in the world could not express the beauty of Wuliangzhong. It was a scene that evolved the avenue to the extreme and returned to its original nature.

With just one glance, Gu Xiuyun was sure that the perfection of the Infinite Seed was beyond the realm of space and had reached an indescribable level. It was more mysterious than anything Gu Xiuyun had ever known and felt. He even felt like he was looking at the endless void.

Gu Xiuyun raised his head, and the phantom figure had long since disappeared, and the traces in his heart were gradually fading away.

That was a creature that even a ninth-grade expert could not keep in mind.

Time passed unknowingly. When Gu Xiuyun regained his mind, the virtual gate of destiny had been opened. This was an absolutely perfect virtual gate.

The lines and collaterals in the Xu Guan are intertwined, which is consistent with the Qi movement in the body.

At the moment of opening, the secret technique that Gu Xiuyun had been pursuing for a long time suddenly took on a soul. The six deduced techniques were in motion, and each technique was full of agility.

"Xu Guan is the foundation of the path of life."

"Fortunately...fortunately I have never opened up the virtual barrier of the human race's true body. Otherwise, I will not be able to upgrade the secret technique of heaven to the sixth level in this life."

Gu Xiuyun was extremely happy.

The Six Deduction Techniques without Xuguan is like Tao Yun without a soul. No matter how much you comprehend it, you can never break through to the mysterious level.

But now, Destiny Avenue has a soul.

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