Fortune Teller

Chapter 843 Materialism and Idealism

(Seriously warned, this chapter is purely made up, any similarities are purely coincidental!!!)

In the world of Tianjipan, Bai Kongze divided into hundreds of bodies, silently paying attention to the mortals.

Over the millennia, the realm of living things has changed less and less. Whether it is life technology, communication technology or space technology, every direction has been pushed to the extreme.

Of course, this is the ultimate for mortals.

If you want to go further, you can only step out and enter the immortal gate.

"Technology... takes a purely material route, and the Five Elements Taoism may be helpful to them."

Bai Kongze whispered to himself.

When he went to the Golden Dragon Palace this time, he did not read Lianshan or read other living beings' Taoist books. He concentrated on deducing the Five Elements Taoism in order to find the direction of science and technology.

It is obviously impossible for a mortal to make it through the Realm of Living Beings alone!

"You can't rely on spiritual power, nor can you teach incense and the sacred way. Technology... should be a brand new system to enter the path of spiritual practice. What is missing?"

Gu Xiuyun was confused.

Thousands of years have passed, and the realm of sentient beings has already developed science and technology to its extreme. Millions of mortals have participated in the research together. It is conceivable that science and technology have advanced rapidly, but even so, the path to immortality has still not been found.

Of course, there are still ways to extend life, such as... cloning, brain replacement, changing genetic sequences and other methods, but none of them are out of the ranks of mortals. It can be seen that these directions are wrong.

With the correct path of cultivation, one can continuously make breakthroughs, advance to extremely high levels, and eventually become immortal. More importantly, those who enter the path of cultivation can escape the shackles of mortal fate.

In the valley, Gu Xiuyun stared at the Five Elements Taoist Book and tried his best to deduce, but still found nothing.

"No matter which way of evolution requires the help of spiritual power, is it really impossible to get rid of the limitations of spiritual power?" Gu Xiuyun was thinking in his mind.

There is definitely something wrong with this.

Spiritual power is essentially a kind of energy, although it is much higher than ordinary energy. It comes from the power of heaven and earth.

Infusing the body with spiritual power can transform the physical body and strengthen the mind.

But warriors are an exception. When warriors reach a high level, any energy can be swallowed up and no one will be rejected. It can be seen that all energy can enter the path of cultivation, but the world has not found the right direction.

"Boy, why are you staring at the Five Elements Taoist Book?" The illusory dragon soul flew to Gu Xiuyun's side, "If you don't even grasp the origin, no matter how much you comprehend, it is impossible to deduce Yuanxian Taoism."

"What's more, Yuanxian Taoism is not just as simple as the origin of the Five Elements, but also requires the Venerable's own perception. Just like the mystery, the foundation of Tao Yun is one aspect, and the perception of artistic conception is also very important."

"artistic conception?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood where he had gone wrong!

The path of science and technology for mortals is a pure material avenue. Whether it is life technology, communication technology, space technology... every technology is based on material.

So no matter how they study, they can only extend the life of the physical body, and the consciousness can only last for two hundred years.

Because the body is material, but the mind... is not!

Technology belongs to materialism and is based on matter; while mind and will belong to another kind of existence. Only when the mind and body develop at the same time can we truly enter the road to immortality.

(Just making it up, don’t think too much.)

Materialism and idealism are two opposite existences, but they are inseparable from each other. Mortals in the realm of living beings have developed far enough in science and technology, but their improvement in mind and will is still in the most primitive stage.

In this regard, martial arts is far ahead of the curve.

From acquired to innate, one must integrate spirit, energy, and spirit, the body must be strong enough, and the mind must be tough enough before one can enter the path of cultivation.

As his thoughts flashed, Bai Kongze used the Six Deduction Techniques again. This time, he saw a vague future that was different from the immortal way, the martial way, and the Shinto——

It is a cultivation system that belongs exclusively to technology and is based on the energy of the world.

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, separated a body, and fell into the mortal world.

Dingyang City.

The city back then has now been completely renovated. The Tiansong Kingdom still exists in the world, but Dingyang City has become a symbol of this majestic country.

The origin of science and technology began in Dingyang City.

The statue of Wang Zaifu, a hundred feet high, stands proudly in the center of the city for people to come and worship. On both sides are Gao Shilang, Li Shangshu and others, each of whom has played an immeasurable role in the course of history.

In addition, there is a statue of a stooped, white-haired old man leaning against a stone-paved rice field.

The old man surnamed Yuan, the world has forgotten his name, but everyone knows that he officially transformed the realm of living beings from agricultural civilization to technological civilization.

Among the crowd, a figure walked leisurely and finally came to Wang Zaifu.

"Unknowingly, thousands of years have passed, and the world has changed. I will ask you to take action in the last step!"

Gu Xiuyun smiled, waved his uncertain palm, and landed on the statue.

Invisible fluctuations spread.

In an instant, the mortals in the city felt something, and turned their heads to look at the sculpture in the center of the city.

The statue of Wang Zaifu exudes bright light.

"Am I right? The statue is glowing?"

"That's right, that's Wang Zaifu's statue. It's dazzling, but why doesn't his eyes sting at all?"

Pedestrians in the city looked puzzled.

The dazzling light will definitely hurt the eyes. This is inevitable. The statue of Wang Zaifu in the distance completely breaks the common sense.

In just a moment, hundreds of aircraft flew in from a distance. The detectors at the top of the Nine Heavens stared at the statue. Invisible waves kept passing through the inside and outside of the stone sculpture, but nothing unusual could be found.

"Could it be that the legendary gods took action?" someone speculated.

"Nonsense, how can there be any gods in the world? With the development of science and technology, have you ever seen any scholar find evidence of the existence of gods?" Another person said disdainfully, "Those miasma poisonous fogs and Shenzhu Mountain are all... What does the special substance formed by nature have to do with gods and demons? "

The existence of gods and demons has always been controversial.

As for existence, after entering the technological civilization, mortals have been searching everywhere, but have not yet found any living gods and demons;

To say that it does not exist, the remaining demon flesh and blood, as well as the traces left by the fight between gods and demons, including the various natural disasters that were wiped out by mysterious powers thousands of years ago, are all incredible.

Only gods and demons can explain it.

"The gods don't exist, but what about the warriors? What's your explanation?"

The former immediately retorted.

The other person stopped talking!

Warriors are a mystery that still cannot be solved in the entire realm of living beings. There are fewer and fewer monsters in the world, but a group of warriors have still been cultivated. Many of them have used this to enter the innate realm, and some are even powerful. Reached the third level of innate realm.

But for some unknown reason, after the warriors entered the Xiantian realm, they no longer participated in worldly matters, including researching technology and exploring the method of immortality, as if there was a force in the dark that was stopping them.

Some people have also tried to capture innate warriors and force them to do research, but in the end, not only did they find nothing, but even the innate warriors disappeared without a trace.

Up to now, the Realm of Living Beings has been divided into two factions.

One group firmly believes in the existence of gods and demons, and has enshrined tablets of gods from generation to generation. The other group is only technological and believes that there are no ghosts and gods in the world. The so-called gods are just the imagination of mortals! !

The statue of Wang Zaifu is still radiating light.

One aircraft after another approached here, and a large number of soldiers surrounded the city. The most powerful weapons developed in the technological world were all aimed at the statue.

As for the pedestrians in the city, all of them have been sent out of the city. Except for the army, no one can be found for thousands of miles.

In a large aircraft that was a thousand feet wide, a slightly older man walked to the monitor and looked at the statue.

"Shang Shu!"

The sergeants on both sides saluted respectfully.

"Yang Shangshu, how is the situation?"

A dozen figures appeared on the other monitor, all of whom were the most powerful figures in the Tiansong Kingdom.

"It's not clear yet. The statue of Wang Zaifu is carved from marble and has an alloy bracket installed inside. It stands to reason that it won't emit light, let alone emit such a dazzling white light."

"This is really weird."

The expressions of more than a dozen figures are extremely calm. From their appearance, it is impossible to tell what they are thinking. As senior officials of the Tiansong Kingdom, these big shots are all deep-minded and have the determination to remain calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

"Lord Shangshu, the statue has changed!"

A sergeant came hurriedly.

"Change? What change??"

Yang Shangshu glanced at the monitor in front of him. The statue was emitting bright white light like an incandescent lamp. Other than that, there was nothing unusual.

"My lord, you have to see it with your own eyes to notice the difference," the sergeant said.


Yang Shangshu immediately walked towards the entrance of the aircraft.

A moment later, he arrived in the city in a small aircraft. The tall and majestic statue in front of him was as bright as the scorching sun. Yang Shangshu observed it carefully for a moment, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He closed his eyes suddenly, only to see into the depths of his mind.

A sea of ​​consciousness is looming.

It's like a transparent soul floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, so weak that it will dissipate if the wind blows.

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Yang Shangshu was shocked and confused. Just when he was hesitant, his mind had returned to normal. When he opened his eyes again, he returned to Dingyang City, with sergeants standing on both sides.

"Master Shangshu, have you seen that space?" the sergeants around asked quickly.

"Did you see it too?"

Yang Shangshu's expression changed slightly, it seemed that this was not an illusion.

"Sir, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster," a high-ranking government official frowned, "Should we use particle weapons?"

As early as half an hour ago, they had tried many weapons, but they could not break through the invisible light curtain around the statue.


Yang Shangshu shook his head slightly, "At least for now, it seems that the statue is not in any danger. We need to find out the reason first before making a decision."

In the months since, the statue of Wang Zaifu has been shining brightly.

Many sergeants were stationed around, and princes from the court often came here to investigate, but nothing unusual could be seen.

Except for that strange shadow space and the weak soul.

This day.

A white-haired, stooped old man came to the statue with the help of a sergeant. The sergeants on both sides saluted respectfully when they saw the old man.

The old man is one of the few great scholars in the world today. He has been researching life science and technology. The scientific and technological means in the realm of living beings have long been complicated to an indescribable level. It would take more than a hundred years to master the same type of scientific and technological knowledge. Not to mention research and innovation.

Every scholar is extremely precious.

"Old sir, the statue of Wang Zaifu is right in front." The sergeant pointed into the distance and said.

The old man looked up and saw that the Baizhang statue was shining brightly, like a scorching sun shining on the heaven and earth.

"Speaking of which, I have never been to Dingyang City since I was born, let alone paid homage to Wang Zaifu." The old man sighed quietly, "I have been studying life technology all my life, and now I am not far away from death. How precious life is."

"The world will remember Sir's contribution to the world of sentient beings," the sergeant said.

The old man shook his head and smiled, his eyes focused deep in the statue.

Gradually, he closed his eyes, and the sergeants on both sides were not surprised at all.

All those who come to Dingyang City will fall into an inexplicable situation as long as they stare at the statue for a long time, seeing a small illusory space, including their own souls.

But this time... the old man didn't open his eyes for a long time.

"Old sir?"

"Old sir!!"

The sergeants on both sides were a little frightened. The old man had a high status in the realm of living beings and could be said to be a leading figure in life science and technology. If something happened to him, all the sergeants present would be blamed!

Just when everyone was panicking, the old man opened his eyes, with a satisfied smile on his face, "So that's it...the direction I have been looking for is actually right next to me."

"Old sir, it's great that you're okay!" The sergeant breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, better than ever," the old man said with a smile on his face. "Take me back to the research institute quickly. Maybe I have found the future direction of life science and technology."

"Is the old gentleman talking about immortality?" the sergeants on both sides repeatedly exclaimed.

For hundreds of years, what all sentient beings have been striving for is the path to eternal life.

No living being would be willing to live a limited life, not even civilians, nor princes in the court, nor even great scholars.

Mortal mortals have seen the infinite future of technology, but they have discovered that the biggest constraint of technology is lifespan.

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