Fortune Teller

Chapter 886 Big Trouble

"The legendary Realm Master?!"

The black-striped golden dolphin took a breath of cold air.

The World Master has always been a legend and has never really appeared in front of people, whether it is the ancestor of the Dragon Clan or the creator of the Six Realms Illusion World.

But now, Gu Xiuyun actually thinks that the Killing Heavenly Lord is a Realm Lord?

"I don't know how much trouble this bloody thought will bring me!" Gu Xiuyun sighed quietly.

Bai Kongze became a sacrificer in the blood mist space, melting and killing, and he would definitely not be able to practice peacefully. In just a few breaths, he had already sensed the grievances of several powerful masters of the true artistic conception.

That is the sorrow and resentment of the dead souls.

In the world of Tianjipan.

The human real body looked at Gu Yue and Yan Sushi with a solemn expression, "From today on, Bai Kongze is strictly prohibited from entering the main altar of the divine religion. Once discovered, he will be executed without mercy."

"Brother Cherish Your Life, what happened?"

"Isn't Bai Kongze your clone?"

the two asked.

"It used to be, but I'm afraid it's not now," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sighed, "Bai Kongze entered a special space and was controlled by bloody thoughts... Now I can only communicate with that real body, knowing each other's experiences, and what else Nothing can be done.”

"If you encounter Bai Kong Ze in the Endless Void, try to stay away, as it will probably attack you."

"Blood thoughts..." Gu Yue frowned slightly.

This strange situation has never been recorded in the Taoist Pavilion, nor is it mentioned in the Venerable Notes in the Eight-Eyed God's Taoist Star.

"What should I do with the clone of Bai Kongze in the world of Tianjipan?" Yan Sushi asked.

"Those clones are fine for the time being," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The world of Tianjipan is isolated from the telepathy, and the bloody mist cannot corrode it. Of course, to be on the safe side, I will send all the clones of Bai Kongze into the underground void. From today on, Tianjipan The world is yours!"

"Brother cherish your life, be careful," Gu Yue said with a worried look on her face, "Bai Kong Ze is being corroded by bloody thoughts. If you are connected to it mentally, it will definitely not let you go!"


Gu Xiuyun smiled confidently, "Bai Kongze's body is just a ray of light and cannot practice martial arts. It is no match for me with the same Taoist secrets."

The true energy of martial arts is so powerful that neither the energy of heaven and earth nor the bloody mist can compete with it. After all, this is a great way to reach the sky. You don't need to rely on any Taoism. You can transcend it with the physical body of true energy alone.

Gu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

The edge of the demon god realm.

The face of the real human race was solemn. He and Gu Yue only said half of the story. The blood-colored mist in Bai Kongze's body was not as good as the martial arts energy for the time being, but the future was uncertain.

According to Bloody Thought, the more Bai Kongze kills, the stronger his will, and the larger the Bloody Mist he can withstand. At a certain point, he can reach the level of a Venerable through quantitative transformation.

At that point, there’s no telling who will win and who will lose!

With Bai Kongze's time and space talent, if he wants to escape, the human real body cannot stop him.

Similarly, once Bai Kongze takes the initiative to pursue him, the real human body will not be able to escape at all.

If he wants to survive, he must ensure that he is always stronger than his opponent. The best way is to improve his martial arts and destiny skills as soon as possible.

"Fortunately, after Bai Kongze was controlled by the blood-colored thoughts, he could no longer use the Tao of Destiny, and even lost his ability to deduce the secrets of heaven." Gu Xiuyun secretly rejoiced in his heart, "The Tao of Creatures excludes each other, and Bai Kongze practices the Tao of Killing. You have to give up your destiny, you can’t have both.”

The Tao of Creatures is completely different from the ordinary Tao.

Whether it is fate, cause and effect, or killing, their essence comes from the Tao mind. With destiny as the foundation in the heart, it is naturally impossible to understand the Tao of killing.

With killing as the foundation, one can no longer comprehend the path of destiny.

This is different from the Five Elements Wind and Thunder.

Just like a person, you can wear different clothes, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, it doesn't matter if you wear them all, but you cannot be fat and thin, tall and short at the same time.

The path of life is the foundation of life. You can only choose one direction, and it is impossible to practice both.

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun stepped into the space of silence and rushed towards the secret realm of Chaotic Mountain.

Compared to a month ago, there were almost no changes in the void land.

Yuqiong Palace, Linhan Clan... various human sects and monster beast groups are still stationed in their own territories, not knowing at all that the ancestors of the clan have died.

Not surprising either.

After all, soul lamps, life talismans and other means can only sense life and death within a small range. Once they are too far away or blocked by the secret space, these sensing means will become ineffective.

Only the induction between the second soul and the real body can ignore all obstacles.

That red cloud that day not only obliterated all the true artistic conceptions present, but also destroyed the clones and true bodies hundreds of millions of miles away. Its power was no less powerful than that of the Venerable.

All the great masters of the true artistic conception have perished, and naturally they cannot send out the message.

Except for a handful of forces, most sects and ethnic groups still don’t know that their ancestors have fallen!

The void opened, and Gu Xiuyun stepped out and landed in the void land.

Hundreds of feet ahead was the first mark of destiny he found. It looked like a simple footprint, but it contained astonishing mystery.

"Xiao Hei, you are prohibited from leaving the ten-foot radius for a hundred years. You have caused enough trouble for me!"

Gu Xiuyun snorted coldly and said.

"What does it have to do with me? You asked Bai Kongze to come over and join in the fun." The black-striped golden dolphin muttered in a low voice.

"I am just curious. Who would have thought that there is such a strange object hidden in the Yukun treasure house?" Gu Xiuyun looked slightly embarrassed. "No wonder the true master of the Tiankun Divine Clan wants to hide this object in the cracks of the treasure house. Even the sages in the clan Do not know at all."

The Taoist understanding of killing and plundering living beings can be called a demonic method.

This kind of Taoism has gone out of the normal scope of practitioners, and is more like a demon than a psychic corpse or a ghost mansion.

Fortunately, Gu Xiuyun was affected by karma and had difficulty understanding Taoist secrets. Bai Kongze was also affected by this. Otherwise, with his level, it would take at most a few hundred years for him to reach the realm of the Venerable.

This is not a good thing.

In just a few hundred years, it was almost impossible to make any progress in martial arts cultivation, but Bai Kongze became a true sage.

At that time, even if both parties have the same level of Taoist secrets and martial arts, they may not be able to match the divine power of the Lord.

"Understand the Tao of Destiny as soon as possible and understand the mystery of the seventh level. Only in this way can we fight against Bai Kongze's killing mystery."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

Today's Bai Kongze is still weak in strength, and the killing path is only at the level of opening the pulse, so when the two sides were fighting, the bloody mind did not use any killing magic.

Gu Xiuyun's destiny path is already at the sixth level, and he can gain the upper hand by relying on many magical powers such as rootless duckweed, destiny mind, and destiny distortion.

But as Bai Kongze continues to kill, his level of Taoism will continue to rise, and one day he will reach the sixth or even seventh level.

At that time, there will be big trouble!

Deep in the land fragments, a cyan figure sat cross-legged, immersed in comprehending the laws of destiny.

Time passes slowly.

Before I knew it, ten years had passed.

The Void Continent has changed owners several times, and the Linhan Clan, Qujia Clan and even the Human Race sect have controlled this fragment, but no one dares to provoke Gu Xiuyun.

Because eight years ago, the Linfang Demon King of the Linhan tribe broke out of the void rift. The first thing this demon did when he regained his freedom was to deal with Gu Xiuyun.

That battle shocked countless demon kings and practitioners.

How powerful the Linfang Demon King is, with a superior physical body combined with seventh-grade mysteries, plus the seventh-grade spiritual treasure of the Linhan clan, even if he has not reached the top superior level, he is not far away!

But such a strong person was wiped out by the five-color light.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Xiuyun actually didn't move his body.

After this battle, the Linhan tribe withdrew from the void land, and the Qujia tribe took over the land fragments, but did not dare to approach Gu Xiuyun within a hundred miles.

three years ago.

The great disciple of Yuqiong Palace, Xu Zhen, made great progress, repelled the demon king of the Qujia clan, and occupied the land fragment. Since then, this piece of land in the void has been controlled by Yuqiong Palace.

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