Arriving at the shaman's shack, Ivo noticed that all the students crowded next to the shaman and did not go inside. After greeting them, he asked why they were outside. To which they replied that today the teacher will teach the lesson here, and not in the house.

Having no other choice, Ivo simply lowered his tired body to the ground and waited for the shaman.

After 10 minutes the door of the shack opened and an old man came out with a staff, after examining everyone he said, "I see that everyone has come, then let's start."

Moving a little away from the shaman, the shaman found a small clearing, telling the students to make a semicircle around him, he began to speak. "Only a few of you know about the world outside the tribe, so having gathered you today, I decided to tell you about it."

Clearing his throat, he continued, "First, let's talk about the history of our tribe and the tribes around us. According to ancient legends, all tribes descend from the Ancient and mighty Titans comparable in strength to the Gods. A long time ago, these titans owned the whole world, their blacksmiths made the best weapons, which they compared with the weapons of the gods, their kings wisely ruled their kingdoms, their hunters got the best food. But this situation did not suit some evil gods who did not like the order in the mortal world, they wanted chaos.. "

Scratching his beard, he continued, "These gods could only quietly interfere with the Titans, but once the evil goddess of illness and death, Mara, opened the door between the real world and the world of death, from where hordes of undead emerged, spreading disease and destroying all living things. Finally, 13 of the most powerful and respected Titan heroes appeared, who dared to enter the world of death and fight Mara. "

Drawing a raven on the ground, the old man said, "As you might have guessed, these 13 heroes later became the progenitors of 13 tribes in the area. But now is not about that. 13 heroes, having gone through various difficulties, were still able to give battle to Mara and defeat her. But before she was killed, she burned her own divine body and divine soul in order to curse all the Titans, but then no one paid attention to this, since everyone was busy with the joy of victory over the evil goddess "

Seeing that the children were listening very attentively, he continued, "Only a few years later the Titans discovered the problem, all Titans stopped having children, many shamans tried to solve this problem, most of them failed. Only a few were successful, but the children of these Titans were very weak and after a few months, the babies were dying. Realizing that if this continues, all Titans will die out, so 13 heroes got together and began to think what to do with this problem. "

"During the discussion, one of the heroes remembered the curse of Mara, and therefore it was decided to seek help from the gods. But which gods to ask for help? The opinions of the heroes were divided. And they decided to seek help from different gods. Thus, one of the heroes, nicknamed the Raven of Tanheim, went to the goddess of Hunt and Life Flora. The kind goddess, who loved life and hated mad Mara, gladly agreed to help Raven, but this curse was very strong and in order to at least partially dispel it, it took the immortal heart of the hero. "

"The raven, as one of the most righteous, did not think long and tore out his heart with his bare hands, presenting it to the altar of the goddess. Flora accepted the offering and with the help of her divinity, she blessed the raven's children, thereby partially blocking the curse. Now the Titans could bear children, but it was still difficult to get pregnant, and their children were not as strong as the Titans, but they were all loved by the Titans.

"Many years later the Raven children began calling themselves Humans and continue to spread stories of their past through the centuries. "

Some of the students did not know the history of their tribe, and some were told by their parents, but they were still glad to hear the story. Meanwhile, Ivo, analyzing the words of the shaman, said "Master, it turns out when a fellow tribesman becomes a warrior and begins to purify his ancient blood, it will become more difficult for him to have children?"

Hearing the question, the old man smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately, this is so, if a strong warrior and a strong woman try to have a child, it will be very difficult, but there are some potions that increase the chance of pregnancy. Therefore, many warriors prefer ordinary women, not warriors, this works in the opposite direction, strong woman prefer ordinary men. "

Pondering what the shaman said, Ivo now understood why no one in the tribe treats badly those who did not go through the ceremony, because thanks to them, the tribe can continue to exist.

Claping his hands, the old man stopped the conversations among the students and began to say, "Now let's talk about where the tribe is."

After that, the old man began to draw various pictures on the ground with his staff and explain.

At the moment, the Raven tribe is in a silver forest, these trees are so called, because if you remove the bark from a tree, you will see silver wood, which is comparable in strength to some metal. In addition to the Raven tribe, there are 3 more tribes in the forest.

To the west of the forest there is a prairie where various demi-people live, in this prairie there is also a forest where orcs live, goblins sometimes even trolls, who often raid the prairie and the silver forest.

If you go north from the silver forest, you can go to the water, but the shaman warned us not to drink this water, since it is very salty, most likely it is the sea or ocean.

There are huge meadows to the east of the forest, where there are 7 other tribes, if you go further east, you can stumble upon a mountain range that stretches from the sea in the north to the southern end of the silver forest, thus forming a mountain arc, protecting the meadows. The remaining 3 tribes live in these mountains. The shaman also said that there is an icy wasteland behind the mountain range, but he knows little about it.

And finally south, here a silver forest, meadows and a mountain range join together, forming an entrance to a kind of valley, where meadows protected by mountains from the east, water washes from the north, and a silver forest in the west.

Pointing to the southern entrance with his staff, the shaman said "After this exit from our tribal union, there are lands that are also inhabited by Humans, but these people never recognized the Titans, so we call them heretics. In fact, they are much weaker than our people, our warriors are taller than they are, we also live longer than them. Due to their weakness, they hide behind stone walls and live in stone buildings. Sometimes tribes in the meadows raid them because they lack food, sometimes some of the tribes go to their settlements and trade with them. "

After scratching his beard, he continued, "Although they are much weaker than our warriors, they still have some special techniques that in battle allow them to be as strong as our warriors. Also to give them their due, some of the goods they produce are quite .... interesting. But our tribe still considers them enemies and we have few people in contact with them. By the way, the riders who attacked you Ivo were people from the south.

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