Finally, getting angry enough, Ivo no longer wanted to endure this, he began to look for any vulnerabilities in the enemy's defense, after all, he still had thousands of years of knowledge about how to properly fight.

Fortunately, the opponent's stance was full of holes, all these blows were very primitive, the enemy just swung his sword from side to side, increasing the pressure on the guy.

Deciding that it could not continue this way, Ivo decided to counterattack.

When the spear and sword collided again, instead of waiting for another blow from the enemy, Ivo hit with a slash from the right. The enemy shook his head at the inexperience of the child, because everyone in the tribe knows that the most dangerous spear blows are the spear thrust.

Therefore, the enemy did not care much about this blow and decided to simply block this blow with a sword. But instead of the expected collision of weapons, the enemy saw that Ivo did not complete his blow to the end, but instead stopped him, while a green flame appeared in his left hand.

Ivo, casting a spell, began to reach out to the enemy's chest, since unfortunately this flame cannot be launched at the enemy from afar.

Seeing such a blow, the opponent frowned slightly, he did not expect this, but he still felt relaxed, since he was faster..

He could not use the sword, as Ivo's spear was still threatening him, so he held his sword in his left hand, dodged to the right and pushed with his right shoulder Ivo's left hand, in which he held his flame.

From such a jolt, the energy in his hand went astray and the fire went out, but Ivo did not worry about this. He used the momentum of this push to grab the spear with both hands, and then, continuing to twirl on one leg, bent over and made a 360-degree turn, hitting the opponent's ankle with the blunt end of the spear.

After this blow, the enemy completely lost his balance and Ivo, taking advantage of this opportunity, hit thith sharp end of the spear right into the throat of the enemy.

The adversary did not expect at all that this child would be able to take advantage of his own impetus. Therefore, having lost his balance, he was absolutely not ready for such an attack, he could only see the spear approaching his neck.

When Ivo already felt the taste of victory, suddenly a green vine burst out of the ground and wrapped around his legs and arms. When he tried to move, he failed.

Feeling a huge surge of rage and anger, Ivo roared, filled with an unexpected surge of strength, and began to tear these vines.

In this one, system notifications began to appear, but Ivo, under the influence of the drug, did not pay attention to them at all, the only thing that interested him now was his opponent.

When Ivo escaped from the vine, his opponent had already taken a defensive posture, while complex emotions were reflected on the enemy's face, but Ivo did not care much, therefore, grabbing the spear with his right hand, he rushed forward, striking the enemy with sweeping spear blows, although Ivo still could penetrate his defenses, he felt that his blows were much stronger than before and his opponent had to apply force to block his blows.

At that moment, the enemy no longer began to disdain Ivo's sweeping blows, because under such an onslaught of blows, this child could once again make some kind of feint.

Suppressing his opponent with constant blows, Ivo noticed with his peripheral vision that someone crept up to him from behind and was about to strike from behind, inflicting another blow, Ivo turned sharply, blocking the blow with his spear .... club? But why do the southerners have a club? Ivo didn't care.

Blocking the blow, Ivo with a sharp movement stuck the blunt part of the spear into the ground, and leaning on a spear, like a pole vaulter, the guy jumped, striking his leg right in the face of the enemy with a club.

For enemy number 2, the kick was unexpected, he thought he could sneak up on the guy and stun him with his club, so he did not hit with all his might, so as not to break his skull.

Having stunned his enemy with kicks in the head, Ivo was about to pierce the newcomer with a spear, when he saw something flickering on the left, and then he realized that it was someone's bulky fist, unfortunately this fist was very fast and he could not react ...

When this blow hit him in the head, Ivo flew a couple of meters from the battle site, and then lost consciousness.

PoV Vesta.

Sitting on her father's shoulders, the girl happily watched her brother's ceremony. She also has to go through this ceremony, but since such a holiday happens only once every two years, she can become a warrior only at the age of 7, this makes her a little sad, but still now she was happy for her brother.

When Ivo drank the potion and threw the bowl on the floor, unlike others who immediately began to fight the soldiers, he stood in place for exactly two minutes, Vesta and his parents, thought that he could not go through the ceremony, when suddenly, Ivo turned around. turning his back to the warrior.

Ivo was peering at something, and then turned sharply and hit his opponent with a spear. The warrior did not lose his head and, following the established course, began to fight with the boy, gradually increasing the power of his attacks.

Vesta and her parents carefully watched all the blows that Ivo made, the mother of the family nodded her head at some movements, agreeing with Ivo.

But 10 minutes later, when Ivo made his first sweeping blow, Mother and Father sighed, thinking that he was still inexperienced.

Some of the children, who had already gone through the ceremony while resting on the sidelines, also watched the fight and when they saw Ivo's blow, they laughed slightly.

But when Ivo made a feint and held out his hand with fire towards the warrior, Cleo said, "So what he wanted to do is not bad, but this is not enough."

Vesta very closely followed all of Ivo's actions, memorizing in her head every move he made.

The shaman who followed all the participants also paid attention to Ivo's actions, since he is his student, he is important to him.

But Ivo's next actions made all observers of the battle open their mouths wide.

Especially Cleo and Kato, when Ivo turned 360 and knocked the warrior off balance, they watched his actions with expressions of "O"

Only one girl was happy and shouted loudly "Did you see that? This is my brother!"

Nobody expected this from Ivo, even the shaman was slightly confused, but quickly gathered himself together and cast a spell of vines that were supposed to stop him.

The vines wrapped around his body, the shaman relaxed, but he frowned, why had Ivo not awakened his blood yet? And as soon as he thought about it. The guy roared and furiously began to tear up all the vines that were holding him back.

After this, the protracted battle between Ivo and the warrior continued for some time, until the shaman told another warrior to come up and stun him.

Seeing another warrior approaching, Vesta frowned, "It's not fair, two against one."

The parents just smiled bitterly and said nothing. But when Ivo blocked the blow of the newcomer and stunned him. All observers were surprised again, except for the father.

Realizing that this could no longer continue, removing his daughter from his neck and handing her over to Cleo, Kato ran out onto the field, quickly approached his son, and when Ivo's spear almost pierced the warrior, Kato knocked his son out of the battle with quick strong blow to the head.

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