After Kato left, Ivo reflected on these practices and fighting movements. In fact, all the actions during the purification of blood and the use of fighting movements are very similar to the nature breathing technique that he studied earlier.

Apparently the creator of this world was very much obsessed with Chinese medicine. After all, just like in the breathing of nature, acupuncture points are used here. If doctors from Earth learned that a person can move blood through his body with his own hands as he wants, they would go crazy.

Indeed, during cultivation, instead of natural energy, Ivo must move the blood along the acupuncture points, thereby bringing the blood to a boil and gradually purifying it. The same is with the fighting movements, Ivo simply directs the blood to the right points, bringing it to a boil, and then strikes a blow, which turns out to be somewhat stronger than a regular blow.

Unfortunately, unlike the breathing of nature, where during the purification of energy, the necessary points for the further path are intuitively understandable, if of course you know where these points are, then when purifying the blood, it is absolutely impossible to determine in advance whether it will be a success or a failure, any failure forms a rebound, which causes a certain pain, depending on the points passed. But this recoil will not kill, it will only bring severe discomfort, therefore, after many attempts, it will be possible to create your own technique.

Having sorted out his thoughts, Ivo went to their joint training with his sister..


Over the next year, nothing special happened in Ivo's life, he gradually began to get used to such a primitive life. His life turned into a certain cycle: Training with his sister, Studying with a shaman, Training magical energy, purifying blood, developing his own fighting style and his techniques.

After Vesta saw her brother fight at the ceremony, she became even better at performing all the strange exercises of her brother and gradually, Vesta really felt the difference, she became stronger, more flexible, agile and more enduring than other children from their tribe, she was even better than several 6-8 year old children.

On her sixth birthday, her parents also gave the girl a spear. Ivo gave her a small round shield upholstered in leather, made with his own hands. In the tribe, shields are not popular, but still there are some warriors who use them, but unlike Vesta's shield, these people only have shields, very simple shields made from a piece of bark. Ivo did better and more beautiful.

The shield was made of smooth silver wood that Ivo carved into a circle, making such an even piece using stone and bone tools was difficult, but he still managed. After that, the wooden frame was covered with leather, when the strong base of the shield was made, Ivo sheathed the edges of the shield with pieces of panther hair, thus creating a beautiful and practical shield for his little sister.

Vesta was very happy to receive a new toy, and therefore, right after breakfast, she asked her brother to teach how to use this shield correctly, along with a spear.

Ivo took this seriously and designed [Valkyrie Fencing (Rare)] especially for Vesta. Although this spear fencing was only of the (Rare) rank, it could already be of great help to Vesta, in the future Ivo will definitely improve this technique when Vesta becomes an adult and can use more complex techniques.

In addition to physical training, Ivo also began to learn from the Shaman and his mother Alchemy and Herbalism.

Once when Ivo studied different plants and their known actions, he discovered one common plant in the silver forest that has hallucinogenic properties, but apart from this property, this plant also causes intense fear. The shaman also knew about this plant, but did not pay attention to it, as he did not consider it useful.

But not Ivo, he believed that this plant could be very useful. During his ceremony, Ivo suggested that the catalyst for the awakening of the blood is a large adrenaline rush. It is for this that during the ceremony, battles are arranged under the influence of drugs to make the participant nervous and produce adrenaline. But such a primitive society did not know this.

Deciding to test his theory, Ivo spent 1 FP, and asked this question to the system, the answer was yes. But now the question arose of what to do with this knowledge. Ivo wanted his sister, like him, to become a warrior at the age of 6, but unfortunately, she can only do this when she is 7 years old. If he independently awakens Vesta, others may have many uncomfortable questions, which will lead to an uncontrollable situation.

So having no other choice, Ivo decided to try talking to his teacher.

When only the old man was left in the shaman's hut, Ivo approached him and said, "Master, I think I have come up with a way that we can increase the number of people who can successfully pass the ceremony."

The old man, who at that time was drinking water and listening attentively to Ivo, choked on the water and began to clear his throat, after a few seconds he said. "Um, Ivo, I understand that you want to help the tribe and you are very talented but ..."

Before he had finished, Ivo interrupted him "Teacher, you don't understand, let me first show you my research, and then you'll draw a conclusion."

Seeing the tenacity of his younger student, the old man had no choice but to wave his hand to him to listen to his words.

Smiling, Ivo began to say, "After the ceremony was over, I thought about what was going on. I realized that you were giving us a drug so that we could feel in a more disadvantageous situation, and the gradual increase in the onslaught of the enemy forces us, as it were, to be on the edge of our life. It is in such a situation that the common man awakens his blood and becomes a warrior. "

Seeing the tacit consent of the Shaman, Ivo continued, "But remembering this ceremony and the time when I was the only one who survived the attack of the southerners, I found one pattern in these two situations, not a lust for blood, but a desire to survive and a very strong fear, so I believe that these two factors are the main prerequisites for the beginning of the awakening. "

Noticing that the old man was about to object, Ivo interrupted him, "You probably want to ask, why then did I not wake up that day? Well, firstly, I was less than 6, and secondly, I did not meet the conditions for awakening. After the ceremony, I found those children who could not go through the ceremony and learned from them how they felt at that moment. And do you know what they answered? They were simply tired and could not fight further, among these children was a very strong boy, who also failed because he began to feel a terrible heaviness in his body after 5 minutes of fighting. Therefore, my conclusion is that the main factor for awakening is good endurance. "

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