After thinking about ways to help solve this problem, Ivo never came up with anything. Of course, he could spend his FP and find out the solution, but he decided not to do this, as it might look suspicious, improve the technique of passing the ceremony, already. is very indicative for a 7-year-old child, if he still solves the problem of the population, the leader and the shaman may begin to suspect something.

Noticing the complex emotions on Ivo's face, the leader said, "Well, now you understand the scale of the problem. I will naturally reward you for your help to the tribe, but until the problem of fertility is resolved, we will not use your method "

Ivo just nodded in agreement, but suddenly he had a thought and he asked, "Have there been any earlier cases when one tribe captured another?"

The leader narrowed his eyes and looked at Ivo for a long time, and then said, "There really were conflicts and even wars between the tribes, but not one tribe has conquered another."

Ivo nodded his head, said goodbye to the leader and left..

What the guy did not know is that after the words of the leader, the desire to become the first to unite other tribes was kindled. So he asked the shaman, "Do you think if we start using his technique, we can defeat other tribes?"

The shaman first nodded his head, and then said "I closely watched his sister, and I must say that after awakening she became much stronger, unlike other participants in the ceremony, apparently Ivo's exercises can really improve the bodies of warriors. But before starting a war, we will need to wait 16-20 years until we train new warriors. "

The chief nodded, then he scratched his chin and said, "So be it, announce to the tribe that Ivo has discovered a new method of awakening and now we will hold a ceremony every year. Also ask Ivo to share training methods, but do not tell him that we are preparing for war, while only you and I will know about it "

The old man nodded and left the Chief's house.

Meanwhile, Ivo did not know about the conversation between the shaman and the leader, he also thought that war was a good way to increase the population of the tribe. But Ivo was in no hurry, this body is only 7 years old, and the descendants of the titans live for a very long time, the titans themselves, according to the stories of the shaman, are immortal, so he still has a lot of time

Why does Ivo want to strengthen his tribe? All because in this way he can protect his family. During this year, he really fell in love with his new family, especially his younger sister, so he will fight with all his might for their happy life.

The next day, Ivo was surprised when he found out that the Leader had nevertheless decided to start conducting ceremonies according to the Ivo method, when asked why the leader changed his mind? The shaman simply said that it would be better for the tribe, and it would be possible to find a solution to increase the population later.

Not completely believing the words of the shaman and realizing that he was hiding something, Ivo did not really think about this, so the next day after the shaman was announced about a new method, many children joined Ivo and Vesta's training.

Ivo was only happy about this, because when he was training children, he was credited with FP, in addition to this, he changed his systemic outlook to True-Good, thanks to this, instead of the scanty 0.1 ~ 0.3, Ivo began to receive 1 ~ 3 FP each. By the way, the system window also changed its appearance, instead of the standard black, it became white with a golden glow and a golden frame around the window, the text became completely golden.

The voice of the system has also changed, now it is a kind, energetic old man with a righteous disposition.

Some warriors were skeptical that Ivo was forcing their children to do some strange exercises, but due to the support of the shaman and the leader, they could not say anything against it.

Yet although the leader supported Ivo, and the tribesmen did not dare to oppose, they still grumbled on the sly. But the result of the ceremony the following year silenced absolutely everyone. The reason for this was that all the soldiers who participated in the ceremony awakened, even those who did not practice until exhaustion, still passed.

After such success, the status of the Kato family, as well as Ivo himself, rose significantly, and now, in addition to his father and mother, Ivo himself has become respected in the tribe.


Life in the tribe continued to boil further, and today Ivo turned 17 years old.

On this day, near Kato's house, a young girl armed with a spear and a shield fought with another girl who was holding a long staff.

The first girl is Vesta. Now this little rabbit has become a real phoenix. Thanks to the genes of her adorable mother, Vesta became one of the most beautiful girls in the tribe. She has long blonde hair that falls to the middle of her back, tied in a braid. A beautiful feminine face with a smile capable of conquering the world. Big purple eyes that she got from her father. Plump, luscious and tender lips. In addition to the face, Vesta also has a magnificent body, she does not have very large breasts, somewhere of average size, but thanks to constant training, her not very prominent muscles emphasize her breasts. Also, due to training, she has toned, large, rounded buttocks, which drive all young and not only warriors of the tribe crazy. A smooth, beautiful back and an hourglass-shaped waist accentuates her beauty. Due to her titanium blood, her size reaches 2.1 meters, even surpassing several men in the tribe.

Her opponent was Ceres. Now she is 25 years old and she has also become a very beautiful girl. Unlike Vesta, she did not grow so big, her height is only 1.9.

She has short green hair that is braided in a small braid. She has beautiful, like a flower meadow, green eyes. Miniature nose and small plump mouth. But with this diminutiveness comes big breasts and buttocks, which often bring pain to her back, not the most pleasant thing, sometimes she even envies Vesta. She also began training under Ivo's guidance, so she also has a toned and athletic body.

Why is she now listening to Ivo's directions? It's simple.

After some time, this young girl stopped competing with Ivo, and later they became friends altogether.

Therefore, when Ceres found out that Ivo has a sister and he constantly trains her, recalling Ivo's fight at the ceremony, she also asked him to teach her, so Ceres and Vesta became friends and constant sparring partners

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