Fortune's Chosen – The Legend Of Ivo

Chapter 2 - 2 - Only Neutrality Only Hardcore

When the memories ended, Ivo slowly got up, raised his head up, and then sighed.

Damn it, he really moved to another world, in a past life he was a military man, but he was young, so he did not lag behind the rhythm of modern life and naturally often used the Internet. Sometimes he came across several stories about the so-called travelers to other worlds, some he even read, but most of these stories completely disappointed him, the stupid main character, empty characters, the author's decisions with which he completely disagreed, etc. Therefore, after reading a few stories, he completely abandoned the genre and did not pay attention to them anymore.

His main complaint was that sometimes the characters performed absolutely idiotic actions. He naturally understands that people can make some mistakes, but not so often and not so stupidly.

But now he himself has become a part of such a story, ironically.

Sighing again, he now turned his attention to the so-called golden finger.

[Memory synchronized]

[Dear host, unfortunately you were unlucky in your past life, maybe earlier you were a cool casanova, a great warrior, a fighter for equality or just nothing, but now it does not matter at all, because thanks to the will of the greatest lady of Fortune, you were chosen as one of the users of the Fantasy system].

[You probably want to immediately ask why you are the one .... well, to be honest, the system does not know, it is just .... you are really lucky, after all, this is Ms. Fortune]

[Before you start using all the possibilities of the Fantasy System, you must choose 1 of 9 options for your worldview, on the basis of which your actions will be assessed, you can change your decision every 6 months]

[Lawful Good - You believe that organized strong societies with a well-functioning government can work to make life better for most people. Example: An honest and hard-working peasant, a kind and wise king, or a stern but just judge]

[Lawful Neutral - You believe in a strong and well-ordered government, be it tyranny or benevolent democracy. Example: An inquisitor who decides to pursue traitors at all costs, or a soldier who never discusses orders given to him]

[Lawful Evil - You methodically get what you want, acting within your own code of ethics or laws, regardless of the suffering of others. Example: Tyrant with an iron hand, cunning and greedy trader, black magician]

[Neutral Good - You believe balance of power is important, but the interests of order and chaos do not take precedence over the need for good. Example: A baron refusing to obey the king's orders because he considers them evil]

[True Neutral - You do not favor any of the paths in the choice between good and evil, and in the choice between chaos and order. You think that good is better than evil, but for some reason you cannot or do not want to follow the path of good when this path requires any cost from him. However, you can also devote yourself to the philosophy of harmony, thus you can consider that good, evil, order and chaos are dangerous extremes. Example: A magician who has devoted himself entirely to his art, a druid who believes in a great balance of power]

[Neutral Evil - You are primarily concerned with yourself and your own promotion. You don't have much objection to working with others, but often you go it alone. Your only interest is moving forward. If there is a quick and easy way to get a profit, be it legal, questionable, or apparently illegal, you will use that route. Example: An unscrupulous mercenary, an ordinary thief or a deceiving informant who betrays people to the authorities for his own purposes]

[Chaotic Good - Strong individualists, marked by the trait of kindness, but laws and regulations are of no use to you, your actions guide you on your own moral compass. Example: A brave trailblazer who always walks forward while settlers follow, or a robber giving out loot to those in need.]

[Chaotic Neutral - You follow your whims. You value your freedom, but you do not consider yourself obligated to defend the freedom of others, you avoid the authorities, you are indignant when you are limited in anything, do not respect traditions. And although chaotic neutral people are sometimes unpredictable, their behavior is not random and unreasonable. Example: A bard who lives by his own internal rules]

[Chaotic Evil - the death of all good and organized, here is your code. You are only driven by the desire for personal gain and pleasure. You do not see anything wrong with taking what you want, by any means possible. In fact, in order for a character to fall under this criterion, only two criteria are enough: selfishness and unpredictability. Example: Joker]

After carefully reading all the options, Ivo wondered, "Isn't this a D&D system?"

To which the system responded.

[Indeed, Mistress Fortuna liked this game so much, so she used some of the opportunities]

"Then what influences my choice, what does it mean to be assessed?" Ivo asked.

[All your actions will be judged by the system based on your chosen alignment, so if you become Lawful Good, good and godly actions will be rewarded with as many Fantasy Points as possible, while evil actions will deduct your Fantasy Points]

[True Neutral - Rewards points for any of your actions, but at the same time you get the minimum amount of Fantasy Points, you will learn more about these points later when you choose your alignment]

Ivo was familiar with this worldview system, since in a past life he had a sister who loved to play board games with her friends. Unfortunately, in the last days of her life, only Ivo was able to play with her sister when she was confined to a hospital bed.

After reading the hint, Ivo thought a little and eventually chose True Neutral, now he is in a completely unpredictable environment, therefore, in order not to limit himself in actions, it is better to be neutral, fortunately in 6 months he will be able to change his action if necessary

After his choice, the black screen turned into completely white, and the white letters turned black, the voice of the system also changed and began to sound like the voice of some smart magician.


Name: Ivo son of Kato

House: Kato

Age: 5

Race: Human (90%); Lower Junior Titan(10%)

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 7

Stamina: 12

Magic Affinity: 11

FP (Fantasy Points): 0

[Note that the standard common adult is 10 on all counts except magical intimacy. I also ask you to draw your attention to the fact that the menu of other people's characteristics will look different, since the system cannot and does not want to evaluate your charisma, intelligence and wisdom]

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