While traveling to a quiet lake, Ivo realized where this place is and how it relates to the Buffalo tribe.

The Buffalo Tribe is a large tribe located right at the entrance to the valley. In addition to this tribe, next to them there are 2 more tribes, one of which was in the silver forest, and the second in the Amshar mountains.

Thus, these three tribes formed a wedge directed towards the southerners. That is why, during their attack, it was the Buffalo tribe that was the first to suffer.

As Ivo learned, this tribe was the strongest and richest, as their warriors constantly raided the southerners, and then they sent their people to trade with them.

The quiet lake was located 60 kilometers from the tribe itself, thus, having gathered their troops in this place, the tribes will be able to stop the southerners from further advancing enemy troops.

With their endurance and strength, the warriors of the tribe got to the right place in just two days.

Ivo, as one of the most powerful warriors, led a detachment of 20 people, including Vesta and Ceres.. Since Ivo was a commander, he, along with the leader and others, went ahead of everyone. Therefore, he managed to be among the first to see the crowds of giant people near the lake.

It was just a bunch of different tribes who were loudly cursing, laughing, having fun, some of them even got into fights to stretch themselves before the upcoming battle.

Nobody paid much attention to the arrival of the replenishment, it did not bother them much.

The leader of the tribe chose a free meadow, appointed a shaman in charge, and he left to look for other leaders to discuss plans with them.

As expected, even his fellow tribesmen did not have the slightest bit of discipline, so as soon as the leader left, these warriors began to do what they wanted. Someone went to rest, someone began to train, and someone decided to join the physical competition of other tribes.

Vesta and Ceres did not go anywhere, they decided to follow Ivo, since they know each other well and at the same time it should be safer.

Ivo also believed that it would be better this way, but not even 20 minutes had passed since the first problems appeared.

When Vesta and Ceres were standing and talking with Ivo, suddenly a warrior came up from behind and grabbed the girls' buttocks tightly with both hands.

Vesta and Ceres did not have time to react, as Ivo rushed forward and knocked him out with a Spartan blow.

The warrior obviously did not expect this, therefore, not having time to group, he rolled over and flew off a meter.

Several other people who were nearby noticed the scuffle and stopped talking.

When silence fell, several soldiers ran out of the crowd, they ran to the loser and began to gently lift him. One of these people came up to Ivo, pointed a finger at him and began to spray with saliva "How dare you hit the chief's son, you arrogant bastard"

At this time, the son of the leader finally got up from the ground, wiping the dirt from his face, he looked angrily at Ivo, and then growled "Freak, are you so cool in front of your bitches?"

Then, he looked at Vesta and Ceres, mimicking back and forth groin movements, he said, "Don't worry, after I kill this brat, you will be happy to ride my dick."

Ivo did not bicker with this idiot for a long time, so without hesitation he took off the spear from his back and began to slowly approach. When he was halfway to the chief's son, the warrior who spoke earlier decided to push Ivo with his hand, but unfortunately, Ivo was faster.

He caught his hand and then abruptly twisted it. When the warrior began to scream in sudden pain, Ivo quickly punched him with his fist, thus silencing him.

Seeing how easily Ivo coped with his bodyguard, the shaman's son began to feel fear, but when Ivo almost approached him, a shaman of the Raven tribe appeared between them and said, "Ivo stop, you have already done enough harm to them"

Ivo just snorted, tucked the spear behind his back, and returned to the two girls to continue his conversation.

When Ivo left, the son of the leader began to curse everyone and went to complain about it to his father.

A few hours later, the leader of the Raven tribe returned from the meeting. It was decided by a general vote that several people from their tribe and from another tribe would go to scout the situation in the Buffalo tribe. The members of the Raven tribe included Ivo, a shaman, a chief, and a couple of other warriors. The shaman decided to go ahead as he really wanted to see the sorcerers, no one had anything against it.

People from the second tribe turned out to be the already familiar warriors of Ivo: the son of the chief and four of his bodyguards. When the son saw Ivo, he was frightened of him, only began to grumble quietly.

For several hours, the squad made its way through the silver forest to make it harder for enemies to spot them. When they came out of the forest, they saw that in the Buffalo tribe there were many bodies, ranging from men and women, ending with children and the elderly, all the shacks were heaped up and burned.

Looking at this, Ivo thought that in any world, war never changes. When he was in the military, in order to get more merit, he participated in many military conflicts and he often saw the death of not only his comrades, but also innocent residents.

During a careful examination of the tribe, the leader was next to Ivo, he spoke up, "Ivo, do you think, if after this war, we immediately attack another tribe, will other tribes protect the affected tribe?"

Ivo thought a little and nodded "Most likely yes, especially if they find out that we have retained most of our troops, but I think this situation will not happen if we can find a good reason. For example, if one of the tribes kills our fellow tribe, then the other tribes will not will protest when we take revenge "

The leader pondered, and then nodded in agreement.

When the detachment had almost examined the entire tribe, unexpectedly for the Leader and Ivo, they were surrounded by five warriors.

Noticing among these 5 people the son of the chief, Ivo frowned and said, "Do you really think that if you kill us, other tribes will leave it so easy?"

The chief's son laughed, after a couple of seconds he replied, "How will other tribes know about this if you do not survive? We will say that the southerners attacked and you were killed by them. Okay guys, deal with them, and I'll go distract the rest. "

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