As it turned out, the people whom the tribes called southerners are not one state. It is a large territory filled with empires, kingdoms, republics and other states.

For example, the city of Ledra, in which Ivo fell as a slave, belonged to the Kingdom of Breos, and now he is in the Metis Republic.

The Kingdom of Breos is mostly located inland with only a few port cities. In contrast, the Metis Republic is a maritime power. Thanks to its developed trade, the Republic has a large and wealthy army, as well as an almost invincible navy.

By the way about the continent. The size of this continent is not known for certain, since the entire concentration of states is located in the north-east of the continent. Like the Metis Republic, other major powers are located around a large bay that extends inland.

It is known that after the end of the bay, there is an insurmountable forest in which elves live. In the north of this endless forest, there are meadows where demi-humans, goblins, trolls live.. Ivo already knew about these meadows, since the shaman taught him many knowledge in childhood.

In the south of the endless forest, there is a mountain range all the way to the sea. These mountains are also home to Trolls, Orcs, and goblins who make frequent raids on the elven forest, some poor states, and tribes. But these tribes are not as powerful as the heirs of the Titanic blood, they are just ordinary people.

The mountains are also home to Dark Elves who have little contact with the outside world. In addition to the dark elves, Dwarves also live in the mountains, who are constantly in conflict with orcs, goblins, and trolls. But at the same time, they willingly make contact with people, often trading with human merchant ships.

Perhaps people know the most about the dwarves, compared to other decent races. They are tough and muscular dwarfs who have dedicated their lives to the study of metalworking techniques. But don't think that they are only capable of forging weapons, these dwarfs are also excellent warriors, who are only slightly weaker in strength than the barbarian tribes in the north.

Reading books about these Dwarves, Ivo found information that they consider themselves the descendants of the Deanids, giants comparable in size to the Titans, they are also named brothers of the Titans, since the Deanids, like the Titans, participated in the war against Mara.

But unlike the descendants of the Titans, Dwarves have no fertility problems.

Like barbarians, Dwarves are also a long-lived race, but unfortunately, their children are not as strong as the children of barbarians and they are absolutely incapable of contacting any magic.

For Dwarves, this is both a blessing and a curse, because of this they cannot cast spells, but they are also not vulnerable to magic.

Now let's move to the north, here, as Ivo already knows, there are barbarians who are capable of crumbling stone with their bare hands, but barbarians are barbarians, they still use animal bones as weapons, when various metals have been used in the Hellenistic states for a long time.

If you move to the northeast and pass the Amshar mountains, then the traveler will meet an icy wasteland in which various creatures associated with the elements of ice and water live.

There are also barbarian tribes that have the same physique as ordinary people, but in return, they have an increased magical talent, they are able to create magic much stronger than usual.

Finally, let's move on to the Hellenistic states. There are several other small kingdoms near the republic. It is safe to say that the republic is the largest state in the area.

If you move along the bay in the direction of the ocean, then on the way you will meet 3 more large states like Metis and many more small ones. These three powerful powers are called: Aplua Republic, Empire Skonia, Empire Atresh.

All of these states are located around Coral Bay. Thanks to the developed trade, all these states have a very powerful fleet, which constantly competes with each other, but conflicts between these countries do not reach open clashes, they mainly use small countries in their struggle.

In addition to the continent of Imia, on which these states are now known, there is another continent called Kavrix. Initially, when the first ships sailed out of the bay, heading east of the Imia continent, these ships found many archipelagos that they later colonized. But later, when the daredevils decided to study the ocean further, it turned out that beyond the archipelagos there is another continent on which there are the same civilized states as the Hellenistic ones, only with a completely different culture.

The Hellenistic states prefer to develop by the sea, but the Rudian countries, on the contrary, do not really like the sea, but prefer to go deeper into their continent.

Finally, Ivo closed the book about the history of this world, and then he picked up another book that described the structure of the Metis Republic.

In the Metis Republic and most of its dependent countries, there are 5 strata of the population: 1) A slave is a creature who has absolutely no rights, this is a thing that you can safely buy. 2) A peasant is a creature that is somewhat similar to a slave, but at the same time they have some rights, for example, their owner does not have the right to mistreat them, and is also obliged to provide them with food. Peasants can have their own money, and they can also buy themselves from their owners.

3) Demos is simple people who are absolutely free. These people can do whatever they want. They can also be very rich or very poor, but they are still demos. In addition to all basic rights, they can also have their own slaves and peasants, but in case of violation of the law or duty, the demos can become a peasant.

Demos can become a politician or a military man, and as he climbs the career ladder, he can become a Patrician.

4) Patricians are local aristocrats who became influential politicians or military officers. Any patrician over 30 years old can participate in the discussion of laws and the future direction of the state. All patrician children and wives/husbands automatically acquire the same status.

It is noteworthy that patrician status cannot be bought, it must be earned, so sometimes there were situations when some demos was richer than a patrician.

Also, Patricia has special privileges in clothing, men can wear a toga, and women palla, although their name is different, their application is the same. It is a piece of elliptical woolen fabric that is thrown over the shoulder and wrapped around the waist.

These clothes show the status of a person, allowing them to be distinguished.

With many merit and power, a patrician can be elected to become a senator.

Senators are the most influential people in the republic. For example, patricians take part in the discussion of laws, and senators create these laws. There can be only 100 senators in the republic, but this position is not held forever, but only for 12 years with the possibility of re-election, in addition, only its owner can have this status, his children and spouses are still patricians.

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