Ivo agreed with her and continued to listen to her carefully.

Vevet said "The most important thing about mana is that this magical energy can be transformed into any other energy, for example, I can use mana to cast spells that only work when using nature energy, but there is also a drawback in mana, all spells are slightly weaker than spells of a certain type of energy. "

After her words, Vevet went to the bookcase and took out some kind of book with symbols, and then said, "Each spell requires its own scheme, this book shows the basic schemes that are used in magic and runes, for example, the scheme of fire, water, earth and etc. "

After a little thought, she added, "But these schemes are not permanent. The magical community was faced with such phenomena as the fact that in one region one scheme produces fire, but in another region the same scheme produces water, mages have not fully studied the principle of this, but they determined that when creating a scheme, you must understand that does this circuit. "

Approaching Ivo and handing this book to him, she continued to say "Some magicians wondered what would happen if one magician creates a spell scheme, and another magician uses this scheme, but he will not know what this scheme is doing. As it turned out, using the scheme, the second magician cast the spell of the first magician. From this we smoothly move on to creating our own magic spells. To make a spell, we must mentally imagine in our head a mental image of what this spell will do, and the more accurate the image, the stronger the magic. After customizing the image, we must seal this image in some kind of scheme that fits the size of this spell and voila, you created a spell never seen before. ".

After that, she returned to her desk, continuing to write something, she said "Study this book and learn the basic runes, as well as the theory behind the foundations of the universe."

Ivo nodded, opened the book and started reading, but before that he asked the system about it.

[Transaction successful -10FP]

[The sorcerers are really close to the truth, but they're still not entirely right]

[When you come up with an image in your head, the universe remembers this image, and when you create a diagram or something else, you refer to this saved image. Imagine that every time you create a new spell, you find yourself in a completely empty apartment in an apartment building that the builders have just made, they have not even painted the walls and floor. And once you find yourself in this empty apartment, you decorate it: you buy furniture, paint the walls, spread carpets, etc. When you're done, your wife comes and see if this apartment is right for her. This wife is the universe that determines the power of your spell, so the more accurate your image (the best decorations in the apartment), the stronger and most importantly similar to your image the spell will be. Having finished checking your apartment, you go out into the corridor, being in front of the door without any identification marks. Creating the scheme itself means writing something on this empty door. It can be not only a scheme, but anything.]

[Thanks to these signs, when you turn to them, the universe understands what you want to receive, and the energy is transformed into the image that you previously thought]

[There can be an infinite number of such apartments. As you know, the universe is infinite, so most of the schemes can be the same, to distinguish them, when you use a spell scheme, you need to know which scheme you are using, it can be magician scheme 1 or magician scheme 2, etc.]

After reading the explanations of the system, Ivo roughly understood how it works. So, for example, he can learn one more scheme of fire, besides the one that he has. And during the battle, he begins to build a scheme of fire, which he learned from the shaman and receives the spell he wanted. But if he creates exactly the same, but already the second scheme, while he will think about the second scheme, then he will have in his hands a completely different spell, different from the first.

This is really interesting, so the fight of the magicians will be unpredictable and only thanks to the quick reaction and understanding of the magical fluctuations, you can predict which spell your opponent used.

But Ivo also remembered one important piece of information from the system message, as the address for the door, anything can be used, not just the scheme. Thus, in the future, he will be able to create a new magic system not known to the Hellenistic states, and maybe even to the whole world.

Apart from this, Ivo's advantage is the creation of a magical image. Yes, Ivo came from the modern world, where physical phenomena have been studied for many centuries, so it will be much easier for him to create powerful magic.

Finally, Ivo got out of his thoughts and began to read the book, mainly it talked about the senior magicians' presentation of the principles of various phenomena, Ivo read them all, but most in his opinion were useless, for example, some of the older magicians believe that fire appears simply in an increase in the temperature of an object. That is, this book did not describe any specific data, but only their thoughts.

Although in the past Ivo was not a physicist or a chemist, but with his system, he has access to any knowledge. Ivo was delighted with his prospects and finally finished reading this boring book.

Getting up and putting the book on the shelf, Ivo went to the exit from the office. Vevet did not stop him, as this young man spent so much time reading so many books, anyone would be tired of it.

Leaving the office, Ivo felt that he was a little hungry. Deciding to have lunch, Ivo went towards the kitchen.

The courtyard in which Ivo had breakfast and the kitchen were nearby, so when Ivo went to the kitchen, he saw Sarah lying on the couch playing the harp at that moment, and Lucas was next to her, who was always trying to attract her attention.

In Vevet's office, Ivo also learned that Lucas was not the slave who was bought, no. He was a Patrician from a small house. Unlike his brothers, he was lucky to have a magical talent, so he entered the magic academy, where he tried to stand out from everyone and earn someone's attention.

As it turned out, his father was a lackey of Sarah's father - Vitus. Having a good relationship with Vitus, his father wanted to bring them closer together, so he asked Lucas to become Vevet's personal disciple so that he could get approval from her and her daughter. Thus, these two houses will be able to converge, and Lucas will receive a rich wife at the same time.

Initially, Vevet did not think much about this, she only saw an average talent in Lucas, but his zeal convinced her and she accepted him as her student. Unfortunately, she later realized what Lucas wanted to do, but she couldn't just give up the apprentice, it would damage her reputation as a magician.

Also, Lucas's father convinced Vitus that it was a good idea to arrange a marriage between Lucas and Sarah and only Vevet's opinion was holding them back. Therefore, she has no choice but to wait for Lucas's mistake to kick him out of their house.

In addition, Ivo found out the reason why such a talented magician like Vevet, married this worthless fat man. As it turned out, it was a marriage of convenience. Vevet was a young and successful magician, but due to political struggles, her family had many problems. To solve them, Vevet married Vitus.

Initially, Vitus was happy to marry a beautiful magician, but after a while he began to lose his authority. Vitus was not very talented, just an average person who, even in politics, has only normal influence based on the history of his home and his relatives. Because of this, the power and influence of Vevet unexpectedly surpassed him and now he is the owner of his mansion only in words.

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