The next day, Ivo quickly coped with the whole routine and, together with Vevet, went to the city administration.

Since the house of Octavia was one of the richest and most influential, their mansion was located in the closest place to all significant places in the city.

Thanks to this, Ivo and Vevet did not have to use a carriage, they reached the administration after a 5-minute walk.

In general, each city of the Republic has its own head, who is elected from among the patricians and senators, by voting for 4 years, such a person was called the Magistrate, he was the analog of the Mayor in the city. The magistrate independently appointed people to positions, drew up city laws that did not contradict the law of the Republic, etc.

But since Cameria is the capital of the republic, everything was different here. Only senators were elected to the role of the local Magistrate, who was also elected by voting, but only senators could vote.

Due to the fact that the number of senators in the Republic was limited, the magistrates in the capital were the same persons who simply alternated. Thanks to this, the entire administration of the capital did not change much when the magistrate changed, only minor changes for the species..

Finally, Ivo and Vevet found themselves in the square in front of the administration.

In this place was not only the administration of the magistrate but also various other buildings in which patricians and senators discuss the future of the Republic.

This place was called the forum. In front of the entrance to the Forum, there is a large stone arch, the walls of the arch depict various warriors waging a battle. On the arch itself, it was written "There the people can have power, where the laws are in force"

In the center of the square stood a 6-meter marble statue of the Goddess of the Law, Themis. She had a blindfold on her eyes, depicting impartiality, in one hand she held a sword, and in the other a completely golden scale.

There were various administrative buildings around this statue, all of them were richly decorated with marble, gold, etc.

After looking at this beautiful square, Ivo and Vevet finally reached the building they needed, in which they dealt with population issues.

After a couple of hours, Ivo and Vevet finally finished all the procedures and left there. At the moment, Ivo was holding a rectangular tablet on which was written a description of Ivo, as well as the length of his stay in the Republic.

Yes, paper has not yet been invented here, and it is too expensive to use parchment for this, wooden tablets are just right.

After all this, Ivo returned to the mansion, when Vevet was about to leave. Ivo suddenly asked "I would like to do physical training in addition to magic"

Vevet thought for a bit, and then said, "You can use the garden, it is quite calm there and no one will distract you, but you can also come to the training ground, where the house guards train"

Ivo nodded, went up to his room, took off his tunic, just wrapping a cloth around his groin so that nothing would interfere with his training, and after that he went to the garden.

When he got there, he noticed Sarah and several servants, a young girl at that time was reading a book and eating grapes, while the servants standing behind her blew the wind over her with the help of large fans of beautiful feathers.

Meeting Sarah's gaze, Ivo nodded slightly to her, and then stepped aside so as not to interfere with her and began to practice.

Ivo decided that it was time for him to change his weapon for another, and it was also worth, for the time that he had, to try to improve his physical properties as best as possible. Although he is unlikely to be able to catch up with the leader in such a short time, he will also have the best swordsmanship and magic in his arsenal, which can greatly help in battle with its surprise.

Thinking of a new weapon for myself Ivo finally came up with a sword variant, a very versatile weapon that suits any kind of combat.

When Ivo thought about swords, he immediately gave up on the gladius used by the Republic warriors, as although these weapons are still dangerous for Ivo, comparing the size of the guy and the gladius, these swords are comparable to toothpicks.

Therefore, Ivo turned to his past life story and came up with a version of the bastard sword. This 130 cm long sword could be used as both a one-handed and two-handed sword. A sword of this length is ideal for Ivo's height, he can calmly wield a one-handed sword with one hand.

The only problem is how to get enough money for this sword, because although the Republican armies are equipped with iron swords, iron is still expensive and only the rich can afford iron weapons.

But he will think about it later, now Ivo grabbed a wooden stick, similar in size to a bastard sword, and began to come up with various movements and practice them.

Meanwhile, while Ivo was practicing, Sarah, who was reading the book, suddenly moved the book slightly aside to observe Ivo's movements.

Although Sarah did not understand anything about melee weapons at all, she had previously seen the soldiers of their house training, but their movements were very different from those of Ivo. Besides, those soldiers didn't have such ... perfect bodies.

After a while, Sarah stopped reading the book altogether, all her attention was focused on Ivo. Watching him, she thought about something, and then blushed slightly.

Ivo had already finished his training at this time. His throat was a little dry, so to get drunk he went up to Sarah and asked, "Can I get a glass of juice from you?"

Sarah, who was still in the clouds, got out of her thoughts and was a little confused, and then after a few seconds she gathered herself and answered with a nod.

Ivo just smiled, took the glass from the table, quickly drank the juice, and then went to do his remaining business.

On leaving the garden, Ivo met Lucas, who was most likely looking for Sarah.

Having a good mood after training, Ivo decided to play a trick on Lucas. As they passed by, Ivo jerked his hand sharply towards Lucas, but halfway through, he changed the movement of his hand and directed it towards his hair, as if it was originally intended. Unfortunately, Lucas did not know that Ivo was not going to attack him, he was simply frightened of this unexpected attack in his direction, so from a sudden fright he jumped aside, but there was no road next to him, there were only bushes with flowers, so he fell right into the flowers.

Ivo just grinned and went into his room. Sarah, who was paying attention to Ivo all the time, also noticed this, the fall of Lucas caused a little chuckle from her and a smile on her face.

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