For several days Ivo spent all the time in Vevet's office, studying any books related to plants and their effects. But most of the known plants and poisons had either an immediate effect or properties that were completely inappropriate for Ivo.

But Ivo noticed that the area of plants and poisons described in the books does not go beyond the area of ​ Hellenistic countries, therefore there are no books about plants in the north.

Therefore, it looks like Ivo will have to constantly experiment on the spot to find the right one. After thinking a little, he remembered that in addition to information, the system can also create something from FP.

Ivo asked "System, I want to improve the way to identify different objects, how much it will cost?"

[Improving the information displayed during identification costs 2000 FP]

Ivo now had over 4000 FP so he didn't care about them at all.

[The transaction is successful. System modification successful]

After this post, Ivo noticed how the information boxes around various objects have changed.. Previously, when he looked at something, he saw only the name of the item, as well as red and white colors, which showed the legality of using the item. But now more information has been added to this. Ivo took a common plant in alchemy from the closet in Vevet's office and looked at its information.


[The plant, predominantly found on the coast, has 3 to 5 rose petals and dark leaves. Used in the preparation of most poisons, but using only the petals can create a poison that paralyzes the joints]

[Effect 1: Poisonous; Effect 2: weak paralysis; Effect 3: Weak Anesthetic]

After reading the information, Ivo saw that, in addition to the name, a short description appeared, as well as all the effects. He also noticed that in all the books where this plant was described, the effect of the anesthetic was not indicated anywhere. Now Ivo has another advantage.

Now that Ivo had a new toy, he began wandering around the mansion, inspecting everything. So on one of these days, he heard the news that a battle had taken place between the tribes and the southern kingdoms.

Having found out more about this, Ivo learned that during the battle many soldiers died both from the tribes and from the southerners, but due to the fact that the troops were not united, this alliance collapsed and we can say that the barbarians won in this war.

Some kingdoms still remain on the territory of the barbarians, hoping to get at least something, the rest withdrew their troops. This failed expedition led to huge financial and human problems in small kingdoms, because of this, robbers and deserters began to appear on the roads, wanting to earn some coins for their own existence.

Realizing that the time had come, Ivo went to Vevet who was currently relaxing in the garden.

Noticing Ivo arriving, Vevet was slightly embarrassed, their bright night was not that long ago, so these memories are still fresh, but she still tried to keep a neutral face in front of her servants.

Ivo approached her and said, "Vevet, thank you for taking care of me and teaching me a lot, but the time has come, I must return to the tribe to take revenge."

Hearing this, Vevet took a deep breath, yes she already knew about Ivo's past, during 4 months of training, Ivo talked about his past and that his own leader had betrayed him. She was not a little girl and knew that he would definitely leave one day, but after that night, the feeling of parting was more unpleasant than before.

Vevet said, "It's a pity, I ... ..I hope you will be okay. You will always be welcome in this house. "

Ivo smiled slightly and replied "Don't worry, everything will be fine with me, we will definitely meet in the future, I promise"

Vevet nodded heavily and let go of Ivo. When he left, she closed her eyes, and then after a couple of minutes she opened them and said, "Now, it's time to deal with my husband."

Ivo at this time was collecting his things, preparing for the trip, he did not have many things, only his sword, several changeable tunics, shoes, some tools, he also had a bag with 4 gold coins, denomination 1600 asses and another bag with dried meat and flat cakes, will do for the first time.

Collecting his things Ivo suddenly thought about how cool it would be if he had his own storage space, suddenly he remembered about his FP and asked the system "I want to buy a spatial storage, how much will it cost?"

[Spatial storage, 10cm by 10cm costs 1000FP, each 10cm increase costs 1000FP]

Ivo thought about it and asked, "Can you tell more about this storage?"

[In this storage, time is absolutely stopped, therefore, any things can be here forever, in addition, living beings can also be stored here, their life will also be stopped and they can be in the storage forever, but in order to put life in the storage, this must agree or be unconsciousness]

This ... .. is slightly different from the usual storage. Usually, the protagonist could never store living creatures in his inventory, but he could.

Looking at his points, Ivo decided to spend only 1000FP and leave the rest for important occasions.

[Transaction successful -1000FP, communication with storage established]

Suddenly Ivo felt a connection with something unknown as if he had a tail. But he did not have a tail, he knew it very well. Therefore, he closed his eyes and concentrated, suddenly an image of a small cube and immense darkness around him appeared in his head.

Ivo smiled and decided to test this vault, he grabbed the bag of coins, imagined how it moved and * Whop * the bag moved.

After that, Ivo decided to understand the distance at which he can take objects to his storage, it turned out that this distance is only about a meter.

Nodding to himself, Ivo put as much food as he can hold in the store in addition to gold, although such a cube does not offer much space, but no one knows about it, therefore, this is a very useful thing.

Having dealt with his things, Ivo decided to say goodbye to Eirin, during these 4 months this girl visited him every night, so it would be rather rude to leave and not say goodbye to her.

Of course, the girl, after hearing about the departure, Eirin was very upset and asked him to stay, but unfortunately, Ivo had to go, so after spending enough time with her, calming her down, Ivo finally hit the road.

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