The chief of the horse tribe with a serious face stood at the exit of their tribe and watched a group of troops 300 meters from the tribe. But there was something in these warriors that was different from the ones he was used to. Unlike ordinary ones, these warriors stood in an even row, almost without moving, and each had a spear and a small shield in his hand, in addition, 3 smaller spears were jolted on their backs.

Their clothes were also different. Usually, each warrior was dressed as he wished and there was always chaos on the battlefield, but these warriors were all dressed in the same strange attire, the leader suggested that it was some kind of skin that completely covered the body, and on the legs was not the usual skirt, but the same skin.

Unlike the leader, Ivo was not happy with the appearance of his troops. These warriors understood only the basics of discipline, they still have a lot to learn, regarding equipment, then everything is also bad here. Ivo had not yet started producing iron in the tribe, so he could not make swords for everyone, which is why he had to equip his people with only spears, small shields and 3 throwing spears.

Their clothes were also not the best in Ivo's opinion. He recently taught his fellow tribesmen how to properly tan the material in order to obtain strong and high-quality leather. Previously, the tribe had only rawhide, which was not so good, but now many inhabitants of the tribe wanted a new type of skin for themselves and the traditional type of barbarian in the skin of an animal gradually began to disappear in his tribe..

But still, his people are not yet experienced in creating the right type of clothing, so pants and shirts were not always straight and correct. But this is bound to change in the future.

Coming out of his thoughts, Ivo stepped forward and shouted loudly towards the other leader, "Horse Tribe, we are the Raven tribe came here to conquer you. You have two choices, either surrender or fight, I'll give you some time to think. "

After his words, Ivo returned to the ranks, but Kato approached him and asked, "Wouldn't it be better if we attacked right away and didn't warn them?"

Ivo nodded and replied, "I want the warriors to try out a new style of fighting because without practice they cannot become stronger."

Kato agreed and together they began to wait for the horse tribe to gather their troops.

Finally, a crowd of enemy soldiers formed in front of the legions. Ivo quickly looked them over and realized that about 60 percent of the warriors could hardly move, the remaining warriors also have symptoms of poisoning, but not so strong.

With a sigh of relief, Ivo handed command to Kato. He wants to see how he can handle his task as Tactician of their tribe.

Kato took command, removed the horn made from his belt, and then blew it. The warriors who were standing in the ranks heard this sound, and then ceased to be relaxed, raised their shields and prepared to throw spears.

Kato began to watch as the crowd of enemy warriors began to approach their legion: 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters.

50 meters. The front ranks of the legion tightened their grip on their spears, as they felt the tremors of the earth from the running of the enemies. Finally, Kato blew the bugle again, but with a different intonation.

One of the horse tribe warriors ran towards the enemy, waving his spear, because of the poisoning, having run 300 meters at full speed, he already had shortness of breath, but suddenly he raised his head and saw that a lot of black dots flashed in the sky, which gradually approached him, at last he saw that it was a spear, but it was too late. The throwing spear instantly pierced the almost naked body of the warrior, giving the poor fellow no chance.

After the first wave, two more followed. As the javelins ran out, Kato looked at the battlefield and nodded satisfactorily. Now these spear throws destroyed half of the enemy troops, and the rest lost their zeal, Kato once again blew into the horn and the soldiers of the legion, raised their spear and ran towards the enemy.

Although this was not required since the enemy would not last long, Kato decided to send two cohorts to surround the enemy from all sides. The leader who miraculously survived the rain of spears is scared, he has not yet met such a coordinated attack, indeed, some of the barbarians also liked to throw spears, but not in such numbers.

After 15 minutes, all the warriors of the horse tribe were killed and no one survived, Ivo, standing on the sidelines, finally received a notification from the system

[Congratulations on the conquest of the tribe +5000]

But instead of the usual white screen, the system changed to completely black with red lines around the edges and gold letters. And the voice of the system changed into an ominous voice.

Yes, when Ivo began to receive the first notifications that he had poisoned someone, Ivo decided to change the worldview of the system to Lawful Evil, although for such an outlook he will not receive maximum FP, but he will not turn into a madman who will kill enemies and friends indiscriminately.

In addition, Ivo spent several FP to change the system menu to suit his own needs, and now his status looks like this


Name: Ivo son of Kato

House: Kato

Age: 17

Race: Human (84%); Lesser Junior Titan (16%) +1

Strength: 87 (+8)

Dexterity: 68 (+6)

Stamina: 131 (+21)

Magic Affinity: 80 (+16)

Magical capacity: 1357/1357 (Natural Energy) 2100/2100 (Mana) (+255)

Energy type: Natural Energy; Mana

FP (Fantasy Points): 6593 (+5214)

Profession: Mage of 4 circle; Blood cultivator


Traveler's Breath (Epic)

[Magic of 0 circle:]



Cold fog

Searching for life

[Magic of 1 circle:]



Ice grip


Magic arrow


[Magic of 2 circle:]

Fire arrow




Land control

[Magic of 3 circles:]


Flame beam

Elemental Shield


Cultivation: Cultivate Traveler's Blood (Advanced)


Traveler's fencing. Style 3 Sword (Advanced)

Style 3: Counterattack (Extraordinary)

Style 3: Deep Wound (Extraordinary)

Style 3: Relentless Attack (Extraordinary)

Initial Alchemy (Rare)

Initial Rune Engraving (Rare)


Lesser Titan Incomplete Lesser Regeneration (Rare)

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