The next day, Ivo woke up in children's room next to his sister, who grabbed his arm tightly with her two hands. When Ivo turned his head to look closely at his sister, he laughed slightly at what he saw. Vesta, fearing for his safety after yesterday, firmly held his hand, but at the same time saliva slowly flowed out of the corner of her mouth, she probably had a dream about food, that is what Ivo thought.

A few minutes later, Ivo got up neatly, without waking Vesta, stretching and stretching his body after such a hard bed, which is a stone and a bunch of wool, Ivo drew attention to the system notification.

[You warned the tribe of impending disaster + 10FP]

Frowning, Ivo asked the system "System, why did I get points just now? After all, the conversation with the Leader took place yesterday? "

[Due to the fact that the consequences of host actions do not always have a momentary effect, the system is forced to spend some time evaluating your actions]

Leaving his room, Ivo saw his mother and father, who were talking at that time.

Cleo said "So what? Are we going to be in the tribe all the time now? But what about the food? The tribe will not be able to collect enough food for the winter, and in addition, a winter initiation ceremony awaits us.

Kato scratched his head and replied, "Cleo, the leader did not forbid leaving the tribe, he simply limited the places we can go to, since most likely there we can face the enemy. Also, do not worry about the ceremony, these southerners are very afraid of our winter forests, so the ceremony will take place as tradition requires ".

Walking up to his parents, Ivo said "Initiation ceremony? What it is?"

Startled, Kato turned sharply, and then exhaled, said, "Merciful Flora, Ivo, why are you sneaking up on your parents like that."

Ivo looked at the floor with embarrassment "Sorry"

Cleo got up from the table, went up to her son and hugged him again. "Never mind Ivo, just know next time that it's bad to eavesdrop on your parents. The Initiation ceremony takes place every 2 years, you were little when you passed the last rite, so you don't remember. "

Connecting to the conversation, Kato also added "Yes, you probably don't know, but the warriors of our tribe use the power of the blood of their ancestors. Each warriors uses a certain method to purify his ancient blood in order to become stronger, faster, more enduring. But in order to use these methods, as well as the various techniques of the ancient blood, you must first awaken your blood. This is what happens at the ceremony, every child over 6 years old can participate in the rite, thereby having a chance to awaken his blood. Of course, not everyone succeeds in awakening blood the first time, some are unlucky, but they have the opportunity to re-pass the ritual until the age of 12, the most unlucky die right during the rite. "

Cleo added, "You are 5 now, but at the beginning of winter you will be 6 years old, so you can take part in the ceremony."

Nodding, agreeing with his wife, Kato said, "Don't worry if you are unlucky once, for example, I was only able to go through the ceremony for the third time., Cleo, of course, did better, she became a warrior then she was eight years old, but still, regardless of the result, remember, that we love you. "

Agreeing with her husband, Cleo nodded, while Kato remembered something, "By the way, after yesterday's meeting with the leader, the shaman for some reason expressed a desire for you to visit him, you better not make him wait"

After thinking a little, he added, "The son of Ticho came, he took his father's spear, but do not worry, before the ceremony we will definitely make you suitable weapons"

Having accepted the instructions of his father, Ivo sat down at the table and began to wait until his sister woke up and his mother prepared food.


An hour later, Ivo was already walking to the shaman's house, along the way drawing a map of the tribe in his head. The crow tribe was located in the center of the silver forest, the place where the tribe was was a wide meadow, around this meadow, the trees form a natural barrier of trees and plants. Primitive houses were located almost without any sequence, except for the house of the chieftain, the shaman, and a few wealthy families, which included the Kato family. All these "aristocrats" lived in houses on a small hill, as if confirming their status in the tribe.

Approaching the shaman's house, Ivo saw that this house was different from others, the building was second only to the leader's house more than others, while the walls of the house were painted white, on which all sorts of runes or charms were painted. Near the entrance to the hut, there was a totem carved from wood representing a woman who holds a spear in her hands, and on her head is a wreath of various flowers, from memories Ivo knew that this was the goddess Flora.

Looking more closely, Ivo noticed that some light green and white particles were flickering near this totem.

Deciding to ask the system about these particles later, Ivo knocked on the door, and then went inside.

When he found himself inside, the first thing that met him was the pleasant smell of some kind of incense. Sniffing, Ivo noticed the situation.

In the center of the shack there was a fire near which a shaman stood, stirring something in a stone cauldron. To the right of the fire was apparently the shaman's bedroom. To the left of the fire was a primitive cabinet with various parts of the creatures and herbs.

Looking around, Ivo heard an old man's voice "Young man, do not stand at the entrance, come closer to me."

When Ivo approached the shaman, he could see that there were several plants in the cauldron.

Continuing to stir the water in the cauldron, the old man spoke up, "Yesterday, when you came to the leader with your father, I noticed the breath of life on you"

Ivo mentally said, "System, the creatures in this world can detect your existence?"

[Do not worry the host, if you do not personally tell about the existence of the system, then even the gods will not be able to find out about it.]

Ivo continued "But the old man just says he felt something."

[Indeed, when your body was in its dying state, the system used the most primitive method so as not to focus the attention of powerful creatures on you, thus the power of Flora was used]

At this time, the old man stopped stirring the brew, turned to Ivo and held out his hand, and then said, "Young man, focus on my hand and tell me, do you see anything?"

Following the order of the shaman, Ivo began to carefully observe the hand, but it did not take even a few seconds when he saw how the same light green barely noticeable particles as at the altar of the goddess began to gather around the hand.

Ivno nodded and said "Yes, I see green particles gathering around your hand."

When Ivo said this, at last a slight smile appeared on the indifferent face of the old man "So I was right. You were very lucky young man, thanks to the blessing of the goddess Flora, you were able to escape from danger, but at the same time the goddess also gave you her gift "

Ivo looked inquiringly at the old man "Gift? What does it mean ?"

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