Entering the building, Ceres and Ivo saw a crowd of children dressed in various barbaric clothes. Due to Ivo's technique and the 100% success of the ceremony, all these children were of the same age, they were all 6 years old.

Ivo never wanted to weaken his tribe, so even mages will have activated blood, but of course, most will be physically weaker than knights.

Suddenly, when all the students paid attention to those who had entered, a little girl ran out of the crowd, with a joyful smile. She ran up to Ceres and with an innocent smile on her face asked, "Teacher Ceres, are we going to learn other spells today?"

Ceres smiled tenderly and stroked the girl's head, "Selena, I told you that magicians need patience, I'll tell you everything in class, but for now, go back to the other students, I have an announcement for everyone"

The girl nodded and ran back, then Ceres spoke loudly, "Disciples, there have been some changes regarding the Knights. All your activities will be overseen by the Archon Ivo, for some time. Say hello to your new teacher "

Many students began to clap their hands. Ivo also introduced the clap tradition to the tribe recently, many people liked this tradition, so all students know how to greet others correctly.

While the children clapped their hands, they also carefully examined their new teacher, because of their small age, they hardly saw Ivo, and when the tribal leader created a council, Ivo became for many a mysterious figure that only the most worthy of the tribe can see..

When the claps died down, Ivo said, "As Ceres said, I will be your teacher, unfortunately, I will teach you only a month and a half, but I assure you, during this time you will learn a lot."

"All knights' apprentices, follow me to the training field," Ivo ordered, and then left the building.

Ivo also ordered that the academy should have its own territory where you can practice, ranging from magic spells to physical exercise.

A few minutes later, Ivo found a suitable place. Then he began examining these children. As it should be, these children know almost nothing about discipline and rules of conduct.

They are all huddled together, and some even manage to talk to each other. Of course, Ivo will not demand the same from them as from the legionnaires, but he will still teach them discipline.

Therefore, the first thing he said was, "Children, which of you have parents serving as warriors in the legion? Raise your hands "

The children began to look at each other, and then some raised their hands. Ivo picked a random one and then asked "Introduce yourself and tell about your parents."

The boy nodded nervously "My name is Seth, my father serves in the Legion, he is the Prefect."

Ivo said in surprise, "Oh, he commands 200 warriors. Then tell me what your father says to you about the legion. "

Seth thought for a moment and then replied, "My father says that everyone in the Legion works in harmony, everyone has their own role, and he also says that, unlike hunting parties from the past, there is always order in the Legion."

Ivo nodded satisfactorily. "Right, order. A legion without order will quickly turn into an easy target for the enemy, but when there is discipline, the legion turns into a heavy mountain that is very difficult to break. "

"Today's lesson will start with discipline. You are all knights and in the future will most likely join the legion. Before joining, you will definitely be trained, but even so, it is better to build your foundation from an early age. " Ivo said.

For 20 minutes, Ivo told them the basics of formation, and although this time is categorically not enough for the children to learn a lot. Thanks to Ivo's aura of fear, they dared not be inattentive.

Ivo said loudly "Okay, you have reached a satisfactory level, now you can move on to real activities."

"The early legion used the spear, shield and pilum as weapons. Now, instead of a spear, the legionnaires have a sword. Your preparation will be based on this. In the classroom, we will conduct constant physical training and training with a sword. I will teach you the standard sword fencing skill, later you yourself will be able to adjust it to the shield, but that will be in the future "Ivo announced.

Seth held out his hand. Ivo noticing this said "What do you want to know Seth?"

The boy asked, "Don't knights wield magic? How are we different from blood cultivators? "

Ivo chuckled and said, "Yes, besides physical training, there will also have breathing and magic training, but since you are knights, your magic is slightly different from that of magicians"

"But so that you understand your superiority over the cultivators of blood, I will show you a small example, Seth come to me," Ivo said.

Seth nodded and left the line, going up to the Archon. Ivo said "Blood cultivators are physically very strong, they are superior to ordinary people in speed and strength, but they are vulnerable to magicians."

Then Ivo reached out his hand and activated [Grip], enveloping Seth in an electromagnetic field, he slowly lifted him into the air.

Ivo said "As you can see, without energy you will be practically nothing in front of the magician, you will not be able to defend against the magician's attack. Energy will allow you to protect yourself from any spells, this is the advantage of the knights. However, it is worth mentioning that if a mage does not cultivate blood, he may not keep up with the actions of a strong cultivator, so I advise, in addition to mana, also develop your body and blood. "

After listening attentively to Ivo, the children began to ponder what was said, memorizing every word of their Archon.

Finally, Ivo said "Well, since this is our first day of training, I will be easier with you, we will start with simple exercises to warm up, and then I will teach you fencing."

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