The chief of the Armadillo tribe grabbed his ax and then said to his surviving people, "Brothers, you must understand that if someone from a foreign tribe survives, they can take out their anger on our tribe, since I killed the foreign leader. Only if I survive, I will be able to take care of your families "

The warriors did not want to admit this, but still, their leader was right. They assumed that the leaders, even in captivity, would have at least some kind of power, unlike ordinary warriors. Unfortunately, they did not know that in the Raven tribe, only the chief of the wolf tribe had at least some kind of power.

One of the barbarians said "Damn bastard" in disgust, and then with that, he attacked the other barbarian.

Thus, 200 people began to fight each other, wanting to kill those with whom they had recently spent time at the feast. With those with whom they had fun and shared their thoughts.

Legionnaires who had just been in battle did not think much about it, because now their enemies were fighting in front of them, who were trying to kill them. All tribes love to watch a good fight, so everyone enjoyed watching it. Some even started shouting out in support of some of the barbarians..

Ivo also earned income from all these spectacles.

[You tricked into killing one warrior to kill another + 20FP]

[You tricked into killing one warrior to kill another + 30FP]

[You tricked into killing one warrior to kill another + 15FP]

Finally, after 30 minutes, only the leader of the armadillo tribe remained on his feet. He was covered in wounds and blood, and his ax had long been broken. If not for his willpower, he would have fallen long ago.

Ivo clapped again, the legion also began clapping to this winner. Then Ivo said, "As I promised, my warriors will not touch you, so you can be free. I hope your future fate will be better than this one "

Having completed his words, Ivo gave the order and his squad moved towards the unicorn tribe, because there are all the enemy troops. Having destroyed them, Ivo will be able to deal with the remaining tribes without any problems.

The chief of the Armadillo tribe continued to stare into the distance as the warriors passed by. Finally, after 15 minutes, there was no one left here except him. Sighing heavily, the old man coughed, spitting out blood, and fell to the ground.

Leaning his back on a rock, the old man chuckled and said out loud, "Damn, it hurts, but such a wound has to heal."

Suddenly, next to him, Ivo's voice rang out: "Yes, the regeneration given to the titans is a really useful thing."

The old man turned, frightened, but he saw only a flash of light, and then eternal darkness. Ivo, who fired a magic arrow, slowly began to dissipate, and then completely disappeared.

Ivo, who was walking along with his warriors, received a system notification.

[You treacherously deceived and killed the leader of the tribe + 200FP]

Smiling, he continued on his way.

Meanwhile, there were constant skirmishes between the second legion and the barbarians. Kato, following Ivo's plan, constantly put his archers forward, killing as many enemies as possible, and when the enemies came close, the legion constantly retreated.

Due to the division into maniples, the archers supported each other. The first maniple attracted enemies and then retreated, while the enemies following the first maniple fell under the onslaught of the second maniple, repeating these actions, the enemies were constantly under pressure. And the archers were always full of energy, because they had time to breathe.

Finally, the leader of the unicorn tribe could not resist and growled "Cowards, they do not dare to fight with us directly."

Then after thinking, he finally said, "We need to retreat to the tribe, there we can hide from the arrows."

The warriors, having no other choice, followed their leader to hide in their tribe.

Kato, who constantly watched the battlefield, quickly noticed this and also gave the order "Collect the troops, the enemies have few warriors left, now they will not dare to leave the tribe, surround the tribe and build defenses. I think Ivo will join us soon "

The leader of the unicorn tribe returned to his hall with a scowl, this is the first time he met with such tactics, even the southerners were not so insidious, they only sent their horses forward to make quick attacks, but they can still be dealt with, but the leader did not understand how to fight the archers.

He sighed and ordered "Tell the soldiers, let everyone make shields for themselves from improvised means, perhaps this is the only way we can defend ourselves during the attack."

After some thought, he added, "Also let all the people of the tribe focus on making as many small spears as possible. We'll try to throw spears at the archers when we get closer. "

The warrior nodded and left the hall. But immediately another warrior ran into the hall, with a restless voice, he said, "Chief, the raven tribe has surrounded our tribe, and is doing something strange?"

The leader looked inquiringly at the warrior "Strange?"

The warrior nodded and said "Yes, they started digging the ground around our tribe."

The chief pondered, but after a minute he could not come up with a reason why the Raven tribe was digging the ground around them.

He said "Watch them closely and inform me of any changes, I am tired after the fight and will rest a little."

The warrior nodded respectfully and left the hall.

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