Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1304: The most dangerous woman in the whole country!

Under the giant **** fighting art field, the underground warehouse is hundreds of meters deep [

The two giant soldiers who had just passed a fierce battle slowly landed here through huge shafts.


The big flaming dragon bird squatted on one knee, and the red joints of the sulphur-flavored scent appeared in the joints of the body and the armor. It was like an active volcano that had just violently exploded. It was in the middle of the break. State, always ready for the next more crazy jet!

More than a dozen refiners who wore engineering crystal scorpions immediately flew up and were busy up and down the big flaming dragons.

Two of the staff held two large translucent glassware, like a syringe that was magnified hundreds of times, and was deeply inserted into the movable valve on either side of the breastplate of the Great Firebird.

From the "Lingfu" of the Great Fire Dragon, there was a large amount of amber viscous liquid, like a glittering honey, which gradually filled two "syringes".

This is a combination of the liquid metal technology of Tianyuanjie, the biochemical neuron technology of the blood demon world, and the “Shentongka” technology of the Feixing world. It is also a “neural connection fluid” that has been tempered for three years. For "artificial cerebrospinal fluid."

Injecting this liquid into the spiritual house of the giant gods, if the driver pulls in again, he can spread his brain waves into the "artificial cerebrospinal fluid" and integrate it with the giant soldiers.

At the same time, this liquid is also extremely cushioning and protective, and can play the role of airbags and shields. No matter how the giant soldiers bump and roll, no matter how severe the blow, they will do their best to protect the inside. Driver.

The nerve connection fluid is one of the most precious materials for the refining of the Three Realms in the last five years. The use of "liquid gold" is not enough to measure its value.

The value of each drop of nerve-connecting fluid is even ten times higher than that of the same volume of crystal pulp. It must be properly recovered after each battle, and it must not be missed.


Until the suction method with vacuum suction, most of the nerve connection fluid is extracted from the genus of the Great Fire Dragon. The big flaming dragon bird is carved with the eagle's wings and the breastplate slowly rises upwards. One mention, the central part of a mysterious and complicated rune rotated 180 degrees, and the breastplate slowly separated to the sides.

Ding Ling smashed with a burning flame, and leaped from the big fire dragon!

She is still the same, the sleek big eyes are always shining with almost provocative light; the honey-colored skin is more delicate than the finest silk; the towering chest trembles like two heavy spar bombs. The barely sturdy sports vest has the feeling that it can't support, it will tear at any time, and it can't help but squeeze a sweat; and that full pen is occupying almost half of the height, full of explosive power, making her It looks like a head higher than the actual height.

The perfect posture that can be shaped by her high-intensity exercise all the year round, even the most professional female models must be self-proclaimed and retreat.

Ding Linglu may not be the kind of beautiful woman who has fallen into the country in the traditional sense.

Her mouth is too big, her skin is not white enough, and the arrogance that is naturally revealed is even more unbearable for the average person. It is a very stressful thing to stand by her side.

However, the smooth and delicate wheat-colored skin also has the advantage that it is difficult to leave a trace of a star and a half on her body, just as any erosion power is bounced off by her full-bodied skin.

To this day, she is as vibrant as Li Yao’s first time on the Liaoyuan number more than a decade ago, and she is full of youthful and invincible taste.

It seems that even after a few hundred years, her appearance will not change a little.

If you cover the iconic flame with a hat and walk to the street, maybe she will be treated as a female college student like Xie Anan!

Of course, that was before her baby was born.

Now, look at the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor, no one knows, no one knows, she is the youngest pure fighting Yuan Ying in the Three Realms, the most dangerous woman in the whole country!

Ding Ling was formed into a Yuan Ying six months ago.

The reason why we can break through so quickly is all thanks to the "Three-Five Plan."

The so-called "three-five" is the meaning of "three years of strengthening, five years of sprinting."

That was the level of warrior training project that was put on the agenda just after the opening of Kunlun.

At the first Yuan Ying Conference, there was a Yuan Ying old blame who proposed to train the "Sun Warrior", that is, to practice with the psionic volatility released by the stars.

After the beginning of Kunlun, the experts of cultivation and psionics are awesome, and they have a better source of spiritual power than stable stars.

That is the pulsar that madly releases the magnetic field of the spirit, and the Kunlun itself that absorbed the pulsar's hundreds of thousands of years of psionic power!

Above the Kunlun, there are a large number of broken and dynamic power arrays, which are filled with a very high concentration of aura in the flame jet pipes connecting these dynamic arrays.

If you don't protect it, you will inhale a high concentration of aura, which will lead to the disorder of the body's meditation, the leakage of cell fluid, and even the excessive expansion of mitochondria, which will eventually become a fire and endanger life!

However, if you take the appropriate drugs and potential activators beforehand, and then put on the appropriate polymer film repair clothes, under the protection of experts and doctors, deep into the spiritual spray pipe to practice, but can continue to absorb High concentration of aura, so that the efficiency of training is doubled!

This is a very painful and sinister practice.

It is also a game for true brave people!

Ding Lingwei was one of the first practitioners to participate in the "three-year intensive, five-year sprint".

It can even be said to be the first person to eat crabs.

Many cultivating subjects were studied together with many cultivators and psionic masters. Then she added a lot of weights based on the subjects of cultivation, and practiced madly with everyone’s jaw-dropping attitude!

In the words of a cultivation expert who participated in the "Three-Five Plan" in the whole process, Ding Lingyu seems to be immersed in the bonfire sea of ​​Jiuyou Huangquan.

This is just the amount of training during the day.

Every night, other small partners who participated in the "Three-Five Plan" all slumber, Ding Ling will also come to Li Yao, who is also working in Kunlun, to find the most inaccessible, apocalyptic land, to be the most fierce avenue !

They are making avenues on the battlefields of war wreckage hundreds of thousands of years ago!

They are making avenues in the depths of the aura of the aura!

In the infinite metal torrent that Kunlun ejected, they made a boulevard in a vortex that was enough to tear the stars!

They are even in the near orbit near the pulsar, and then further rushed into the critical area of ​​the pulverized star to be avenged!

Five years, five years!

In this way, Ding Ling was insanely madly practicing during the day, and at night he was even more crazy about the avenue of the avenue. Finally, at the most intense moment in the avenue of the avenue, in the vast expanse of the sea, in the stormy waves released by the pulsar, A breakthrough in life, condensed Yuan Ying, successfully rushed to the realm of Yuan Ying!

Ding Ling, who rushed to the realm of Yuan Ying, immediately revealed the amazing talent for the giant soldiers.

She is a natural flame warfare. Linggen is like a magma condensed, and it has an ancient flame supernatural power called "Nine-Color Fire."

The Great Dragon Bird is like a giant soldier who was born to her.

In the competition of the competition for the power of the big dragons and dragons, she suddenly rose, swept all the way, and successively defeated several well-known Yuan Ying old monsters, and eventually became the first driver of the big fire dragon.

This is the result of her own punch and punch, Li Yaoke did not have a little bit of smuggling.

Ding Lingzhen is practicing his old vows little by little.

She is destined to use the name "Ding Bell" to leave her own mark in the sky, instead of "Liang Yao's wife", and become an obscure vase!

Perhaps this is the biggest motivation for her to practice so hard.

She is a woman who is supported by a triumphant heart and will never let anyone's light cover herself.

If Li Yao is a shining star, she must be more shining than Li Yao!


Ding Lingyu used a small pipette to clean the last drop of nerve connection fluid on his body, while walking toward the black giant soldier "Magic Ghost".

Her nose was high and her lips were smashed into a line, apparently not satisfied with her own swing.

Compared with the mighty dragons and dragons, the ghosts look a bit gray.

After the assembly of the previous giant soldiers, the well-preserved and excellent-looking magic weapon units are all exhausted, leaving only some magical units that are incomplete and reluctant to use.

The illusion is a patchwork of these old magical elements, together with the magical components of the federally reluctant imitation, is a standard cottage product.

Although the refining date is the latest, the combat power is the weakest and most unstable of all the giants in the Federation.

Flying high in the sky, I don’t think when I look at it from a distance. Once I’m in the depths of the ground, I can look at it from a close distance, from the rough joints, the joints exposed to the outside, and the proportion of hands and feet that are extremely uncoordinated. Feel the kind of shoddy, barely the taste.

"Oh! Oh!"

The illusion was hit by the big dragon and the twisted breastplate, and it was barely opened in a harsh noise. A black material flowed to the ground, and Li Yao climbed out from inside.

"Wife is amazing!"

Li Yao is cheering with a nose and a green face. "The wife is really a cultivating genius, the existence of a rare phoenix! Since I was promoted to the realm of Yuan Ying, it is definitely a change every day, and the progress is over!"

"The last move, just what is the name, even directly through my heart, liver, spleen and lungs, Dan Tian are almost beaten by you! Keke, cough, cough, stomach, sore, it seems that this evening, even Avenue The battle can't be done!" (To be continued.) 8

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