Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1317: Say hello

Li Yao and Ding Lingwei nodded in some helplessness, but they never thought about it from this angle.

Think about it, this is indeed a difficult problem to get around.

"Second is the complexity of Xinghai exploration. We must do everything possible to enhance the probability of discovering the world."

Professor Mo Xuan continued, "Ordinary people living on the planet, with their blue sky and their feet on the ground, and the starry night sky at night, it is often difficult to truly understand the vastness and vastness of the universe!"

“Looking at the three-dimensional universe we can recognize, how many stars are scattered?”

“According to the preliminary estimates of a generation of astronomers, it is about nine billion trillion, that is, twenty-two zeros after ‘9’!”

"90000000000000000000000, what is the concept?"

"Let's say, we are now in the great wilderness of the northern part of Tianyuan. This is the famous desert in the Three Realms. In the south of the blood demon world, there is another vast and vast desert, and the silver is dead!"

"Assuming every sand in the desert represents a star, then even if all the sand on all the planets of Tianyuan, Meteor and Blood Demon adds up, there aren't as many stars in the universe!"

"There are only a few of these stars that produce stable galaxies, and there are very few, very few of the stable galaxies that qualify for the plentiful ‘big world!’

"And the development of 'Da Qian World' is also about paying attention to the ratio of input to output. Some big worlds, even if the spirits are abundant, but the distance is too far away, the environment is too bad, and within a few hundred years, it is still impossible for us. Used!"

“Ultimately, there are very few worlds that meet our screening criteria, and there are very few, almost zero!”

"This is the difficulty of Xinghai exploration. We have to implement the 'Tianlu Plan', which is equivalent to going to the Great Wilderness and looking for a few in the sands of tens of billions of dollars."

Ding Ling couldn't help but insert a sentence: "Do we not have many star maps?"


Si Yilie smiled and helped Professor Mo Xuan to add, "Because we have the star map left by the Pangu civilization and the astronomical observation magic weapon passed down by the Xinghai Empire, this kind of haystack can be turned into a 'possible'. Otherwise, we will step into the way. Can't cross it!"

“But there is still a long way to go from ‘may’ to ‘success’.”

"On the other hand, the universe is dynamic and changing all the time. Every planet, galaxies and even nebulae are constantly moving and rotating, interacting and interfering with each other, making the universe unpredictable and unpredictable. Characteristics."

"We got the Panguwen star sea navigation map, which was the product of hundreds of thousands of years ago. Not to mention that it is incomplete, a lot of key information has been lost. Even if we rectify it, it reflects hundreds of thousands of years ago. The status of the Xinghai Channel."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, although it is in the universe, the relative positional relationship between the various galaxies and the world will still change greatly!"

"So, we must calculate the trajectories and laws of most galaxies and the world, and then step by step, and deduct the star maps hundreds of thousands of years ago into the present."

"In the popular way, this pair of ancient stars has been 'expired', we must ‘refresh’ it!”

"It is conceivable that, based on our level of civilization, there must be various errors in the ‘refreshing’ the star map of Pangu civilization.”

“With the help of the Xinghai Imperial Observatory ‘Stinging Stars’, we have tried to minimize the error and combined the historical and archaeological evidence to identify hundreds of stars that may exist in the world.”

"But that doesn't mean that we can determine a coordinate and we can just jump into the core civilization circle of a big world! This chance is very small and basically does not exist!"

"Our Xinghai explorers are destined to constantly jump, drift and explore in the darkness, and have a chance to find a new world!"

“In order to increase the chances of finding a big world, we are ready to send as many explorers as possible and jump in different directions and distances!”

"Every time you add a team to explore, the chances of finding a new world will increase by one point. Our federation may become stronger, and it is possible to resist the strong invasion of the Imperial Expeditionary Force in the counterattack in a hundred years!"

"If two Yuan Ying are placed in a team, if luck is a little bit worse, drifting in the Xinghai for decades will still be nothing, not only their own time, but also the future and destiny of the new federation! ”

"This way..."

Li Yao and Ding Ling's brows were all wrinkled.

The two old predecessors said that it is very reasonable. Whether it is from the perspective of risk resistance or success rate, their two yuan infants are not suitable in a team.

"Actually, if Xiao Ding doesn't rush to the realm of Yuan Ying, then Li Yao of Yuan Ying's realm and Xiao Ding of Jin Dan's realm are a gold combination!"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "But no one thought that Xiao Ding could rush to the realm of Yuan Ying. So now both of you are the ‘national treasures’ characters of the Xingyao Federation. How can you act rashly?”


Li Yao tightened the hand of Ding Ling, and immediately felt her heart from the strength of her wife's palm. I thought about it, Li Yaodao. "If you have to separate for a while, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the 'Tianlu Plan' is there. Active exploration, prepared, instead of misunderstandings like the last time I jumped into the flying star world, it is estimated that I will explore the most for three or five years. Is there definitely a result? Or, can I take me and Ding Ling? Explore the star domain, arrange it a little closer, so that we have a good look at each other?"

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of Professor Mo Xuan and Si Yulie became a little weird, and they were in a strange silence.

Li Yao’s eyebrows picked up and confessed: “Is there any problem, can’t this be done?”

"Not at all."

Professor Mo Xuan coughed a word. "Li Yao, there is a top secret message. We originally prepared to officially announce it at the Yuan Ying Conference in a few days. Since you asked here in advance, the same is true for you."

"But we have to declare in advance that we are only telling you that two of them have such a task, but the nature of this task is very special. We have no intention of reluctantly. After listening to the introduction, do you want to do this, all by you? Deciding on your own! Although Li Yao is the first choice in our minds, it does not mean that you are irreplaceable. Do you understand?"

Professor Mo Xuan said so seriously, Li Yao’s curiosity was completely hooked up.

Looking at Ding Ling's glance, he smiled and said: "Isn't it just to explore a new world? This is my strength. Does the teacher have to say so seriously?"

"I will know when you finish the introduction."

Professor Mo Xuan and Si Yulie whispered a few words. Si Yilie extracted a strange micro-crystal brain from the Qiang Kun ring, and spurred a colorful and intricate Xinghai navigation map.

This is the repair and abbreviated version of the old-fashioned star figure in the depths of Kunlun, the escape center.

The endless stars, suddenly wrapped the four people firmly, creating a deep and dark atmosphere.

Professor Mo Xuan is like hiding behind a nebulous nebula. His voice is fluttering and fluttering. He is uncertain: "Li Yao, you should know that in the seemingly cold and empty sea of ​​stars, there are always a lot of spirits everywhere. Magnetic radiation, star storms, and time and space, as long as you use the appropriate magic weapon to monitor, you can hear very noisy and noisy sounds, we call them collectively 'cosmic noise'!"

“However, the so-called 'cosmic noise' is not necessarily a meaningless noise. It is very likely that in some 'noises', there is invaluable information, just from the existence we cannot understand!”

"On the Kunlun, the escape of the Pangu people continued to send a very penetrating distress signal to the outside world, and these signals were regarded as 'universe noise' by the immortals, only the sacred people Tang Qianhe, who lurked in the immortal To understand its meaning."

"In the process of deep development of Kunlun, we also came into contact with some magical weapons used by Pangu to transmit the information of the universe. Some of them solved the means for the Pangu people to transmit the information of the universe, and they can use their information from the 'cosmic noise'. Recognized!"

Li Yao nodded slowly. Hearing here, he still didn't understand what Professor Mo Xuan wanted to say.

"Long story short, five months ago, we set up at the "Shinxingzhai" universe monitoring center, and suddenly received a 'cosmic noise' from the depths of the Xinghai. After analysis and restoration, we found some rules, and There are certain similarities between the means of the Pangu civilization to launch the information of the universe!"

Professor Mo Xuan made a gesture. Li Yao and Ding Ling immediately heard a sound like water falling on the bluestone:


In front of them, there is a very regular, even quite "beautiful" voiceprint fluctuation, like the depths of the universe, a bouquet of ghostly blooms.

"The magical power to launch this message is extremely powerful. We don't fully understand it. We only know that it is related to 'gravitational wave communication'. It is equivalent to a sputum transmitted from the four-dimensional space, ignoring the distance of three-dimensional space and arriving at us in an instant. world."

Professor Mo Xuan’s voice is like a cold air blown from the depths of the universe. “It’s not long before the meteor community received this message. Tianyuanjie also received the same message, dripping...drops...drops Drops!"

"It seems that there is a mysterious existence from the depths of the universe, in a way that approximates the ancient civilization, and greeted the Tianyuan and the flying stars..." (To be continued.)

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