Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1324: One hundred years of agreement!

The more direct Ding Ling said, the more he hesitated, but the more he said: "That is decades, even hundreds of years!"

"Not as exaggerated as you think!"

Ding Lingxiao laughed. "Don't you talk about Professor Mo Xuan? In the process of sailing throughout the Xinghai, you will spend most of your time in hibernation. When your eyes are closed, you will not realize the passage of time. !"

“Even when you are awake, because you are in a sub-light state, your perception of the passage of time is very different from the outside world. In the past few decades, perhaps in your case, it’s been a year and a half. !"

"Only when you discover the mysterious world and start collecting intelligence, will you use some time, that is only a few years!"

"The same reason, after waiting for you to leave, I will not be alone in the Federation for decades, I will definitely participate in the 'Tianlu Plan' to explore the bigger universe and enjoy a more exciting life. Most of the time I will stay in the hibernation warehouse, only to discover the new world, will thaw, wake up, take risks!"

"I can't do it. I can also participate in the ‘Sun Warrior’ program, enter a special hibernation bin, and absorb the psionic power released by the stars near the orbit of the star, practicing in the long hibernation!”

"In this way, even if the time of the real world has passed a hundred years, for the sake of our perception and physical condition, it has been more than ten years in the past three or five years!"

"If I have a decade, I think it is acceptable. What do you say?"

Li Yao carefully pondered, it seems to be.

Most of the time of the Xinghai exploration mission is spent in the vast universe, looking for new galaxies and the world.

This boring task can be done automatically by the navigation crystal brain, and the explorer can spend it unconsciously during hibernation.

Even if it is a hundred years old, it is just a dream, and there will be no sensation.

If all goes well, in their "perception", perhaps after a few years, the two will meet again.

"Lee Yao!"

Ding Lingyu suddenly got excited and waved his arms in the golden sun, like a cheetah running towards the sun. "Let's make an appointment, compare it!"

"In the next 100 years, you will go to the mysterious world in the depths of the Dark Nebula, and I will also participate in the ‘Sky Road Plan’ and discover more big worlds!”

"After a hundred years, we will reunite again. At that time, everyone will tell us about the interesting things happening in the new world, to see who's story is more thrilling, twists and turns, who has achieved even greater achievements, no good. it is good?"

Her radiant expression made Li Yao’s last hesitation disappear.

Li Yaochao’s wife extended her hand and the two men’s tail fingers were hooked together!

"A word is fixed!"

Li Yao smiled incredibly brightly. "I will definitely come back from the depths of the dark nebula, bring one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, wait for me, my wife!"


Ding Ling whispered, "Of course I will wait for you, until the day when the universe is destroyed."


A month later.

The first Tianyuan, the blood demon and the flying star three-field joint magic treasure fair ended in amazement and praise, the string light magic weapon, the giant **** soldier, the automatic resource collection 傀儡... a series of magic weapons are dazzling, singular .

A large number of super projects including the "Tianlu Plan" have been launched one after another, depicting a brilliant and brilliant picture, and even playing a "strong heart" for the general public in the three circles, so that they are full of confidence in the future.

However, in the secret field that the general public has not yet touched, it is an undercurrent that sets off an uproar.

The mysterious signal from the depths of the Dark Nebula, from the greetings or threats of the unknown forces, made all the three high-level leaders, including the Yuan Ying and the Emperor, have a sense of "a wave of unrest, a wave of ups and downs."

Realizing the seriousness of this incident, everyone agreed that no matter how much it costs, you must send the explorer to the depths of the Dark Nebula!

Li Yao’s strength and past experience made him the first person to be deserved.

This is also the first exploration task in the “Tianlu Plan”.

Now, the targeted transformation of the "Mars" and "Starry Gate" is in full swing, and the Tianyuan cannon needs to be adjusted to the extreme mode of transmission distance.

Li Yao also has three months to carry out "super intensive training."

A special training team consisting of more than 30 yuan infants, dedicated to providing services, or torture.

This more cruel cultivation than the eighteen layers of **** seems to have brought him back to the torment of his youth.

Rao is enjoying his self-abuse cultivation, and he can't help but complain.

"Boom! Boom!"

Every morning at four o'clock in the morning, set in the 30 times gravity training room above Kunlun, Li Yao's day of torture, in the indiscriminate bombing of the two refining experts of Ding Ling and "Iron God" Start.

"Iron God" is not necessary to say that the old-fashioned martial arts department of the United States, the infants of the madness of the madness, the arrogant arrogance of the original martial arts, empty-handed, such as the removal of a matchbox like a monster!

Ding Lingwei, the newly-funded martial arts department Yuan Ying, did not take care of the meaning of the couple's sentiment. He punched the meat and punched the dead. He did not take Li Yao’s **** swearing.

"Hurry, your speed is too slow, too slow and too slow!"

"Don't think that you will control the giant soldiers. What is so great, it is really an unfamiliar alien in life. How many giant soldiers and crystals are driving you?"

“Any magic weapon can be worn and destroyed. In the worst environment, you can't find resources and tools to repair the magic weapon!”

“So, the body is the most worthy of your “legal treasure”!”

"Only when the body is honed to a steel like iron, and the density of the neutron star is higher, it is possible to win a life from a mysterious alien!"

Under the constant tempering and bombardment of two masters of refining, Li Yaozhen was crying and tearing. He felt that he was suddenly compressed into a super-high neutron star, which was suddenly shredded into a nebulous nebula.

The quenching process will last for an entire hour, and then he will have an indefinite treatment in the medical cabin for an hour.

This one hour will not be idle. Although the body can't move, it is necessary to accept the intelligence training provided by the Secretary of the Sword.

"In the past ten years, although you have done a good job in both the meteor and the blood demon, there are too many mistakes in the mistakes and coincidences."

Through the spring wind, "That two adventures, you are inadvertently made a big man of certain forces, were involved in the speculation of the speculation, and finally reached the information and secrets that ordinary people can not reach."

"We obviously can't pin our hopes on the 'coincidence' again, so you have to abandon all the experience of the past, to systematically learn how to disguise a suitable identity, break into the core of the target, and be conscious. Collect the most critical information!"

"In just one or two months, the theory that allows you to get in touch with the foundation from scratch is too late, and it is not necessary."

"I have prepared a large number of cases here, which are the top secret files of the Secret Sword Bureau, including the classic dark warfare process between the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon in the last one or two hundred years!"

"There are both the masters of the blood demon community known as the 'Thousand Faces Fox', who have been lurking in the federal government for decades, and all the way to the deputy director of the Ministry of Defense's confidential room; also our secret swords have sneaked into the blood demon world, into the The stories in the Wan Yao Hall, of course, are the experiences they have finally been identified, arrested, arrested, fleeing, interrogated, and interrogated!"

"Hundreds of cases, if you can try to understand every detail, I believe that no matter what the mysterious world looks like, you can't stand you."

After a meal, the spring breeze again said, "Of course, unless the indigenous people of the mysterious world are Pangu who are ten or twenty meters tall, then even the gods can't help you, and ask for more happiness!"

"That is the course that we will be exposed to in the future. Under the circumstances of nowhere, how can we not be caught by the enemy, even after the oysters are caught, we can end ourselves without pain and cleanliness, and leave no one star and one point effective. information!"

Li Yao: "Hey..."

Spring breeze: "If you feel too stubborn, you can refuse it. To be honest, I have a strong interest in this mission!"

Li Yao: "Hey, it’s hard to convince my wife to let me go. How can I give up easily? Don't be kidding!"

After an hour of entanglement in the mysterious dark world of the spring breeze, it is the magic weapon repair link.

Including Professor Mo Xuan and supernova Jiang Sheng, the elite team of the Great Desolation Institute and the Deep Sea University Refining Department gathered together to instill all the knowledge of assembling and repairing the door of the Starry Sky to Li Yao.

Although Li Yao is a top refiner, his field of expertise is Jingjing and Giants.

For the ordinary star torch, you can barely get started, but for the ultra-large-scale array of star torches, and even the starry sky of these star torches, it is a brand new course!

In order to cross the distance of tens of light years and send coordinate information from the depths of the dark nebula to the Tianyuanjie, the size of the gate of the starry sky is destined to be extremely large. It is expected to consist of at least three hundred star torches and tens of thousands of magic weapons units.

When these magic weapons units are launched one by one to the depths of the Dark Nebula, it is impossible to project exactly to Li Yao's side. Therefore, a special radioactive source should be installed on the magic weapon unit to release a unique signal for the "Mars" to receive. Towards, Li Yao will manipulate the Mars to collect and assemble one by one.

After the assembly is completed, a series of precise and repeated debugging is required to successfully transmit the signal.

The basic materials and operation manuals derived from this are so vast that they are sent to the jade in front of Li Yao every day. It is really necessary to use the "basket" as the unit of measurement! (To be continued.)

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