Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1331: Goal, the extreme of the stars!

Departure from Li Yao, the last day.

Above the Great Wilderness, under the splendid starry sky, he and Ding Lingyu held hands and left two lines of entanglement in the desert.

There are no towns in this place for hundreds of miles. The night sky is as clear as a large piece of jelly, as if it can not support the weight of the stars, so that all the stars fall like raindrops towards them.

Looking at the innocent Xinghai, the two have not spoken for a long time.

it is more than words.

"Many times, I have been thinking"

After a long silence, Li Yao finally said, "It is a pity that a person can only live for a lifetime and be bound by the heavy reality in life!"

"The universe is so big, one flower and one world, one world is a new life. I really hope that I can spend a new life in the depths of the Dark Nebula, and then come back to meet you with a brand new ‘I’.”

"if that's the case."

Ding Ling said, "You must have seen a brand new ‘I’, a me who has spent several wonderful lives in different worlds!”

The two smiled and sat down in the desert.

This moment seems to have become eternal.


"The light curtains and the audience in front of the crystal brain, here is the federal national launch site 'Tianyuan cannon' in the middle of the Great Wilderness. We are broadcasting live. After half an hour, the highly anticipated 'Tianlu Plan' is launched for the first time. The mission is going to be here!"

"This launch, for the Federation, for the Three Realms, is of epoch-making significance for all of us!"

"Tianyuan, Feixing and the blood demon three circles finally broke free from the internal chaos and contradictions, and turned their attention to the depths of the stars!"

"From today, there is only one opponent we have to conquer and fight, that is the whole universe!"

"Going into the Xinghai, marching into the universe, marching toward infinite infinity, leaving traces of our civilization at the edge of the Xinghai and the end of the universe!"

In most places in the Three Realms, the impassioned and almost screaming screams are accompanied by a live-action light curtain that is transmitted to everyone.

Tianyuan, Feixing, Blood Demon, Terran, Yaozu, Ordinary, Yuan Ying, Monster, Teacher, Student, Worker, Peasant, Miner... All places, everyone puts down all the work at hand to pay attention to this epoch-making emission.

In the center of the "Tianyuan cannon" launching platform with a diameter of several tens of kilometers, the small "Mars" is really a drop in the ocean, and it can hardly be seen.

But it is not only a fine dust, but also a bullet, representing the nascent civilization of the Star Beach, the first roar of the entire universe!

Fugo City Miner School Middle School.

All the students were sitting around the playground, clenching their fists, holding their breath, waiting for the biggest hero in their minds to debut!

"Come on, come, Li Yao appeared!"

On the light curtain, Li Yao wore a black slim mustard protective suit and strode from the end of the ramp.

The posture of Ying Ting, the powerful gas field, and the scenes of many Yuan Ying and the old geeks holding the moon in the middle, the eyes of countless middle school students are flashing with the radiance that can not be described with pen and ink.

Just like in the past, when Li Yao first saw the debut of "The Devil's Knife", the light from the bottom of his eyes was the same.

"Too handsome!"

"Strong, overbearing, invincible! His eyes seem to have electricity. I just yelled at me! My heartbeat is almost stopped!"

"How much money can you earn in a year like the fascinating Li Yao? How many dollars? What do you want to have?"

"Thousands of millions? What kind of jokes! At least a few hundred million to start! People around the random set of training equipment, maybe tens of millions!"

"If I can become a peerless powerhouse like 'vulture Li Yao,' even if it is only one day or even a second, I am willing to die!"

"Oh, I have no ambition. When Master Li Yao returned to school a few days ago to give us lectures, didn't they all say that everyone is a flesh-and-blood body, with two arms and one head, nothing is impossible. !"

"He can, we can certainly, as long as we work hard enough, desperate!"

"Catch up with him and surpass him. It is his greatest expectation for us. It is that we can enjoy such good cultivation conditions here for free, the best reward!"

Not far from the miners' secondary school, the downtown area of ​​Fugo City.

In the hair salon of the "Meng Jiang", the party of the Li Yao Middle School, there was also a group of neighbors.

Everyone didn't even do business, they all gathered together and watched the live broadcast while drinking old wine.

When they saw Li Yao passing through the vacuum channel and slowly entering the Mars, the camera once again hit the panorama of the Mars and the Tianyuan cannon, and all of them were amazed.

The "leaders and sellers" between these cities and towns may not have read many books. There is no culture and they do not understand the significance of Li Yao’s mission.

However, when the Xingyao Federation’s nine-star Thanglong battle flag rises in front of the magnificent Tianyuan cannon, whether it is beauty salons, selling fried doughpies, repairing shuttles... or giving birth to a wonderful pride .

"I heard that Li Yao is going far and far away, there are millions, tens of millions of light years, how far is it?"

"So big a pot, I am afraid that there are dozens of miles long, can you shoot people out of the sky? It's amazing!"

"Li Yao is really, I don't know if he is smart or stupid. He is willing to let go of everything, go to such a far place, find a world that doesn't know that it doesn't exist. What if you die? These big guys think, we really are I don’t understand if I want to break my skull!"

"Hey, you said, how much does it cost to make such a launch? I also went to see the last magic bullet fair. I also saw the big guy called the 'Giant Bing'. It was really amazing. A starship was completely smashed!"

"If we don't engage in such a launch, can we create more mega-swords, isn't it better?"

Many neighborhoods are talking about each other and there are many discussions.

Everyone scratched the scalp and they couldn’t figure out why.

Meng Jiang and his wife have been listening to each other with a smile.

These neighborhoods do not know that Meng Jiang and Li Yao used to be the buddies of high school, and they have the same feelings.

This secret, Meng Jiang died in his heart, ready to keep a lifetime.

He took a sip of yellow wine and knocked the plate with chopsticks. He said slowly: "I don't understand very well what you said, but I think, the purpose of the 'Day Road Plan' is not for us, but for they."

The crowd looked in the direction of his chopsticks.

I saw the children of the neighbors of six or seven neighborhoods, who were playing around with each other and simulated that they were Li Yao or the Mars or Tianyuan cannon or the stars, the moon and the sun, and made a silver bell-like laugh.

The Flying Stars, the Battle Star Alliance Headquarters, the largest starship refining center in the Three Realms.

Above the ring-shaped dock, a superstar ship not inferior to the '燎原号' is being refining, the keel has been laid, and the prototype is slowly emerging.

This is the sister ship of the "Yuyuan".

A brand-new starship that has applied a large number of ancient civilizations and true human empire magical powers is destined to exert a more powerful fighting power than the "Yuyuan"!

At this moment, all the refiners and workers, as well as the technical officers sent by the "Fengyuan Fleet" to supervise the construction of this starship, all gathered together to watch the launch of the Tianyuan cannon.

As a starship refining expert, and a flying star who is born to sway the stars and sea, this unprecedented and thrilling voyage has a very different meaning for them.

"Driving the fastest starship in the Three Realms, galloping the mysterious star field without the ancients... Li Yaozhen is lucky!"

"Wait a minute, after a few decades, he will definitely launch specific coordinates from the depths of the Dark Nebula!"

"We have to use decades of mad refining to build a large, well-equipped super fleet. Just wait for his coordinate information, you can jump over!"

"If we have ten "燎原级" superstar ships, no matter what kind of enemy is hidden in the dark nebula, we all have the confidence to fight!"

"Ten? Ten ships are enough!"

"You still don't know? Just in the flying star world, there are two large starship refining centers on our scale, under construction, Tianyuan and Blood Demon, and three others!"

"And above Kunlun, there is also a cutting-edge starship refining center that specializes in the wreckage of the star wars in the wilderness era and is copied!"

"A few decades later, the super-shipship of the '燎原号' series will definitely become the same as the 'small seesaw', let alone ten, fifty, and one hundred ships are possible to refine! ”

In the corner, Hang Erlang was sitting in a technical officer sent by the Suiyuan Fleet, gently whistling, half-squinting, listening to the conversation between the workers.

He looks like a scorpion, and his ugliness is very disgusting when he closes his eyes.

However, once he opened his eyes, the fineness of his eyes blossomed, but his temperament suddenly changed. The original ugly and ultimate appearance seemed to have become the background of the eyes, which made him full of charm.

This is the second time that Bai Xingjian has seen Li Yao set off in the eyes of the public.

Last time, it seemed to be the time to return to the Tianyuan world from the meteor circle.

When the light curtain swayed in the mountains, a beam of light like a supernova broke out in the Tianyuan cannon, and when the "Mars" sank in the center of the lightball, everyone could not help but yell, hope Li Yao can pass through success.

Only the White Star Sword is indifferent.

Because he knows that Li Yao, such a very strong guy, is impossible to overturn in this place.

"The last time I was in the spider's nest star, I was disturbed by Xiao Xuan's vote for the bird, and I didn't have a hearty battle with you!"

Bai Xing Jianmo glared at his bumpy face, smiled slightly, and said with a voice that only he could hear. "Let's look forward to a hundred years later, and then compete with you, my ... good apprentice!" To be continued~^~)

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