Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1372: The age without blood and tears!

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said: "So, this Wang Xizhen is the number one character. It has both the means of overturning the rain, the ability to build a 'ghost character', and the unparalleled swordsmanship... you are so saying, Ben I feel a little itchy in my heart, I want to see it!"

Han Yuantai further explained: "If you are a master of the Qing Dynasty, if you are practicing with one heart, you will hand over the military affairs to the eunuch's eunuchs. On the other hand, if the king is rushing to the political affairs, in order to avoid his own death, it is unclear. However, it will also raise the dead, train the 'big master' to act as a bodyguard, and the **** who is serving him around the clock is the best candidate for the 'big master'!"

"So, the Dagan dynasty has been in the midst of a thousand years of storms and rains. There are a lot of powers in the wild, and the power to play with the wrists is great, but there are also many eunuchs who have quite powerful strength!"

"The rise of the Leiganmen, when the establishment of the Dagan, has wiped out thousands of sects. The secrets and magic weapons of these sects are mostly included in the royal family's private library. The emperor takes a little from it and gives it to the eunuchs around him. That is a bit. There are no problems!"

"And these eunuchs have neither martial art nor future generations, any cultivation experience, or what kind of singular achievements, but who can be passed on to them? Naturally passed on to the little eunuchs around!"

"In this way, the great **** passed the small eunuch, and the small **** passed it on to the little eunuch. After several generations of eunuchs passed down from generation to generation, they combined the cultivation essence of hundreds of former sects and summed up a special set. It is suitable for the body that is not yin and yang, and the body is incomplete, and it is the most secretive method. It is called '天幻凝阴'!"

"This Wang Xi is a great man who has gathered dozens of generations of masters in the world to cultivate the essence of the essence. He has cultivated the sacred method of ‘天幻凝阴’ to the highest level, thousands of magical powers, and all-powerful peak power!”

"Before Wang Xi, most of the eunuchs were hiding in the Sixth House of the Deep Palace. They did not appear in the realm of the realm. They only acted as the bodyguards of the emperor and assisted the emperor in cultivation."

"They are incompletely inborn, inferior to nature, and they have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have never been noticed by outsiders!"

"Until Wang Xi’s strong rise, Quan Yan’s sorrow, many practitioners and sects know the existence of ‘天幻凝阴’, only to discover that the masters of the Supreme Court’s Sixth House have been strong enough!”

"Wang Xi has been stalking his minions for decades. He has bowed his knees to the real world. He has only one thing to do. The only thing that is attempted is to provoke the civil strife of the great sects and the strength of the major sects. Try to find the Yuan Ying strong people to do the same, or let them pursue the illusory immortality and the broken void, thus laying the ground for the emperor to truly control the world!"

Li Yao smiled and said: "So, is Wang Xi still a big loyal minister?"

Han Yuantai sneaked his nose: "He is really loyal to the emperor of Qiyuan, and some of his purposes have indeed been achieved! But this way, the big dry repairs are divided, and the fight is intensifying, but it is to Bailian. The rise of the teaching, the mixed army and our Yunqin people has created a great opportunity! If so, is Wang Xi a loyal minister or a traitor? God knows!"

Li Yaoyi also thinks that if the emperor wants to gather power, he must weaken the local sects. However, the local sects are too weak, and the whole big cadres will be dying. This is a move to kill one thousand and lose eight hundred. It is easy to use.

Li Yao continued to ask: "The major sects listened to Wang Xi’s words like this. Wang Xi let them kill each other and they kill each other?"

Han Yuantai said: "On the one hand, Wang Xi’s means of igniting and ignoring the situation is too clever, but more importantly, the contradictions accumulated by the major sects over the past millennium, and the competition for each other in the 'Fundamental Lawyers' have already reached Extreme, totally impossible to compromise!"

"The relationship between the major sects is like a flood, and it is out of control. Wang Xi is not helping!"

Li Yao sneered and said: "I often hear people say that we are a foreign country, Wu Han is also a savage savage, and the savage savage, while the Central Plains monks pay attention to Zhongzheng Pinghe, to serve people with morality, and to be righteous. I didn’t expect it to be like this!"

"Taking people with morality? Hahahaha!"

Han Yuantai patted his thigh and laughed. "I don't know if the person has heard a sentence, 'I am wearing a weapon, killing my heart!' Even if the ordinary farmer gets a knife that blows hair and breaks, he can't help but want to try, throat. It will be thicker! Not to mention that every cultivation sect has a large number of disciples who do not produce and practice one heart! These disciples have to eat half a cow for a meal, and they can open a large bluestone with a fist, and the flying sword will come out. In the twinkling of an eye, you can cut off three or five heads! In addition to killing people, nothing will happen, and you will not bother to learn to do it! Don’t let these bloody, unruly disciples fight out, do not stay in it. Do you sing a big play in the sect?"

"To serve people with morality? I really want to serve people with morality, and to raise so many disciples who don't want to produce and only know **** them. 'German' is not eating enough!"

"In any case, the reason here is similar to that of the 'Yu Jingzi'. The more disciples a cultivator raises, the more resources he needs to support them, and he wants to take more. With more resources, it is necessary to support more disciples who are extremely vicious and wolf-like, and an endless circle!"

"All sects are caught in such a strange circle. If anyone wants to jump out of this strange circle and does not have enough force to protect their mountain gates, they will be swallowed by others! This vicious circle creates this storm and ruthlessness. In the age of righteousness, no blood and no tears, what is the virtue of serving people, letting shit!"

Li Yao silently speechless, thinking for a long time, sighed: "Listen to you, then, "Wang Xi" is finally losing power?"


Han Yuantai nodded. "There is a reversal of things. Wang Xitu is a poor man. After the sharpness, although he has suppressed many sects in the world, he has been smashed under the provocation of his provocation, but he is secretly and stubbornly united. stand up."

"And, as the cultivation is promoted, the power is expanded, and it has been touted and catered by countless sects, Wang Xi’s own mentality may have undergone subtle changes, and he is no longer willing to be the embarrassment of the emperor."

"Afterwards, between the three parties, Dagan Xiujie, Wang Xi and Qiyuan Emperor, what a thrilling play was staged, and outsiders would not know."

"In any case, Wang Xiquan flames the sky, deterred the world for nearly ten years, until the beginning of last year, his big backer, the emperor of the Kaiyuan is inexplicably violent!"

"Wang Xi may be really loyal to the emperor of Qiyuan. He never thought of betraying, but he may not be able to be a new emperor. He even deceives the new emperor, but instead wants to treat the new emperor as his own."

"This time, he made the same mistakes as the past practice sects. He was too young to marry the new emperor, but he did not know the gully in the young man's chest. He was not much less than him, and he was not willing to give up. Emperor's character!"

"Wang Xi is stronger, and he has to rely on the emperor's temperament to be invincible. This also means a bit of ‘fox and tiger.’

"Tianzi and Dagan Xiuzheng both opposed his words. He could not resist it anyway. After ten years of hard work, he completely collapsed within half a year after the emperor's violent temper!"

"However, this person is the unparalleled swordsman of the world, and he is very thoughtful. He knows the path of the three caves of the rabbit. After the fall of power, the chasing and killing of the emperor and the Dagan comprehension is disappeared without a trace!"

"Not only did Wang Xi escape from it, but he also took away a lot of magic weapons, secrets and remedies in the private library of the emperor, as well as the gold and silver treasures accumulated over ten years, and more importantly, through the assassination spy organization 'ghost painting'. To, the sinister handles of the great sects of the world!"

"The magic weapon, secret code, medicinal herbs and gold and silver treasures may not be important, but these stinking, unspeakable * handles fell into the hands of Wang Xi, but the major sects are like a throat, and the thorns are on the back!"

"Yes, now that Wang Xi has become the public enemy of the entire Dagan repairing realm. No sectarian does not want him to fly away, never surpassing! It is a pity that they don't even know where Wang Xi is hiding!"

"The great **** Wang Xi, Bai Lian's Virgin Wan Mingzhu, the mixed king Wang Yuchang, and my brother, Yun Qin Regent Han Daling, are the four most difficult headaches in the world, and they are called "four fierce"! In fact, if the non-big dry repairs are divided into four parts, and the infighting is not endless, if the self-destruction is ruined, how can this 'four evils' be fierce, how can they afford a little wave?"

Li Yao’s heart was silently thinking about it. After a long period of indifference, he asked: “Ziji Jianzong and Lingjia, is it really a group of Wang Xi’s people?”

Han Yuantai smiled and said: "Wang Xi fell down, involving a lot of people. The big dry repairs the real world with the court as the battlefield, rekindling the fighting in the fighting, the '阉 Party' hat is flying all over the world, isn't it the same party, and the set of pollution? ”

"I really want to say the words of the party. In the ten years when Wang Xiquan was in the wild, what kind of sect was not with him, and there was no inextricable relationship? If it was a squad and his sect, he would have been united by him. Other sects are gone!"

"Zi Ji Jian Zong, it is their bad luck!"

"Wang Xi is a super-class sword repair, naturally fascinated by the martial arts mysterious, and the purple sword sword is the world's first sword school, of course, there are countless swords collection, and the famous sword repair strong!"

"Therefore, when Wang Xi was in power, he often went to the Purple Swordsman to learn the swordsmanship and explore the avenue. With his power and cultivation at the time, could the Purple Swordsman still let him eat closed doors?"

"So, on the bright side, the Purple Swordsman is inevitably closer to Wang Xi."

"After Wang Xi’s fall, this is the big guilt of the Purple Swordsman!” (To be continued.)

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