Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1383: Two holy battles, Longquan Conference!

After half a month, walking through the entire Wujiang River valley and seeing various villages, fields and sects, Li Yaocai deeply realized why Han Yuantai would say that "Dagan is not a real country at all"!

The aliens on the northern grassland are right. Compared with the real modern countries like the Starry Federation, the so-called "big dry" is just a geographical concept. The imperial court cannot exercise the functions and authority of the real state.

As a helpless substitute, it is more like a small country to practice the sects of the prisons and the neighbors.

Li Yao will never forget. When the sectarian fire that started from a farmer was over, the defeated party quietly cleaned up the body of his monk, and when he left, the kind of resentful eyes.

Li Yao has no doubt that if the ghost Qin people suddenly appear in front of this sect at this moment, in order to eliminate the hostile sects, this sect will certainly not hesitate to devote to the embrace of the ghost Qin people, willingly become the vassal of the ghost Qin.

As for Dagan?

Go to hell!

Li Yao feels very weak.

Things shouldn't be like this. Comprehension shouldn't be like this.

The ancient masters who are high on the top and kill each other are wrong; attached to them, the villagers who are stupid, greedy, jealous, kind, and honest are wrong; the cultivation sects are wrong; the Dagan court is also wrong!

Everyone, including the Yunyun Ghost Qin, is wrong, and it is very wrong!

However, with him alone, how do you point out how to wake up and how to change it?

Li Yao couldn't forget the children who were hungry outside the cult hall and looking for their eyes.

When Li Yao couldn't forget to dig up the corpse of the comprehension from the belly of the demon, the pair was distorted and not horrible.

Li Yao couldn't forget the two cultivation sects in the fire, and the ordinary people attached to each other also followed the big shots, using the sickle and **** to play the scene of the dirty and brain, and even more regretted the failure of a party like a wounded wolf-like eyes.

He was originally indifferent to the world, but he only regarded the world as a "hiring camp for the mercenary."

But the travel of more than half a month is the flame that makes his heart grow stronger.

He can't wait to go to the Ziji Jianzong, refine a batch of repair and reinforcement components as soon as possible, and then find an opportunity to build a super-large-scale star torch into a standby state that can be excited at any time.

With him alone, he could not save the entire ancient sanctuary.

However, if you put on the power of the entire Starry Federation, you will be able to!

Ignite the blazing fire that illuminates the universe, and save all the fellow human beings who are sinking and struggling in the darkness in the three thousand worlds!

This is the meaning of the existence of the country of the Starry Federation, and it is also the greatest reliance of their confidence and the empire and the sacred alliance!

After arriving at the "Jiangzhou", the largest city in the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River, Ling Lan finally communicated with Shanmen through the rudder of the Purple Swordsman set up here.

The news obtained in the rudder was to make Ling Lan shocked, and Li Yao was very excited and excited!

“The Ziji Jianzong held the 'Longquan Conference’ five years in advance, and invited the world’s heroes to talk about it!”

"This is the largest 'Longquan Conference' in the past 100 years. It will not only showcase the newly refining weapons of the last few years, but even hundreds of secret antiquity gods will reappear in the world. It is all over the world. Sword repairs are the top events!"

"What’s even more amazing is that at this 'Longquan Conference', the two saints in the 'Dagan Sansheng', our "Swordsman Yanyan" and the "One from the Taiji" Road', will stage an unprecedented peak matchup!"

"It is said that my uncle got a masterpiece of the era of the ruined era, and spent a full thirty years of rituals. He was finally refined by him. He had the opportunity to share the sacred magic weapon of Qi Zhongdao. Higher!"

Ling Lan explained to Li Yao that the whole person was in a state of dementia. He said to himself: "What to do, how to do it, Zhengyi and my uncle are the mainstays of the great dry world, peerless masters. The two of them actually want to fight, they have to fight..."

Li Yao is not easy to figure out the ins and outs.

Ziji Jianzong is the largest sword repair sect in Dagan Xiuzhen. The selling of swords is also a very important business. In the past, every year, a "Longquan Conference" was held, and the swordsmanship of refining in recent years will be carried out. They all showed up and welcomed the comprehensions of the Quartet sects to come to purchase.

In the terminology of modern comprehension, it is probably the meaning of “new product launch” and “annual sale”.

The "Iron St." Qizhong Road in the "Da San San Sheng" is an unfathomable, powerful and unparalleled figure!

The Purple Swordsman is the largest "sword repair" sect in the realm of comprehension.

Too much is the whole big dry, not right, is the biggest denomination of the entire ancient sacred world!

Just as a real person is in the middle of the road, it is the "too much" too much head!

He was the third national division of the Dagan dynasty. No matter how the emperor changed, even at the time of Wang Xizhen, he did not move, and faintly became the leader of the entire Dagan revision.

In the midst of chaos, a plate of sand-drying masters of the real world, only a true person in the middle of the road, can barely maintain the surface of harmony and general order!

Although the public has a high weight and is deeply cultivated, it has excellent reputation. It is not only self-discipline, self-discipline, but also has never heard a scandal that deviates from the right path. It is also unbiased when dealing with disputes between various factions. In order to convince people, never engage in malpractice, do not blame the word "middle way" in the name!

The reason why he called him "Iron St." is because the public iron face is selfless, and the heavens are authentic and unambiguous.

However, if the people in the middle of the road set the rules, if someone dares to dissatisfy, they will also know the rules of the "iron saint", how is it like steel, indestructible!

Its life-famous treasure "Pan Tianyin" is known as the most overbearing ancient Lingbao of the ancient sacred world. It can be used to crush any person who dares to fight against it!

The leader of the Dagan Xiuzhen world, "Iron St. Qi Zhongdao", wants to compete with the most powerful sword repair "Swords and Swallows".

It is indeed an earth-shattering and explosive news.

No wonder Ling Lan is so demented.

However, in Li Yao's case, the contest between the two "top ten" masters is predictable and not surprising.

According to his speculation, the whole process is like this:

First of all, a few years ago, when the **** Wang Xi was in power, the Ziji Jianzong, the largest military complex of Dagan, used his personal relationship with Gao Xi and Wang Xi to grab a few super invincible orders, almost contracting a large contract. The entire military reloading project of the Dry Dynasty, which dominated the market and earned a pot of fullness, also greatly sinned other military industrial groups and interest assemblies.

After Wang Xi’s fall, other interest groups will naturally come back and take the Ziji Jianzong.

Not only do you want to force the Ziji Jianzong to spit out all these orders, it is best to open the original market of Ziji Jianzong, and even kill the Ziji Jianzong completely, and divide its market and body.

Let's release the news that the Purple Swordsman is the shackle of the party, this is the first step.

Through the influence of the imperial court, the vassal family of the Ziji Jianzong was sent to perform the task of “recruiting Wunan”. This is the second step.

This task shows that it is extremely difficult and extremely difficult to succeed. Once it fails, it just starts from Lingjia and slowly dismembers the entire Purple Swordsman!

However, the Purple Swordsman is obviously not a good one.

As the largest arms group in Dagan, we are supporting an elite elite special soldier, who will be slaughtered?

Even if a "Thunder Sword" is dead, there are still six Yuan Ying, among them, "Jian Xi Yan Yan is a person" is more qualified to win the "big dry best Yuan Ying" throne super master!

Seeing that the imperial court pressed such unreasonable tasks on the vassal family, the intention was clear.

The Ziji Jianzong is based on attacking and defending. He held the "Longquan Conference" in advance, and took out the weapon of the gods accumulated over the centuries by the entire sect, and displayed the ancient treasures to the entire comprehension community.

Where is this "new product launch", "annual sale"?

It is clearly naked to show off the force, but there is no direct screaming: "Come, there are so many people in the purple swords, so many weapons of the gods, which do not want to eat the tiger mouth, grab the orders of Laozi, Kill the old man's mountain gate, move me to try!"

However, this time, in addition to the Ziji Jianzong, many sects of the Dagan Xiuzhen realm, it is obvious that they have to scrape a piece of skin, a layer of oil and even a few pieces of meat from the Ziji Jianzong.

Even the world's first big faction, too much of the head of the Taishang, faintly recognized as the leader of the comprehension of the "Iron St. Qi Zhongdao" have been invited, and "Jian Xia Yan away from people" to do the peak matchup.

The meaning is obvious, "Try it and try it!"

"Think of it all, I feel so excited!"

Li Yao couldn't help but dry his mouth and his heart was stirring.

The battle on the "Longquan Conference" will determine the fate of the "Dagan First Swordsman" Purple Swordsman, and even change the pattern of the entire ancient sacred world!

"Iron St. Qi Zhongdao" and "Jian Xiayan away from the people" will definitely go all out, not just to learn from the point of view.

"I heard that in addition to the mysterious disappearance of two gods and ghosts a hundred years ago, Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren basically represent the highest fighting power of the ancient sacred world. Through the confrontation between these two peerless masters, Evaluate the comprehensive level of the ancient sacred battles!"

"Also, Qi Zhongdao's sacred magic weapon 'Pantianyin', and the sacred sword that Yan Yanren has just refined, are all known as 'Hong shang ancient treasures', and what we said outside the 'flooding waste', Not a concept? Be sure to be good!"

"Also, now the most famous figures in the entire comprehensive world are gathering together at the 'Longquan Conference'. It is a great opportunity for the spirits to scream and make a gorgeous appearance!"

"If you don't want to be late, go now and go to the Longquan Conference!"

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