Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1401: Grab the limelight!

"How did he see it?"

"Impossible, I don’t even know that Yan’s people are out of the sword, not to mention the fact that according to Yan’s departure, it only provokes a 'sword meaning'. Can he perceive the sword by his sword? Material?"

"Is there anything wrong, is it too god?"

The minds of the monks around him have just been turned over by Yan, and they have been crushed and countless times. This time, they just took a breath and were exaggerated by Li Yao. They were crushed and beaten. It’s almost adult!

Yan left the person to take back a foot that had just stepped out. The chunky body turned and turned to face Li Yao again. "How do you know?"

"You just used this sword's sword meaning, ‘killing me once.’

Li Yao touched his neck. "My throat, at this moment, I can still relive the wind and frost on your sword. If you can't tell what it is, ‘killing me, isn't it ridiculous?”

"I just didn't think that the Ziji Jianzong had the weapons of the gods created by all kinds of heavenly treasures, and even the ancient secret swords that were passed down from the wilderness era, including the three-handed ancients that you just used to confront the 'Pantianyin'. The sword is the treasure that makes the world's monks look at their eyes, but you don't care about these swords, but you like a sword that is close to the iron casting and plain!"

"This is my first sword."

When Yan was indulged for a moment, he seemed to think that Li Yao was a person worth explaining. He said slowly, "I didn't have a day separated from it when I got it at the age of nine. For many years, I don't know how many times I got it. How many times have you waved it, not only familiar with the weight, shape and hardness of each place, including the speed and power it can ignite at a slight angle into the wind, even its spurs, armor, and psionics The different touches behind the shield, flesh and bones, everything, I have figured it to the extreme!"

"As you said, it really becomes an extension of my body and is part of my life!"

"And the three swords of the wilderness, although after decades of rituals, they are not specially built for me, but also used by the ancient gods, the power is too strong, the psionic energy and the gods to consume Too much, it is very difficult to control!"

"It seems that I am not driving the three secret swords, but they have swallowed my spirits and searched and attacked themselves!"

"Wishing a sword like this is like a three-year-old child waving a green dragon and a knife. Even if the destructive power is high, how can it be called the 'strongest sword?'"

Li Yao is moving!

Yan’s remarks have already faintly broken the myth of the ancients to the treasures of the wild, and slowly show signs of modern self-cultivation!

Yes, in the era of the floods, the Pangu people’s things are no better, they are created specifically for the Pangu people. They are not human beings. They are blindly worshipped and used directly, perhaps for a moment, but absolutely It is a dead end!

The magic weapon is not high, only the right one is the strongest magic weapon!

Very simple truth, it may be understood by everyone, but when a "powerful" wild treasure is really in front of you, how many comprehensions can resist the temptation and not become its slaves? ?

"You have already cultivated to such a degree..." Li Yao muttered.

"I also learned it recently."

Yan smiled and said, "In recent decades, I have actually been like other people, shocked by the power of the three savage secret swords. I tried my best to conquer them, sacrifice them, and control them. The price of life!"

"In recent years, I have compared swords with Wang Xi every year. Until the last time, he saw me obsessed with each other year by year. Every year is more than a year. I am frantic every year. I can’t help but say a few words. Sentences, I am suddenly waking up from the abyss, and I am fully realized!"

"It turns out that the strongest sword is already by my side. Why should I go farther and farther, let me use this blade that is exclusive to me, but I will smash the scrap of iron that others don't want?"

Scrap copper rotten iron...

Li Yao was deeply shocked.

In the era of the wilderness, the super-weapons used by the Pangu and the giant gods were called "waste copper and iron", and I am afraid that only "swordsman" will be so discouraged!

"My cultivation is actually a little bit worse than Qi Zhongdao."

Yan continued to leave, "Only, I have abandoned these scraps of iron and iron in the era of the ruins, and found my strongest sword, while Qi Zhongdao is holding the so-called 'Pantianyin'. Too much coveted the power of this ancient treasure, but it has been bound by it, unable to play its own supreme realm!"

“Perhaps, in the absence of ‘Pantianyin’, is there a stronger ‘Italian Qizhong’?’

"Unfortunately, he was tired of being fame, not willing, afraid to do such an attempt!"

Li Yao silently.

He didn't know if there was any reason for Yan's departure.

However, the body of "Pantianyin" is a gravity generator. It is not a weapon. The mode of operation and the psionic power supply mode are not suitable for individual use. This is true!

In order to use the power of oneself to blast the exaggerated power of "Pan Tianyin", Qi Zhongdao must pay the price that no one else can imagine.

Is this price worth it?

The conversation between the two people has caused all the comprehensions to fall into meditation, especially Qi Zhongdao under the banner of Taixuandao. On the black-faced thin face, he even saw a piece of white and white. The monk's breathing is very rare and rushed!

"I understand."

Li Yao Chang Shu breathed, and he was sincere and convinced, "Sure enough, good sword!"

Yan Yiren does not deny that he is very gentle and rubs his hilt. "In my hand, it is indeed a good sword."

"It’s a pity that this good sword has been 'sickly injured'."

Li Yao’s words turned and suddenly said, “It’s a peerless spirit that you have grown up from the youngest to the heart and soul, and you are integrated into the world. But after all, it’s a low-grade material like Ziying Copper and Hanshan Iron. Made, the foundation is not good."

"When you practice the sword, the speed and strength are at the extreme, and the damage to the blade is extremely great. Under the accumulation of time, the inside of the sword is covered with extremely fine lines!"

"What's more terrible is that the sword's tip is four inches and two points below. It has been hit hard, and there is a rice-size crater on the left side."

"Although it seems to be an insignificant small breach, there is actually a very serious crack across the blade. If you are not careful, you will use this breach as a starting point to completely break the tip of the sword!"

"From my perception, you should have thought of ways to repair or even recast this sword, but it was not successful. It just applied a few reinforced layers of texture on the surface and barely maintained it. I am not wrong!"

For a long time, Yan’s face of a white-headed man’s face was not too strong, as if the whole world except the “sword” was not worthy of his interest.

Until Li Yao said such a thing, the face of this peerless sword fairy finally revealed the expression of "stunned" like ordinary people!

Even Yuan Zijian and the senior swordsman of the Ziji Jianzong in the distance stood up from the seats and looked at each other, incredible!

"You, how do you know!"

Yan is actually stuttering!

Li Yao smiled and said: "I also know why you are not willing to recast this sword."

"Because you and this sword live together for a lifetime, you have a clear understanding of its outline, weight, center of gravity and feel. All your swords, minds, mouths, and magical powers are around the current form of this sword. The weight to cultivate has reached the most perfect state!"

"Once the sword is recast, using more precious Tiandibao to make up the gap, repair the collapse, and strengthen the blade, it will inevitably make the sword's length, thickness, weight, and extremely subtle differences."

"For a swordsman like you, even if the sword is recast, it is only a half longer than the hair in the past, or it is slightly heavier than the weight of a cow's hair, or even the center of gravity moves up or down by half. It’s absolutely absolutely unbearable, because then it breaks the 'perfection' of your hard work for a lifetime!”

"Oh, I am wrong."

"You sword, not only ordinary material, the method of casting is rough, the weight of the sides of the ridge is unevenly distributed, the left side should be slightly heavier!"

"This is not a perfect sword."

"But you have spent the rest of your life getting used to this imperfection, adjusting your body to the same imperfect form, and being positive and negative, to match this sword!"

"If you recast, it will be counterproductive to correct this imbalance. It will make it a seamless relationship with you, and there will be a glimpse of '瑕疵'!"

"This is why you know that there are many internal injuries in this sword, but you are not willing to repair and recast, right?"

The situation is completely reversed!

Just now Yan Yanren has been suppressing Li Yao and guiding the rhythm of the dialogue between the two people. No matter how Li Yao struggles, it is like a fish at the bottom of the river!

However, now, when it comes to the flaws of this sword, the two have come to a reversal, and Li Yao has counterattacked, but Yan has completely fallen into his control!

Of course, for the onlookers who don’t know the truth around the world, the dialogue between the two is like telling a story—there is no sword pulled out, just feel the “sword meaning” with the neck, and feel so many ways. ?

Who believes!

Moreover, is this coffin not a witch monk? Isn’t Wu Han’s monk best at playing snakes and raising ghosts? Where did he learn so many ways about flying swords?

Yan is not deny, but he takes a step forward and is excited: "Yes, how about it!"

"Not how."

Li Yao is not flustered. "If I say, I can help you recast this sword and strengthen it with the strongest and finest materials in the whole world, but make its length, weight, contour, center of gravity even cast. When the unique touches brought by those cockroaches are perfectly preserved, they are absolutely the same before the recasting. Yandaoyou, believe it or not?"

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