Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1408: What is needed is this effect!


Li Yao’s green flames swelled, but this time it no longer condensed into a scorpion or a giant eagle, but gradually became a huge furnace that expanded to four or fifty meters. Spread all the way up, shrouded three broken magic weapons!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

This "powder tripod", which is purely condensed by the psionic energy, spins up and produces a powerful suction. It will be scattered on the ground just now. The fragments of the "Heavenly Sun" of the Biantian copper are rolled up one by one and put into the furnace. Among them!


Many high-ranking monks exclaimed in the sky. √

But seeing the clouds above the "furnace", they are all faintly involved in the suction, constantly illusion of the wind dragons and tigers, all kinds of magnificent and spectacular forms, a brain rushing to the stove!

The copper furnace peak was originally a form like a refiner furnace, but it could not be used as a refiner.

However, the "Lingling Master", who was the master of the ancient times and the inheritance of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was really using the heavens as the oven, using the clouds as fuel, and putting himself into the stove, staged a scene. God's skill in refining!

“Does he want to fix three broken magic weapons here, where there are no refining furnaces?”

"How is it possible that the damage of these three magic weapons is quite serious? At least a large amount of natural materials should be applied. In the refining furnace, it will be repeated for a few days and nights before there is a chance to repair it?"

"He, what exactly should he do?"

Just as many comprehensions and cast swordsmen were shocked and inexplicable, the sensible singer suddenly burst out with a piece of shredded red-red powder, and then “sounded” and burned!

In an instant, hundreds of meters in a circle, they all turned into a flame of hell, even a few hundred meters away from the high-ranking monks, they felt the flames straighten their eyes, and the skin had to split.

"What is this fire, the temperature is so high!"

"With such a high temperature, even steel can be melted into molten iron. Can the spirits of the coffin be safe in the depths of the flames?"

"Look, the flame is still changing!"

Everyone’s voice did not fall, and the red fire suddenly turned into a purple fire. The purple fire once again turned into a pure white flame. It was as beautiful as a cluster of crystal clear crystals, but the temperature was higher, and the air was completely distorted. Looking far away, the Ling Ding Ding is like a huge heart, shrinking and swelling, "噗通, 噗通, 噗通"!

All the comprehensions heard the sound of the heart of the furnace, shocking the sound of people.

It is more obvious that the smoke of the original black cockroach, after the temperature is getting higher and higher, is gradually infiltrated by the psionic energy, becoming colorful and colorful, showing a transparent crystal-like texture, if a colorful jade pillar reaches the sky. , turn the psionic stove into a whole piece of big crystal!

The beautiful scene almost made everyone's breathing close to stagnation.

They have never seen such a powerful refining technique.

This is normal.

Because this is not a refining technique at all, it is just the sound and photoelectric effect that Li Yao deliberately made.

The lingering furnace is deep.

The whole furnace, only the outermost layer is thousands of degrees of high temperature, unpredictable, smashed to the outer shell.

As for the inside, under the ban, it still maintains normal temperature.

This layer of thousands of high-temperature shells, on the one hand, is to swear, and on the other hand, to prevent others from prying, so that Li Yao hides inside, doing some seemingly unpredictable operations.

Three broken magic weapons are suspended in front of Li Yao.

The artifact that Li Yao touched from his arms is a glue that is specially used to temporarily repair the magic weapon!

This kind of adhesive is similar to the liquid metal that automatically repairs the outer shell of the starship. It is also the cutting-edge research achievement of modern comprehension civilization in materials science.

Once applied to the broken part of the magic weapon, it can instantly produce a strong suction, stick the broken part, and present similar features to the nearby parts.

The viscose has the highest viscosity and firmness, strong symmetry and stable nature. It is compatible with almost all metals and strong alloys, and restores the magic weapon after repair to at least two-thirds of the power.

The only drawback is that the lifespan is not long. After a few days of exposure to the air, it will gradually fail and turn into a powder.

Therefore, it is only an emergency means of temporary maintenance on the battlefield.

Li Yao deliberately in this kind of adhesive, doped with several natural natural heaven and earth treasure components, can be disguised as the natural material extracted from the "Great Zhou Dynasty" in ancient times.

Just now, of course, he can also not use the outer layer of the bells and whistles, and honestly face the crowd, using glue to repair the magic weapon.

However, in this way, what is the difference between repairing shoes on the street?

This year, come out to comprehend, pay attention to a three-dimensional special effects and surround sound, is gorgeous and cool!

"Well, first polish the second half of the gun, and then take this one as a counterweight, and move it up and stick it again!"

"This sword is easy to handle, as long as the seams are tight, the gap in the middle is filled with gel."

"The key is that this wind and thunder is a hole in the air. No way, I have to think about it, cut a piece of the same patch of repair particles!"

"Right, it’s impossible to repair such a silent sound. Use my Dantian and let some music come out!"


All the self-cultivators outside are waiting uneasyly. From the brilliance of the brilliance and the enthusiasm of the bullfighting bullfighting, suddenly there is a loud noise, which makes the entire copper furnace peak shake!

Just as the crowds were in a big mess, I don’t know what happened to the spirits of the dingy, and the depths of the furnaces came from the depths of the waves, and the sound of violent and fierce!

The sound is getting higher and higher, and it gradually becomes a Jin Ge iron horse. The sound of the sand field is like a thousand troops and horses in the fire.

The momentum is so amazing, not only the high-ranking monks on the peak of the copper furnace are deeply shocked, but even the middle and low-order comprehensions that the copper furnace peaks are looking forward to are all clear to the sky.

"What to do!"

"Is the sword fight and the real one's fight, has it lasted for so long?"

"Not quite like their breath, this breath is quite strange, but it is overbearing!"

"Look, the clouds in the sky are all condensed into a big whirlpool, just like being absorbed into something!"

The shocking refining process lasted for a full fragrant time.

Subsequently, the refining furnace, which was formed by the condensation of smoke and flames, melted like ice in the water, gradually swaying around and turning into a mist and drifting into the sky.

The sky has completely turned into a colorful whirlpool that has not been scattered for a long time.

Li Yao was sitting cross-legged in the center of the test sword field. As the old man entered, it was like an old tree with a vine, and the whole body was full of unspeakable ancient meanings. It was like a journey through time and space, from tens of thousands of years ago. The ancients who came.

Three magic weapons, floating quietly on top of his head, Xuanguang swallowed, shocked the air, faintly screaming the sound of the tiger!

Suddenly, the three magic weapons turned into three streams of light, flying in the direction of the original owner!

"this is!"

Li Chaolang first exclaimed.

The gun fluttered, as if a dragon had been wrapped around him from the tip of the gun, and it was blended into his blood. He couldn’t tell the lightness, the joy and the harmony!

It seems that it has been painstakingly honoured for decades, and today, this swordsman’s sea rifle is the first to truly belong to him!

"It turned out that it was too long!"

Strictly chasing the waves and almost screaming.

In the past few decades, he has been painstakingly repairing his father’s "Thorn Sea Burning Heaven", but no matter how he cultivated, even the realm has greatly changed his father’s peak period, but he always felt that he and this gun, this set of guns The ultimate, but also a layer of thin wings like a thing!

He thought it was his own cultivation and embarrassment. With reference to the cultivation notes left by his father, the more he practiced madly, every detail strived to be exactly the same as his father. However, he did not expect to go farther and farther with the perfect state of mind.

This matter has gradually become his knot, almost to the point of getting rid of the fire!

It is only until today that the problem is not on him, but on this gun!

Capricorn took the newly-received spirits and stabbed sea rifles. The chasing waves looked complicated and sighed. Looking at Li Yao’s eyes, he was full of light that could not be described by pen and ink.

The gold armored stepping copper and the wind thunder valley are in the sky, and the two Yuan Ying middle-class monks are the same. They are rubbing their own magic weapons, but they are unable to perceive even the most subtle gaps in the original damaged place.

The two looked at each other and saw the horror of each other's eyes. They felt that after Li Yao's patching, it seems that his magic weapon really awakened. This feeling is like...

It is as if the original magic weapon is only a fake, only after the hand of Li Yao, the finishing touch is the same as the unparalleled authenticity!

"Don't be too happy first."

Li Yao squinted and faintly said, "The time is tight today. There are no tools and materials for picking up here. This is just a rough look, and it has not completely cured the 'injury' of these three magic weapons! ”

"At the moment they are all strong outside, they seem to be perfect, but they can't stand the real sacrifice and kill!"

"If you feel that such an effect is still satisfactory, you will naturally find someone else later, talk about the real magic to repair these three magic weapons, what kind of price you are willing to pay!":

"Of course, if you feel that the swordsmen of your own sects can solve the troubles behind, and leave no hidden dangers, then you can handle them by yourself. These methods are all free of charge!"

"Just like this, in case of any problems in the near future, don't waste your time!"

This profession of refiner divisions has the advantage of this. As long as you take your life door, you are not afraid that you will not be arrogant.

Ou Yezi's memory has been extended to the Yuan Ying stage. In the Bai Lian Zong, he is regarded as a master of the independent side. Li Yao is naturally familiar with the method of how to rip off the bamboo.

"This one……"

Step by day copper, Ren Changkong and Li Chaolang, the three middle-aged monks of the Yuan Ying period, looking at the magic weapon of "perfect", where can also afford half-minded and compelling? (To be continued.) 8

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