Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1418: Flooding!



"Hey la la la la la la la!"

Li Yao has never seen such a terrible thunder, such a violent storm, such a crazy flood!

It is clear at noon, but there is a darkness between heaven and earth. The dark clouds that are thick and incapable are constantly squirming, and the black scorpion is suppressed against the earth, so that all the creatures between heaven and earth are like being in the stomach of a wild beast. Nowhere to run!

A series of lightnings continued to hang down like a waterfall. It was like a dragon that was drilled from a black cloud, and a ghost hand that only caught the ground. It splashed a blue flame on the ground!

The torrential rain can no longer be described by the word "dumping". It is like there is another vast ocean above the scorpio. With the smashing of the scorpion, the sea in the "Tianhai" is pouring down. Will swallow the whole world soon!

The thunder and the torrential rain have been so horrible, and even more horrible is the raging winds!

This squally wind is the afterglow of the burning wind. It contains a psionic power that has nowhere to vent, such as a wave of raging waves. The wind is filled with countless uprooted trees, ruined houses, and even broken limbs of countless creatures. Like a huge, invisible meat grinder, it smashes everything on the earth. Wherever it passes, the earth is really clean!

Not to mention ordinary people and low-ranking monks, even the Jindan strong and Yuan Ying old blame, do not dare to fly in such a blast, lightning and thunder.

Otherwise, it will become the violent psionic power between heaven and earth, the first attack target!

Against the background of squally winds, heavy rains and lightning, the Wujiang floods are rampaging and looking for a way out.

At this moment, Wujiang and Li Yao have undergone earth-shaking changes when they saw it four months ago.

It is the spring blossoms, the numerous snow-capped mountains in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River are thawed, and a large amount of snow flows down the river, increasing the instantaneous flow of Wujiang by more than five times, forming a mighty spring!

If it is said that the Wujiang River that runs through the Dagan Dynasty is a sleeping dragon, then at this moment, this hungry wrathful dragon is completely awakened, and is screaming and searching for a sacrifice that can fill the stomach!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A wave of high peaks hit the fragile levees on both sides of the Wujiang River. A long time ago, the defensive array set up during the heyday of the Dagan Dynasty gave a dim light, but it was in disrepair. Underneath, slowly eroded and decayed, the defense is not as good as before!

If the levees are washed away, the floods are flooding, and even the Wujiang River is diverted, causing large areas of flooding, the consequences are unimaginable!

This is the scene that Li Yao and Ziji Jianzong, the head of the Emperor Yanzong, the elders, and the hundreds of Lingjian swordsmen rushed to the southeast for disaster relief.

And this flood is far from the most dangerous thing at the moment.

"Hey! Hey!"

In the turbulent waves of the flood, there are faint grotesque screams.

The flood not only destroyed the homes of ordinary people and comprehensions, but also swept a large number of valleys and forests in the Wujiang River basin, and shocked the fierce beasts that were originally hidden in the deep forests and old forests!

The living environment of these beasts has been greatly changed. The original prey has been swept away by the floods. Forced to helplessly, they can only follow the flood and find new territories.

In the process, it is inevitable that there will be fierce conflicts with other beasts and even self-cultivators!

"There are a lot of dragons and beasts hidden in Wujiang. Everyone must be careful. Everything is safe first. Wait until you are a real person and all the big Taoist friends."

Dan Fengzi screamed in the torrential rain.

In the face of such a violent world of heaven and earth, these self-proclaimed self-cultivating self-cultivators can't do too many things. They can only watch the beasts in lightning, heavy rain, squally winds, floods and floods. A fragile defensive array on the dam.

"Head, look!"

A Lingjian swordsman suddenly exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the flood, but seeing a wave of high peaks suddenly rise suddenly, really like a towering peak.

Look carefully, but in the turbid flood, there is a hundred meters long, lavender dragons and beasts, the front end even split ends, three ugly heads, each on the head Full of dense spikes, like three huge shovel!

"Puff puff!"

The thorns and dragons were strange, three blood bowls and one mouth, spit out three face-sized orbs. In the flood, they fell into a no-man's land. After a few turns, they bombarded the dam.


Several defensive arrays set behind the dam burst on the spot. On the dam that was originally fragile, there were more than a dozen shocking cracks that suddenly spread to the surrounding!

"What kind of beast is this, it looks like a multi-faceted quirk, why it grows so big, and it has three heads!"

"It actually cultivated three demon singers in one breath, and it was cultivated so grandly. I am afraid that it is not in the depths of the Wujiang River. It has cultivated a whole number of hundred years. Because this once-in-a-century flood has only come from the bottom of the river. Twist it out!"

"Awful, terrible, and then it will be hit a few times, the dam will collapse completely, let's run away!"

In the face of the savage beast that passed through the ruins of the past, the swordsman of Ling Xiao was timid and stunned.

"Elder Lingling!"

Dan Fengzi’s face has become extraordinarily ugly. “I didn’t expect this natural disaster to be so powerful. It’s just like the Wujiang flood and the remnant of the burning wind. It’s so powerful! I don’t know the state that was hit by the burning wind. What is the situation?"

"The levee is about to collapse. Let's go quickly. If it is involved in the flood, and it is contending with lightning, heavy rain, and flood peaks, even Jin Dan and Yuan Ying will inevitably have to be shocked and smashed!"

Li Yao squinted and looked at the crumbling **** in front. The thought in his heart was all the way to the sword, the farmland and the villages and towns that he saw when he flew over.

The middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River is the most affluent area of ​​the Dagan Dynasty. It is also the most densely populated place. The population of a village and town here is often more than that of a large city in the southwest.

The burning of the wind on the previous day has caused countless displaced victims to flee westward along the Wujiang River, which has greatly increased the population of the villages and towns in this area.

If the dam here collapses and the Wujiang River is diverted, it will be a disaster for thousands of victims!

Li Yao can't watch the tragedy happen.

However, it seems that the temper and character of the "Lingling Master" should not be a person for ordinary people to take care of.

Li Yao’s hesitation was misunderstood by Dan Fengzi. He frowned: “The elders of Lingbi see these three demons, and want to pick them up?”


"This dragon-like beast is a variant of the 'multi-horned monster'. From its body shape, it has been cultivated for at least a thousand years in the Wujiang River. It may exist when the Dagan Dynasty has not yet been established! ”

"The dragon-like beast is originally born with water. The flood is so embarrassing, and it is the most fierce time. It is too risky to hunt it at this moment!"

"If the elders of the spirits are really interested in this beast, it is better to wait for it to break the dam and flow to the plains, and after the weather has improved slightly, it is not too late to kill. It is called "Longyou Shoal". At that time, it was always better to deal with some!"

Li Yao opened his mouth and wanted to ask Dan Fengzi a sentence. He was full of hunting and killing beasts, and captured the demon and the like. Have you ever thought of ordinary people living on both sides of the Wujiang River?

When I got to the lips, I was hard and stuffed back.

Dan Fengzi was taken for granted, and even he was very considerate for him, so he had nothing to say!

at this time

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The three-headed multi-horned quirks once again screamed at the tearing of the heavens and the earth, and the three demon screamed out like three huge magnets, which attracted all the lightning around them. With the demon as the core, they condensed into three blues. , purple Yingying, the spherical lightning of the oil!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The ball lightning rises in the wind and quickly expands to a diameter of more than ten meters. The surrounding rainstorms are all decomposed into fog, smashing through the lightning, adding a bit of invincibility, crushing all the power!

Seeing that the three ball-shaped lightnings would hit the dam, Li Yao’s heartbeat also accelerated to the extreme. He was desperate to rush out to “kill the dragons and hunt the demon”, and between the clouds, suddenly shot thousands of Jinmang. Such as the burning golden arrow, overwhelming, shooting to the multi-angle quirks!


Hundreds of golden awns instantly smashed the **** scorpion, punctured it, and the blood flow of the black scorpion!

Under the pain of multi-angle quirks, I can only give up the dam, but it is pulling three ball-shaped lightnings and smashing between the clouds!


The ball-shaped lightning tears the dark clouds, and they are annihilated without a trace, leaving only three slightly faint demon dans.

On top of the black clouds, a moon white faintly lingering with dark gold streamers dances with the wind, like a lonely boat between the waves.

On top of it, Zhuo Li is a monk.

He can be regarded as one of the most handsome men Li Yao has ever seen.

Seeing this person's looks, can you really understand what is called "Jianmei into the scorpion, Fengyanshengwei", what is called "face if the crown jade, lips red teeth white"!

This is not an exaggeration of rhetoric. He really looks like a whole piece of jade or marble. No matter what strength, even if it can erode all the time, it can't wipe out one thousandth of his beauty!

The only thing that slightly detracted from his appearance was the faint sorrow between the eyebrows.

But under the savoir-faire, this bitter and sorrowful bitterness has sublimated his appearance to a new realm, a realm where people can't even be jealous and inferior!

"Floating the Buddhism, the master of bitterness!"

Dan Fengzi whispered! (To be continued.)


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