Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1424: Under the Tiger City, the sinister!

The bitter master nodded thoughtfully: "So, did the Qi Shizhu go to Hu Xiaotang?"

The face of Qi Zhongdao is as black as the shoe polish at the bottom of the pot. He gnawed his teeth: "Our people who are too sacred have already visited the house, but unfortunately they did not go well, so I hope that Dan Fengzi’s head, Yan’s departed friend, and Lingbi Masters, as well as masters of bitterness and friends, can go together and persuade Hu Xiaotang to take care of the overall situation!"

Obviously, the "not smooth" in the Qizhong crossing is not generally unsatisfactory.

This stalwart "the head of the Dagan monk", the super Yuan Ying, who is in the hands of the ancient sacred world to Baofan Tianyin, is also raging!

Qi Zhongdao said that Li Yao and others are the only ones who are the leader of the horse. The high-ranking monks of dozens of sects are carrying out the distinctive banner, swaying through the clouds, showing their magical powers, rolling up nearly a thousand rainbow streams, all the way toward the Tiger City. Direction, whistling away.

Along the way, Li Yao deliberately approached Dan Fengzi: "Hey, I really didn't expect our purple swordsmen to be so generous, willing to come up with a large amount of food to help the victims?"

Dan Fengzi’s “嘿嘿” smiled a few times, and he stopped talking. He looked at the high-ranking monks of the remaining sects around him and lowered his voice. “There is another mystery. Let’s slowly say that anyway, it’s only the head of the Taixuan. How to do Taixuandao, how can we do it!"

After a meal, I said, "When I get to the place, the elders of the coffin must be cautious and cautious. Hu Xiaotang has two Yuan Ying, ten Jin Dan, countless monks, and strength in the southeast. Computational excellence is stronger than many sects in Dongning.

Moreover, their mountain gate 'Huxiaocheng' is a newly built big city in the past ten years. The 'seven savage and fierce battles' is the first-class defensive array, and the 'mixed yuan tiger 蹲 gun' is also powerful. The remote magic weapon!

Here, although there are many flags, the masters are like clouds. At first glance, the six major factions have joined forces, but most of them are not in the same mood. Who will be the first to rush, and in the seven strong and fierce battles, hard resistance Hundreds of mixed yuan tigers and cannons?

Another one, with strength in just a few days, long-distance flight tens of thousands of miles, and across a large flood-prone area, are high-ranking monks, so the major sects, this time are all high-level, you see, Even a large number of Lingxiao swordsmen who are not even able to keep up, have to stay in the rear camp?

Lack of mortal army and low-ranking monks to consume each other's tactics and cannons, the high-ranking monks hard to rush, the loss will be great! ”

"What does this mean?"

Li Yaoyan’s eyes widened and he was pretending to be inexplicable. “Is it still ready to attack Tiger City?”

"That depends on the meaning of a real person!"

Dan Fengzi blinked his eyes. "The matter is clear. I want to weaken the power of Bailian's mother, Wan Mingzhu, and prevent her from getting enough sinister soldiers to attack Dongning. That would not allow too many victims to die."

Want to let the victims die without hate, at least let them have a full meal, and die as a full-fledged ghost!

Food, now where is the food? In addition to the Dongning House surrounded by the White Lotus Ghost Army, it is scattered all over the southeast, and the comprehensions in these Shanmen Docks have food!

But the self-cultivators of the local sects will listen to our words and hand over the food.

Hu Xiaotang is the largest cultivation sect in the southeast area in addition to the many sects in Dongning. I can guarantee that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at Hu Xiaotang.

If Hu Xiaotang is willing to hand over a lot of food, then other sects can say it.

If you can't keep the hard bones of Hu Xiaotang, other local sects will definitely have the same kind of learning, saying that nothing will surrender half a grain! ”


Li Yao has been grinding for a long time, said, "I listened to the truth of a real person. The white lotus ghost army ravaged the southeast and destroyed the large-scale Lingtian, which would cause serious shortage of Lingdao and Lingmai in the realm of comprehension. No one has any The benefits, isn't the local sects disregarding the overall situation?"

"Guo the overall situation?"

Dan Fengzi screamed a few times, "Hey, hey, the elders of the coffin, please see, the tiger is coming!"

Li Yao pressed the tip of the sword, narrowed his eyes and looked at it.

I haven't seen Huxiaocheng yet, I heard the cries, shouts, and screams that burst into the sky!

Disaster victims!

Hundreds of thousands of victims have formed several faint black torrents. Driven by the instinct of survival, they are constantly surging from all directions, regardless of the highest potential in the hundreds of miles. Tigers rushing to the city!

However, they are all surrounded by a colorful light curtain, blocking the outside of the Tiger City, forming a hell-like disaster private land outside the city!

In the camp, the cries are shaking, and there are ragged clothes everywhere, like dead people!

Some of the victims had only one last breath, and they were dragged together to wait for death. They straightened out the thin arms of the blue-streaked stalks and grabbed them in the sky. I don’t know what to grab.

Other young and middle-aged victims who were a little bit more energetic, bowed to the crying city, and asked the immortal to put them into the city. Many of the men smashed their heads at the Daqingshi, and they got **** and finally glimpsed. , fell to the side and did not move.

There are also a large number of victims searching for dead trees, weeds, mice, cockroaches... everything that can be imported, for a small cockroach, you can make a big shot, bite each other like a beast, roll in the mud go with!

A light black scent, rising from the lingering victims, floating into the air, condensed into pieces like a cloud-like floc.

In the floc, there are faintly condensed things in pale red. With the crying of the victims, the color is getting redder and red, like a demon eye, full of negative emotions of haze, resentment, anger, despair. The cold condensation looks at the earth.

This breath gives Li Yao a very uncomfortable feeling. The psionic circulation in the body is somewhat stagnant. The meaning of vomiting between the chest and abdomen is like a normal person facing the spider and the cockroach. disgust!

"It's a sorrow and a sigh!"

Dan Fengzi exclaimed, "I didn't expect that there is such a strong soul and suffocation here. It seems that only a white man and a little mother can get a big ghost army!"

The bitter masters whispered a buddha, and the more they came out, the whites of their feet were white, and they rushed into the air!

Inside the sigh of anger, immediately condensed hundreds of groups of black air masses like hoes, screaming and screaming, and rushing to the bitter master!

The bitterness between the bumbling master's eyebrows became more and more intense, his shoulders shook, and the great rosary flew into the air, and he was swayed into it with his scepter!

With the Zen rod as the central axis, the rosary rotates at a rapid speed, releasing seven colors of light, and swaying over the hundreds of groups.

The black scorpion was set in the air by Xuanguang, and it trembled fiercely, like a flower bud like a bud, and in the middle of the black gas, it turned out to be a ragged, vague figure!

These undead souls, if the big dreams are awake, are unknown.

With the chanting of the masters of the bitter masters, they seem to recall everything in the past, the violent temperament of the whole body disappeared, and the calm and joyful color appeared on the face, which gradually turned into a pure and transparent white mist.

In the end, in a sigh of relief, it disappeared without a trace.

These undead are all overwhelmed by the bitter masters.

The original windy winds, the ghostly sky, slightly restored a little sunny.

The feeling of faint nausea such as Li Yao and other high-ranking monks slowly disappeared.

The so-called "soul" is a group of extremely special fluctuations. Originally, after the death of a person, there is not enough energy and material support, and it will soon disappear.

However, if it acquires a trace of energy from the outside world for various reasons, it can maintain its own natural frequency and form within a certain period of time, without collapsing, it will be transformed from "soul" to "ghost".

The "souls and ghosts" refers to this group of special fluctuations, which contain a lot of negative emotions, forming a very unstable, highly interfering Lingbo magnetic field!

This highly intrusive sonic wave magnetic field can interfere with the material world as long as the intensity reaches a certain level.

Just like the magnetic field of a magnet, it can adsorb and interfere with various metals, and it can also make all kinds of metals magnetic.

If this group of magnetic fields invades into the brains of ordinary people, stimulates various biological currents, manipulates human vision, hearing and central nervous system, it can make people see all kinds of horror of horror, even by manipulating people. The nerve endings and body fluids react, really make the body, all kinds of trauma and changes, such as binocular congestion, no reason to laugh, heel off the ground, hair, nails and so on.

Seriously, you can even disturb the original three souls and seven scorpions, and replace them!

This is the truth of the "fighting the evil spirits" and the "ghost upper body" of the ordinary folks!

The potential of human beings is endless. Under normal conditions, ordinary people do not know the method of stimulating their potential. The most likely to stimulate their potential is naturally the moment before dying!

If you die at the end of your life, if you don’t have a problem, you will naturally provoke any potential.

If there is an unfulfilled wish, or if the death is extremely painful, terrible, or if there is a deep hatred, it is very likely that at the time of dying, the full potential of the deep brain will be stimulated, and the brain cells will react like a supernova. Form a powerful ghost!

If this is the case, then the soul of the comprehension is strong and the heart is strong, but it will not be afraid of the ghosts produced by several ordinary people in the district.

I am afraid that the quantitative change will lead to qualitative changes. As in the current situation, thousands of victims have gathered together. Because of hunger, plague, cold weather and so on, the death is terrible.

After they die, they will form a lot of devils, even resonate between the devil and the devil, and merge with each other to upgrade to become more fierce ghosts and ghosts!


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