Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1427: Never sell face!

Li Yao’s slight glimpse is actually a very simple truth. However, after the natural disaster of the Starry Federation, it will soon be disposed of. He has never seen the disaster of the people, but he did not expect it.

"There are a lot of hundreds of thousands of displaced people at the moment. If you can’t help but see them become a murderous army, it’s a lot of trouble, but it’s still within the limits that Hu Xiaotang can solve.”

Dan Fengzi continued. "I really listened to the words of a real person, opened the warehouse to put food, and attracted millions of victims within a thousand miles. At that time, food is still not enough. There will still be countless victims starving to death. There are more corpses, people are more dense, and the possibility of plague is ten times higher. There will be more people in the city of Huxiao, and the death will be terrible, and the soul will not stagnate!

In this way, the army that might have been composed of tens of thousands of murderers has been upgraded to hundreds of thousands, and even millions of murderous squads. On the top of Huxiaocheng, Hu Xiaotang is really unable to withstand it. Being razed to the ground, the door is destroyed!

The elders of the coffin talked about it. The life of the whole door was on the shoulders. How could Duan’s father and son sell the face of a real person?

For Hu Xiaotang, the only correct way is to let all the victims know that Hu Xiaotang is really a grain without food. He will stay here, not dead, if he wants to live, Go to Dongning!

In this way, the disaster will be led to Dongning House, in order to keep the Hu Xiaotang safe and sound! ”

Li Yao Chang Shu breathed out: "It turns out that it is really a speculation!"

"The speculation, of course, speculation, the most speculative in the world, is the heart!"

Dan Fengzi sighed a sigh. "Is it true that the real person wants Hu Xiaotang to open the warehouse to release the grain. Is it what he said? 'Wang Fuzhengdao, Jing Shimin'? But it is at the expense of Hu Xiaotang. To alleviate the pressure on the side of Dongning, try to bring the victims near Dongning to Xijiang and Huxiaocheng, so that Bailian’s mother can’t recruit enough sinister ghosts to completely eradicate Bailian. !

Hey, Zhengyi is a real person. This is a bully. Duan Yuanwu has just formed Yuan Ying. He has not enough experience in the practice of comprehension. I don’t know that his Laozi Duan Tiande is a piece of **** in the realm of comprehension. How can it be so easy!

Kneeling, Duan Tiande must be crouching in the dark, if the real person is really brave, then Duan and his son fight to die, they must bite two pieces of meat from him! ”

Li Yao was shocked and shocked. After a moment of indulging, he frowned. "No, since all the major factions including the Purple Swordsman have shipped a large amount of food, they will arrive within three or two days. So Huxiaotang only provides If you have a day or two of food, you can get through the storm. Are you not happy? Why bother to be so arrogant and ugly!

"Hey Hey Hey!"

Dan Fengzi made a slight laugh, and did not answer Li Yao’s question. He turned the subject very bluntly. “Even if Hu Xiaotang really has enough millions of victims to support the food for ten days and a half, It’s impossible to send out a half!"

Li Yao asked: "Why is this?"

"It's very simple."

Dan Fengzi counted his fingers and calculated, "This spring disaster, floods and burning winds, smashing countless fertile soil in the southeast, then when the fall is not green, the lack of food in the realm of cultivation!

Not only the 'Yu Jingzi', which is eaten daily by the self-cultivators, but also the Lingdao and Lingmai will be seriously deficient. Moreover, when the spiritual rice and the Lingmai stored in the major sects are eaten, the comprehensions have to use the ordinary rice and wheat. The demand will be doubled!

At that time, the price of food must soar, even five times now, more than ten times!

Whoever holds a lot of food in hand, that is the resources and strength of *!

Now taking out a basket of food to help the victims, it is equivalent to degrading the strength of their own in the fall when the yellow and yellow are not connected, who is willing to do such stupid things?

After the natural disasters, Hu Xiaotang must also open up the territory and expand the soil. It is necessary to use a knife and a gun. The grain that is kept by the family is to be exchanged for various war resources. How can it be wasted on these victims? ”

"Knife and gun?"

Li Yao Yue is more and more curious, "What kind of knife and gun, what to fight?"

"After each natural disaster, it is the re-combination of the Central Plains to cultivate the realm, and the major sects have been in the open war."

Dan Fengzi explained to Li Yao that the Central Plains is no more than Wunan. The land is less dense and the contradictions are sharp. The Lingtian, Tiancaodibao plantation, the mountain forest where the beasts are kept, etc. Squeeze together, the needle can't be inserted, it's within reach, and friction will occur every three minutes!

Originally, on the top of the land, there were bans and banners of major sects, but they could be safe and sound. The well water did not make river water, but when a flood or a wind burned down, most of the bans were destroyed, and all the flags were not. And flying, who can prove the boundaries of each other's sphere of influence, where is it?

Everyone wants to take more and more, for the sphere of influence of one or two miles, it is not very important to fight. ”


Li Yao long spit out a sigh of gas, and remembered the anecdote that was heard when he was inspected along the banks of the Wujiang River. In order to make a feces, the two sects of Jindan were degraded.

"If it is only the friction of the sphere of influence, it is still a small matter."

Dan Fengzi laughed again. "The more chaotic situation is that the gate of a certain sect is just hit by the natural disaster and completely destroyed. The masters of the sects have fallen, and they have no strength to save the original sphere of influence.

Some unfortunate small and medium-sized sects were uprooted by natural disasters. Most of the doormen died, and there was a large untouched Lingtian and forest!

Elders of the Lingbi, do you think that in order to be such a big landless land, isn’t the value worthy of a knife? ”

Li Yao nodded and squeezed two words out of his teeth: "Worth!"

"So, after each natural disaster, it is a good time for these cultivation sects to use their means to show their brilliance, killing and merging!"

Dan Fengzi smiled and said, "For Hu Qiang, such as Hu Xiaotang, no matter whether the weather is good or the natural disasters are frequent, it is indifferent. Under the two-phase trade-off, perhaps the natural disasters will come out better!

The elders of Lingbi, you ponder this reason, Hu Xiaotang originally occupied half of the Lingtian fertile soil in Xijiang Prefecture, tentacles and extended to the nearby state, built a large number of docks, strongholds, and Grange.

If the weather is good, it will be the most food they have hit, and it is naturally good!

In the event of a natural disaster, Hu Xiaotang is the strongest sect within a thousand miles, and the resilience is naturally strongest. Other small and medium sects are hurt and dying. Hu Xiaotang is only skin trauma, no The injury is fundamental!

As long as you have survived the natural disasters, Hu Xiaotang can take the opportunity to swallow up the sphere of influence and various resource interests of the nearby sects. Isn’t it more cost-effective to harvest food than when the weather is smooth?

If this is not the case, how can Hu Xiaotang develop to the point of today in just a hundred years, relying on hard work to farm, but can not grow ten Jin Dan, two big Yuan Ying!

To grab the dock and compete for the site, it will consume a lot of resources. The so-called three armed forces have not moved, and the grain and grass are the first!

The scale of the natural disaster is so great that there must be a lot of sects that have been greatly weakened or even completely collapsed. It is a good time for Tigers and Tears to make great achievements. How can we bring valuable resources of war to the victims? ”

"It turns out!"

Li Yao’s heart is intricate and I don’t know what it’s like. “It’s no wonder that Hu Xiaotang’s ambitious!”

"Even if you are not ambitious, if you just want to keep it, you can't take it out."

Dan Fengzi laughed. "This is the relationship between the two. If Hu Xiaotang really took out a lot of food to help the victims and emptied their granaries, even if they could survive the sinister army." Invasion, will be sectarian sects of other soldiers in all directions!

This world, people do not hurt the tiger, the tiger is harmful to people, you do not eat me, I will eat you! How can Hu Xiaotang put himself on the cutting board and let him fish?

This has nothing to do with Duan's father and son's heart, but involves thousands of disciples from Huxiaotang, as well as hundreds of thousands of family members, doormen, and tenants attached to them, even if they changed the bitter master to be the hall of Huxiaotang. Lord, can you use the death of hundreds of thousands of people in the Tiger City to change the front line of millions of victims? ”

This sentence, as if it was a good drink, made Li Yao’s brain scream.

Looking up at the bitter masters, but seeing the bitter masters still surpassing the undead in the distant clouds and ghosts.

He doubled his eyes and closed his mouth, and he had words in his mouth. He didn't look at Qi Zhongdao and Duan Yuanwu's half-eyed eyes.

The monk is unwilling to see, can’t bear to watch it, or can’t he read it?

If the monk comes to choose, will he attack Tiger City and force the opening of the warehouse?

"It seems that this face is really not sold!"

Li Yao sank for a long time, shaking his head and smiling.

"Of course, you can't sell it. If the emperor comes, you can't sell it. If you come, you can't sell it. The gods and gods together can't sell it!"

Dan Fengzi smashed the iron and then smiled a little differently. "Not to mention, Zheng Yizhen did not have such a big face. His face has long been called for a slap!"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yao was puzzled. "Who is the head of the Dagan monk, who dares to beat his face?"

"Can you be the elders of the coffin?"

Dan Fengzi looked at Li Yao seriously. "You forgot what, three weeks ago at the Longquan Conference, how to sing a song with Yan’s younger brother, will be a real face, step on the muddy ground, you carefully Memories of memories?"

Li Yao: "..."

"The world is the first and the world is second, the gap is not one and a half."

Dan Fengzi shook his head and shook his head. "In the past, everyone was stunned by the power of 'Pantianyin'. Before rejecting the request of Zhengyi, they must think twice before, but now, since 'Pantianyin' is proved to be lawful. It can be broken, and a real person is not invincible in the world. The Yuan Ying, such as Duan’s father and son, naturally grows up a bit!” (To be continued.)


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