Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1433: Thoroughly suppress!

This sound is even more difficult than the screams of the devil. It is like a large group of poisonous insects gathering together, making a "squeaky" sound, making all the "famous" high-ranking monks face in the field become extraordinarily ugly.

After a while, another more distorted, mad voice came: "The same thing, your six major factions did, the Central Plains major sects did, but we can't do it?"

"Qi Zhongdao, Dan Fengzi, and the hybrids of Jin Jiazong, Fenglei Valley, and Feiling Island, don't think we don't know the heart of the Central Plains!"

"On the surface, by resisting the catastrophe of the natural disasters, to save the people and slay the demon, but in fact, it is worried that the strength of our southeast sects will gradually grow, which will threaten your Central Plains faction and deliberately use this natural disaster to seriously weaken Our strength!"

"Let the grain, put the grain, since it is expected that after the natural disaster, the victims are rampant and the food is insufficient. Why do you come to the psionic boat without the grain? Why are you only the magic weapon and spar in your ring? Do you have so many sects, so many Jindan and Yuan Ying, so many 乾 戒 , 容 容 容 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 戒 戒 戒 戒

"Haha, hahahaha, you didn't plan to put food at all. You didn't plan to make a grain out of it. It was a special trip to hit our idea. It was a special trip to copy the family!"

The main section of Hu Xiaotang, Tian De and the black sect of the main section of Xing Yi, two Yuan Ying sing a sum, and the sound of the Wujiang flood, continuous, unstoppable.

Qi Zhongdao's face is iron and blue, and many Yuan Ying's angers and angers rushed to the crown. Many powerful people have sacrificed magic weapons. The psionic waves have gathered together to form a burst of turbulence, such as the dark clouds and the city, shrouded the Tigers!

Jin Jiazong 戟 堂 主 主 主 天 天 天 天 天 天 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主

"And such a demon outside, also tells what rules and morals, you are a friend of the way to quickly thunder, demon slayer, defend the right way!"

After saying that, after waiting for Qi Zhongdao to stop, he sacrificed the sword of Jin Wudang, which was re-refined by Li Yao, and fluttered in the wind, turning out the swordsmanship that was several tens of meters long, and fell to the Tiger’s Church. go with!

The shot of Biantian Copper is like pulling an invisible gate, Taixuandao, Ziji Jianzong, Jinjiazong, Fengleigu... The high-ranking monks of the major sects have no expressions and sacrifice the strongest magic weapon. The skull covered the brain and went down!

There is a hint of hesitation in the face of Qi Zhongdao's black scorpion, but dozens of Yuan Ying are also shot at the same time. Even if he is repaired by the peak of his Yuan Ying period, how can he stop it?

Hundreds of swords are smashing in the Huxiaotang, dozens of knives and sorrows have become a seamless net, and there are seven colors of poisonous fog, nine-color flying ring, demon-sounding magic bell, rippling gold 钹... various magic weapons If the wind and rain suddenly, the Tiger Xiaotang will be completely submerged!

The two babies in Hu Xiaotang screamed, but the snoring was completely covered up by the thunder of lightning.

The psionic shields they barely motivated were also falling apart under the joint bombardment of dozens of Yuan Ying.

The hall of Hu Xiaotang is like a frontal bombardment of a meteor shower. Under the ravages of a series of shock waves, mushroom clouds and fireballs, it is completely flattened, and the ground is sunken and becomes a burning crater.

Li Yao has been watching the crowd behind the crowd. There are so many infants and Jin Dan shots. It doesn't matter if he is one less.

He has no interest in the Secret Treasure Warehouse of the Black Skull, and he does not want to participate in this rotten rehearsal of the realm of comprehension, intrigue, and intrigue.

He is just an observer. The most important task is to keep the most calm mind.

This thinking, faintly aware of the difference between the two sections of the family Yuan Ying.

Li Yao's eyebrows picked up and suddenly realized that the problem lies. The gods swiftly spread in all directions, and then the psionics swelled to the limit, turning into two green wings behind them, screaming toward the southwest!

Many Jin Dan and Yuan Ying were shocked and inexplicable. I don't know what he was going to do from the battlefield.

When it was inexplicable, Li Yao said nothing, and the psionic wings trembled. "咻咻咻咻" shot hundreds of fine needles of cattle with a single crystal mica, and shot at a seemingly unobtrusive open space. !

On top of each fine needle, the psionic energy spirals around and is in a state of high-speed rotation. It is like a small drill bit, which is easily penetrated into the ground!

From the hollow sound from the ground, the ground is actually hollow!

Hundreds of single crystal mica silks are stretched straight at the moment, and at a subtle angle, they bloom green and shining.

There was a suffocating sputum in the ground.

Listening to many Yuan Ying, it is clear to the extreme!

"There are people on the ground!"

Many Yuan Ying know that the "spiritual master" who has not participated in the siege, the perception is so keen to such an incredible point, found a secret road hidden in the depths of the earth!

"Give it to the people!"

Li Yao whispered, his hands slammed, the ground "bombing" like a volcanic eruption, a large piece of gravel and bricks collapsed, and in the smoke, there is a joint with a fine needle and single crystal mica. The silk is locked, the wretched figure, leaping high!

It was not long ago, and the Zhongxiaowu, the master of the Tigers and the martial arts of Qi Zhongdao, Duan Yuanwu!

At this moment, Duan Yuanwu, unkempt, golden hair and hustle and bustle are all dyed white by the smoke. Where is the glory of the lesser, it is like a wild dog with broken legs, desperate, resentful, and fearful. It is also poisonous, trembling, lips screaming, and can’t spit out half a word!


In the ruins of Hu Xiaotang, there were two screams of screaming.

Duan Tiande and Duan Xingyi two Yuan Ying deliberately stayed in Hu Xiaotang, yelling at the major sects in the sky and provoking their anger, just to induce them to anger, in the thunder, cover the youngest yuan of the section Infant Duan Yuanwu escaped from the underground secret passage.

Unexpectedly, the only hope of Duanjia was discovered!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Duan Yuanwu’s body was locked by Li Yao, and the painful blue veins blew up.

He is also a fierce murderer. He knows that his hands are full of blood, even if he surrenders, he will not be able to live in the world. Instead, he will suffer a lot of torture. He will simply look at a huge stone that has collapsed into the air and step on the stone. Like a cannonball, rushed over to Li Yao!

At the same time, the thunder in the belly, the skin becomes an extremely dangerous translucent form, a glimpse of the flames from the pores, gradually in his body, condensed a tooth and claws, half-human and half-pump!

This is to self-destruct Yuan Ying, and Li Yao is all gone!

Li Yao brows slightly wrinkled, single crystal mica silk twisted, I do not know how to cut off the number of blood vessels, nerves and tendons in Duan Yuanwu, followed by a flash of body shape, plunged hundreds of meters away.


After Li Yao’s body, dozens of swords and sorrows came to the scene of Duan Yuanwu, which was the dozens of Yuan Ying and Jin Dan.

Duan Yuanwu was cut off by the vascular, nerve and muscle bundles by Li Yao. The movement was originally slow. In the Yuan Ying, who spurred the flying sword, many people were better at repairing than him. Where can they dodge?

"Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of swordsmanship burst at the same time, as if a beastly beast was swallowed up, and Duan Yuanwu swallowed it, turning it into a group of smashing fireworks, expanding in midair, gradually turning into nothingness, and flying away!



The two voices in the ruins of Hu Xiaotang were 50 years old, and they were like deep and deep places from the bottom of the earth. They came out at the gate of Jiuyou Huangquan, desperate to be completely mad. "Haha, hahahaha, You killed Awu, killed us, destroyed Hu Xiaotang and the black martyrdom, then what? This big dry, this world, this repairing world can't last for a long time!"

"How do you destroy the Tiger City today, and your mountain gates will be destroyed by the ghost Qin, Bailian and the mixed heavens! You can't escape! We turned into ghosts, waiting for Jiuyou Huangquan. You, wait for everyone in each of your denominations!"

In the ruins, the two groups are fierce and fierce, like cannonballs!

However, under the joint pressure of many Yuan Ying, they were repressed back to the ground.

Two loud sounds of shaking the mountain, after expanding the scope of the crater to a few tens of meters, everything returned to calm.

Three Xiaoying, who are full of sorrows in Hu Xiaotang, are all killed.

The situation of the entire Tiger City was gradually restored to calm under the strong suppression of many high-ranking monks.

Many comprehensions affiliated with Hu Xiaotang were not suppressed on the spot, or they were first surrendered and surrendered. They were banned and sealed with the meridian meridians, and they were chained together and squatted on the streets of Huxiaotang.

In this battle, Hu Xiaotang won a great victory!

More than a dozen warehouses, large and small, are all excavated under the guidance of Hanako Ba Xiaoyu.


In the warehouse, the jade crystals, the spirits and the spar ore, which are full of pits, are going to shake the eyes of every comprehension.

There are also several secret granaries built on the ground with good ventilation and drainage channels. They are sealed with a lot of food. It is a sea of ​​white flowers, golden flowers and aromas. It is richer than the imperial court. !

“The granary is getting water, paying for it?”

Looking at so much food, Qi Zhongdao sneered.

However, there have been more than a dozen warehouses in succession, and there are some jade crystals. There are also some spar ore and spirits, and even many small and medium-sized sects that were originally thought to have been destroyed by White Lotus. And the unique magic weapon, also found several pieces.

However, the distance from the caller Ba Xiaoyu said, "Several secret libraries, full of secret treasures" seems to be far apart!


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