Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1435: Going against the sky!

"Great week? Haha, the comprehensions are treated with courtesy, using the 'ritual' to rule the big week in the world?"

Dan Fengzi laughed a few times. "Cang Cangzhen knows the etiquette, and the food and drink are known to be honored and disgraced. The Great Zhou Dynasty is still the era of the ancient sacred world. At that time, the world was chaotic, the land was sparsely populated, and it looked everywhere. The jungle is full of countless heavenly treasures and beasts, and the number of comprehensions is very rare!"

"Every comprehension person, as long as he is willing, can get enough Tiandi Dibao and demon spirits from the forest. Several comprehensions help each other. If you team up, you will only gain more and more!"

"Under such an environment, nature can be polite, brothers and sisters, and do not infringe each other, each enjoys sufficient resources to slowly cultivate!"

"However, 100,000 years of age have changed, and we have exhibited to the Dagan Dynasty. Most of the land without the Lord has been exhausted. Each has its own owners. The remaining resources are so few, and new ones come out every year. There are so many comprehensions!"

"Elder Lingbi, I tell you that no matter what is more, it will be awkward! In this year, the most valuable thing is human life. No matter the life of the people or the self-cultivator, it is the same!"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, sighing and sighing: "I originally thought that the comprehension in the jungle of Wunan, raising ghosts, refining the smoke and poisonous mist, and even the blood sacrifice to the soul, is extremely fierce, and today I know that the Central Plains The monk can be more ferocious than us, and it is so murderous that it is so invisible and ingenious!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Dan Fengzi smiled a few times and shook his head. "Elderly, the elder brother, you know what you want today. Do you know today? The Central Plains is beautiful, the fertile land is full of aura, and there are so many good places everywhere, if not If the Central Plains monk is more ferocious than the Wuman monk, how can it belong to us?"

"If it is really more ferocious, then it is the Wuman monk who is sitting on the God's Dragon Court, and we, the Central Plains monks, should be in the thick and fragrant Wunan jungle. Hey bananas!"

"The next sentence is a bit ugly. Maybe the elders of the coffin listened to the unhappiness of the heart, but I still have to say that the elders of the coffin may be in the jungle of the south of the country, and they are all arrogant and arrogant, but you are a little bit. Wrists, it is also possible to overturn the rain in the jungle of Wunan, claiming that the king has dominated, and put it in the realm of the Central Plains. If you really want to open your own school, you will not know how to die if you want to die!"

"Yes, you are very powerful, and you will refine the power. The strength is unpredictable. The ordinary three or five yuan infants can't get close to your body. However, in the Central Plains, many times, it is not necessary to do it yourself. When you come up to you, it’s not as simple as three or five yuan, but like today, twenty or thirty yuan infants, seventy or eighty golden dragons are on the shoulders! Anyway, the evil spirits are outside, everyone has And it’s 'what!'

"The king of the sky is not very good, and the white mother and the mother of Wan Mingzhu are not very powerful. The big king is not very good, and it is not a dog of funeral, crossing the street mouse, can't it be all day?"

"The elders of Lingbi don't want me to talk hard. I said all the way along the way, all of them are for your sake. I advise you to dispel your mind and open your mind. You will be an elder in Ziji Jianzong. I fully support you, lead a mountain alone, open a branch of your own, and also pass on the Da Zhouzhu swordsmanship. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

"It seems that I really want to be embarrassed."

Li Yao said a little stunnedly. "The people in the cave have learned a lot of transcripts of the comprehensions of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After the breakout, they collected some of the wilderness notes that the Central Plains circulated about, such as the realist. "Lingshan Swordsman Biography" and other studies, I also think that the Central Plains comprehension of the real world, how much will be like the book said!"

""Lingshan swordsman biography"?"

Dan Fengzi’s “噗嗤” laughed out loudly. “I’m so embarrassed and embarrassed, I’ve been affected by these absurd words. People, compiled ghosts and slogans, can't be done!"

"Lingshan Swordsman Biography", I have also looked at this book a few times. The comprehensions in the book are all free and free, free to go, blissful, sacred, do not eat people, do not speak people, do not do personnel, It’s strange to be envious, and it’s no wonder that the elders of the coffin will be tempted.”

"But where are the comprehensions in our real world, where can we not eat the fireworks? Not only do we have to eat, but we can only eat ten times more, a hundred times, thousands of times more than ordinary people!"

"The cooked duck will not jump into our mouths in vain. If you want to eat it, you should use your hands to fight, fight, and kill. This is the high-level comprehension, and the butcher in the poor street." What is the difference?"

"In the final analysis, although these people are called "Xianshi, Xianshi", but I know well, we are only people who are more energetic and have bigger intestines!"

Li Yao took a look at Dan Fengzi very seriously. Then he looked away from the sky and looked at the sky. The night of black pressure fell down a little, muttering: "So, perhaps only the broken void, flying up the fairy world, In order to get real freedom and happiness, no wonder so many people who are comprehension, they want to fly into a fairy!"

Dan Fengzi smiled very dimly and said: "In the legend, after flying to the fairyland, after becoming a fairy, you can really enjoy the boundless freedom and great happiness, but I don't think so!"


Li Yao raised an eyebrow. "Why is this?"

Dan Fengzi said: "I am thinking that the strength of the self-cultivator is much stronger than the average person, and the appetite is much larger than the average person. Then, the strength of the immortal is definitely much stronger than that of the self-cultivator, and the appetite is bigger than the self-cultivator. A hundred times, thousands of times?"

Li Yao nodded: "It makes sense!"

"But we know that outside the ancient sacred world, there is an endless black world. There is no air, no water, nothing but cold stones. The resources there are almost a hundred times smaller than the ancient sacred, thousands of times. Ten thousand times!"

Dan Fengzi said, "The appetite of the immortals is hundreds of times larger than that of the self-cultivator, but the resources of the outside world are a hundred times thinner than the ancient holy world. If the immortals really live in the outside world, then in order to compete for a small bit Resources, the competition between them will only be more brutal than the ancient sacred world. Where will it be the true pure land of bliss?"

Li Yao lingered for a long time, and some looked at Dan Fengzi incredibly.

"However, I guess there are no immortals, no fairyland?"

Dan Fengzi laughed and suddenly saw the fierce light. "Because, if there are immortals, they will have already killed the ancient holy world, killing us all and stealing our resources! At least, if I am a fairy If you are, you will definitely conquer the ancient sacred world!"

Li Yao took a deep breath: "I didn't expect that in the eyes of the head, the comprehension and the fairy world are so cruel!"

"Nothing is cruel and not cruel. This is heaven."

Dan Fengzi said faintly, "The natural selection, the survival of the fittest, the winner is the king, the heavens are like this!"

Li Yao swallowed a hot spit and finally couldn’t help it: "Even if the heavens are like this, can the comprehensions not go against the sky?"

Dan Fengzi smiled: "To go against the sky, you have to taste the power of the robbery!"

Li Yao gnawed his teeth: "If thousands of self-cultivators can stand up and work side by side, going against the sky, it will be a powerful catastrophe, and it may be able to smash!"

Dan Fengzi glanced at Li Yao a little strangely: "But who is the first bird to come out? The elders of the coffin, the problem you throw today, seems particularly strange!"

Li Yao’s heart trembled and knew that he was shocked by the horrors of the victims and the actions of the major sects. The performance was too radical.

Fortunately, at this time, a series of long horns came from the sky in the northwest.

Dan Fengzi’s eyes lit up, and now he and his own chat with Li Yao were left behind. The expression was a bit strange: “It’s the fleet of major sects who sent relief supplies, go, go see!”

In order to cope with the natural disasters in the southeast, all the major sects of the Central Plains have allocated a lot of relief supplies to form a mighty fleet of psionic flying boats. The current head of Taixuandao is "Mingyue Real People", all the way south!

A psionic boat full of food, clothing, and all kinds of supplies. The degree of flight is naturally better than that of a canoe that carries high-ranking monks. It is even less than a flying sword that breaks through the air. So in the high-ranking monks. Today, after the arrival of the continuation, he arrived at Huxiaocheng slowly.

"Hey! Hey!"

Not only Li Yao and Dan Fengzi, but also the high-ranking monks of the other major sects, they all turned into a stream of light and flew over to the rescue material fleet.

The appearance of the rescue material fleet is a surprise to them!

This fleet, originally composed of dozens of whale-sized transport ships, has only seven or eight riddled holes and ruined ships, like the whales smashed by sharks, falling at any time. Go to the ground.

On the outer shell of each broken ship, the black scorpion is covered with traces of burning flames, and the flags of the major sects are smashed and simmered.

Inside the ship’s building, there was a scream of screams and screams, and a strong, pungent scent of fragrant scent!

"This, what is going on here!"

Li Yao heard an angry and violent drink in the air. The iron sacred Qizhong Road collapsed like a scale, and almost did not sink the original transport ship directly.

A middle-aged monk dressed in a high-grade robes of Taixuandao, wrapped in bandages and overflowing with ointment in a bandage, was twitched from the cabin by two Taixuan Taoist people.

Dan Fengzi whispered to Li Yao, the person who was seriously injured and unrecognizable, it was Tai Xuandao’s current head, Xiaoyue Reality.

"Back to the uncle!"

Xiaoyue’s popularity is like a gossamer, his voice is weak, he struggles to open the support of the two men, and he walks over and gives a deep discipleship to Qi Zhongdao, almost no one fell to the ground, grief Desperate, "Yes, it is a long victory, it is a mixed army of longevity, and we have all our materials, all of them have been robbed!" (To be continued.) 8


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