Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1438: Have friends come from heaven

Li Yao’s heart missed another shot. I didn’t expect the skill of the bitter master to be so subtle. I can analyze the deep character of the person through the subtle expression between the eyebrows.

Appearance can be disguised, and some characters can be simulated. Li Yao himself is also a slap in the face. The killing is killing, the unscrupulous monks, the people who have killed since debut have not had one thousand, but none of them are Innocent old and weak women and children.

If the real coffin is a mad murderer, then it is really difficult to simulate it.

I think that I almost lost my face in front of Dan Fengzi. It seems that there are still many loopholes in the identity of "Lingshi Shangren". It is necessary to find a way to patch it.

Ba Xiaoyu listened to the words of the bitter master, his face was slightly softer, and the two cold eyes were still staring at Li Yao, cold and cold: "Lingling, you said, have you ever slaughtered several tribes? Even the three-year-old child has never let go?"

Li Yao thought about electricity, hoarse throat, word by word: "What is it, not how?"

"If it is not, but there is a hidden feeling in it, and if you pass it on, you will have a chance to meet, sit down and drink with Hanako!"

Ba Xiaoyu said, "If you are the kind of three-year-old child who has never let go, pigs don't lick the dog's chews, it's also very good. There are so many fine wines here, and your dirty heart is just right. Come and pay homage to the undead who were maimed by you!"

"You want to kill me for something nearly a hundred years ago?"

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, and he laughed like a crow. "You killed me?"

"One hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, since the flower was heard and hit, it is considered a **** disease!"

Ba Xiaoyu laughed and said, "As for killing, you can't kill it. Then you have to kill it before you know it. You can't kill it. You can escape. You can escape to three thousand miles and raise your wounds. You can continue to come back and kill. Kill when you take a bath, kill when you pull, kill when you eat, kill when you sleep! Poison to your wine, pee in the rice, put a snake worm in the nest, jump on your instep, scare you, disgusting Die you!"

"You don't die one day, so Hanako will kill one day. You don't die for a year. Let Hanako kill for a year, killing you and killing me!"

Li Yao’s heart was hot, but his eyes were releasing the cold light of his face. The muscles on his face twitched for a while, and he gnashed his teeth. “Since you want to kill, then let’s come over, but you are the fake and false, the Central Plains monk. In the eyes, we, the witches and monks, are all savage people who eat blood and eat life, what can't be heard? Even if I said that I haven't done it, would you believe it?"

Ba Xiaoyu stared straight at Li Yao’s face for a long time.

Li Yao also looked at him murderously.

Seeing that the air between the two people was about to burn up, Ba Xiaoyu suddenly copied it in the small slab, picked up half a scoop, and threw it at Li Yao.

"Since the monks said that you are not a person who is cruel and killing, you are not willing to admit it yourself. I have no real evidence. I will listen to it! I will find evidence tomorrow, then I will kill it tomorrow, and come over tonight!"

Li Yao snorted and grabbed the scoop, leaping into the air, and fluttering like a feather to the small slab.

Ba Xiaoyu patted his hands and hooked his fingers. The steaming cauldron "hubbed" the earthquake and opened three rounds in midair to land.

Inside the cauldron, screaming and whistling, all of them are the dragon and phoenix medlars collected by Hu Xiaotang, the flesh and blood of the beasts, and the sacred bones of the bears and the beards. Surrounded, there is a faint glare of colorful light, flowing out of the big pot!

Ba Xiaoyu laughed and laughed at the edge of the small slab, and found a pair of fishing rods. It was like fishing. He looked at the big meat pot. One hook, one mention, even brought up a red dragonfly, oil bright, incense to add Dog legs come!

"The coffin is living in Wunan. I am afraid I have never seen such a lame. This is not a normal dog leg!"

“When picking ham in the southeast, often in a large bowl of ham, put a ‘squatting leg’ to enhance the aroma and flavor of the ham with its fragrant smell of dog meat!”

“A jar of ham is marinated, and the aroma and essence of this lame are infiltrated into other hams. The wood residue is not very fragrant and chewy. It tastes like chewing wax and is often discarded!”

"However, haha, the flower is now, so the essence is lost, like the hive's lame legs, put into the pot and the dragon liver phoenix, the spirit of the beast, all kinds of rare herbs, then it will in turn The essence of the flesh and blood of the spirits, all inhaled, refilled and full, like a gas!"

"Hey, this kind of lame, it will become a thousand treasures, and you can't find the world's treasures with lanterns!"

Ba Xiaoyu introduced it, but he drooled out first, and the hooks were swayed again and again. Three doglegs were removed from the bottomless pot and two of them were respectively inserted into Li Yao and the bitter master. In the arms, looking at Li Yaodao, "The same rice raises hundreds of people, the Central Plains repairs the real world, some are fake and false, the Tao is a scum, the thief of the male thief, but also the Huazi, this kind of money is like a soil, the shot is wide, even the hard-won lame, are willing Come out and share the Hawker, come, the dog meat rolls, the Yuan Ying station is unstable, try it!"

This is the first time Li Yao has heard that a ragged, sly person can change his face and say that he is a "golden hacker".

Ba Xiaoyu's face is full of red light, and the smile looks like an emperor sitting in Jinshan Yinshan. In the magnificent palace, he uses hundreds of delicious food to entertain the distinguished guests.

Li Yao swept the wine in front of the bitter master and smiled: "The master also drinks alcohol and eats dog meat!"


The bitter master said, "The monk relies on the charity of the donor. It is also disrespectful for the donor to drink water, drink wine, and give a dog leg."

"Haha, this monk is not only drinking and eating meat, but also drinking more than Hanako. Be careful, don't ask him to steal more alcohol!"

Ba Xiaoyu clap his hands and smiled. Suddenly he sank his face and glared at Li Yaodao. "Why don't you eat it, is it a dirty skunk on Huazi?"

Ba Xiaoyu's body is indeed a hemorrhoid with a pustule, which is not only uncomfortable, but also smells bad after being close.

Especially on his left leg, there was a deep bite that could not be healed in time. It had already rotted, and it was already rotten to see the bones.

He was still laughing if he had nothing to do. He really didn't know what material the nerve was made of.

Li Yao frowned and shook his head. "This is a man who is a savage savage. How can he dislike the dirty smell of Ba Dao? It is only a little curious. The repair of the Ba Dao friends has long since reached the cold and heat, and the five poisons. The realm of inaccessibility? How can it be all over the area? Is there any injury on the left leg? It doesn’t look like it contains any poison. Just cut the carrion and apply some good gold sore medicine. Then, with the spiritual energy slowly nourished, it will soon be able to recover, why has it been delayed so far?"

"If you want to heal, of course you will be cured soon."

Ba Xiaoyu looked at the hole in the bottom of the leg. "But this is a good cover for acne and rotten meat. It is because of them that I can mix into the city of Huxiao. No one doubts that Huazi is a Yuan Yingxiu!"

Li Yao’s heart was shocked and lost his voice: “So, the Badao friends are trying to collect evidence of black martyrdom’s misconduct, and understand the relationship between the black martyrdom and Hu Xiaotang, deliberately infected this disease?”

Ba Xiaoyu nodded and took a bite and bite a bite. He said vaguely: "Tell so much, come, drink and eat meat!"

Li Yao felt in his heart, the ancient world, no rules, everything grows wildly, and the polarization is particularly serious.

On the surface, there is a sacred wind bone, but the bones are selfish and self-serving to the extreme. They are written as "cultivators" and read as "the cultivators" elders, heads, and lords!

However, there are also masters of bitterness and Ba Xiaoyu, who are called Hanako, who have truly implemented the spirit of "devil and demon, for the heavens" and capitalized comprehension!

From them, Li Yao seems to be able to see the original origin of the belief in ordinary people in the modern cultivation of civilization.

I also understand why after a total of 30,000 years of indulging, a dark universe can re-emerge, and once again bloom brilliant flowers!

He is full of blood and blood, and he is learning the style of Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter master. He eats meat in large chunks and drinks in large scoops!

This is the most alcoholic wine he has ever drunk.

It is also the most beautiful meat he has ever eaten.

At this moment, the bitter master suddenly said to the top of the clouds: "Since the Lord is also in the same place, it is better to drink the face and drink meat together?"

His voice condenses into a sound wave, which is like a light column, and has been shot at a very high place outside the sky.

After a long while, the clouds turned and slowly rotated, and a hole appeared. Once the crystal clear gray shadow was drilled out of the hole, it seemed like a dead leaf, and it floated down to the neck tree next to the small seesaw.

It is the "big dry monk", the iron saint Qi Zhongdao.

His face was blue, his body was covered with a thin ice shell, and his head and eyebrows were covered with frost. It was his own nickname, like a hail that was cold and hard, no one wants to touch. It is.

"Qi Dameng, hello wow!"

Called Hanako Ba Xiaoyu smiled and said hello to Qi Zhongdao.

There is no permanent unified alliance in the big dry repair world, but every time there is a sudden situation, for example, you want to mix the Tianjun, Bailian, Yuyun, or the same as the last time to suppress the purple sword Once the sect, or the natural disasters, it is necessary to resist the disaster and rescue the disaster, it will temporarily ally and facilitate the coordination.

In all likelihood, Qi Zhongdao is the ally of this temporary association. Or else how to say that he is a "big monk"?

This time, nature is no exception.

The word "Qi Da Meng" is to make Qi Zhongdao's face even darker. He has to bite the back molars and pull away.

"Old bus, can't be like this!"

The bitter master sighed. "It is not easy for Qi Shi to be the master. I want to confuse me, intrigue, and a large group of scattered sects. I can barely make a rope and make a piece of iron. I can make a look. He The painstaking efforts and efforts, than you sneak into the Tiger City to explore the details of the black martyrdom, I do not know how many times! Not in their place, I do not know the difficulty, the monk and the Huazi is good, this 'revision of the realist's position, but Not good to sit!" (To be continued.) 8


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