Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1440: Heaven and Earth wine tank!


A large jar of wine smashed on the side of the ship, and the debris fell like a rain to the face of the iron sacred Qizhong, knocking out the sound of "clam dangling".


The voice of Qi Zhongdao is like a hot fire, wrapped in a cold ice, and he is saddened. "Why are these people of the big factions not even understand the truth of the overall situation? Originally As long as each sect has come up with some little food and materials, you can settle down hundreds of millions of victims, so that they will not make trouble and be used by Bailian’s mother!”

"This is the best way to stop the emergence of the Ghosts and Ghosts. It’s better to wait until the thousands of ghosts appear, and then go to the demon to get rid of the demon?"

"But, but they actually sinned against Yang to this extent!"

"This time, it is a good time for the Pakistani friends to expose the conspiracy of Hu Xiaotang and the Black Skull in time, giving us the reason to attack the Tiger City. After the coincidence, we will get a lot of food and you can tide over the difficulties!"

"If there is no such thing as a friend who can help, how can it be? It is difficult to see that millions of victims have died and become fierce and violent. Are they satisfied? I really don’t know what these people are. Heart, what brain!"

"Yes, this time, relying on the large amount of materials in the Tiger City, it seems that it is possible to tide over the difficulties, but the world is not a blind man, who can not see them making this little trick! By this approach You can get a momentary profit, but all the southeast sects are chilling, and the signs of the Central Plains sects are all smashed! In the future, how can we talk with the Southeast sects, and there is no relationship between them? Trusted a little bit!"

"The mouse is in the light, because of the small loss, the sesame has lost the watermelon, and it is still smug, it is stupid, stupid, and foolish!"

Qi Zhongdao borrowed the energy of the wine and screamed, and the whole person was picked up. Even the eyes seemed to burn, and the red magma was flowing.

He swallowed his mouth and screamed in his throat, as if the vocal cords were burnt hot, and he trembled: "Today's big dry repairs, it seems to be a stalwart, like the sun, but everyone here is the real world. The top master, who can still not understand the inside?"

"White Lotus teaches to ravage the southeast, and the mixed heavens trample on the northwest. The ghosts and ghosts of Qin are in the north, and they are a little careless, that is, the endless battle!"

"In the autumn of this storm, the major sects are still neighbors, and the paintings are prisoners. They are intriguing and intriguing. Even on the surface, they have to kick their feet and kick them clean!"

"In the long run, the country will not be a country! Even if the white lotus, the mixed heaven army and the ghost cloud Qin Qin, it was only a acne problem, but if you do it all the time, it will show up in the morning and evening, and it will become a pain in the heart. Rescuing medicine is the night of regret!"

"Dagan really falls apart. It is said that there must be a hundred years of bloodless battles. All sects and all comprehensions will be involved in the whirlpool of killing, either as a demon or as a miserable death!"

"If Dagan is a tall tower, then we have so many cultivation sects, so many self-cultivators, obviously standing at the top of the tower, completely ruining this tower, what good for us? So simple, why those people just don’t understand, don’t understand!”

He clenched his fist and originally wanted to punch a hammer on the neck of the neck.

However, the neck tree is half dead and crumbling. I don’t know what he thought of, but he turned his direction and took a shot on his thigh: "Hey!"

"Qi brother, don't worry about it, what you said is a good thing, and then there is nothing wrong!"

Ba Xiaoyu also had a three-point drunkenness, screaming at the wine cellar and laughing. "But the reason is that the master is too long, and you don’t know the little things that people think below." That's right."

"Yes, it seems that a little food is just a small matter. Anyway, the food prices outside are very cheap."

"But wait until the impact of this natural disaster spreads slowly. Before the autumn harvest, when the green yellow is not connected?"

"At that time, food prices soared, and it was very possible to go up ten times and twenty times. Especially in the southeastern region, this year will definitely be in a famine. The southeast cultivation sects are willing to pay any price in order to obtain precious food and consolidate their own forces. Come change!"

"Now the food is delivered, and the urgent needs of the southeast are solved. What are the benefits of these poor people?"

"But when the green and yellow are not connected, when the southeast is famine, the grain will be shipped again, and it will definitely sell the price!"

"You don't worry, listen to Hanako, and buy and sell when you are not picking up. There is one more important thing, that is, grab someone!"

"The southeast is where the aura of the world gathers. The ordinary people here are nourished by the aura of heaven and earth. The opportunities for the awakening of the roots are much larger than those of other places. They are all first-class cultivation of seedlings!"

“In the past, it was dominated by the Southeastern sects. It is very difficult for foreign sects to open the situation here and close the door!”

"This natural disaster is a godsend opportunity, giving the Central Plains the opportunity to get up and down!"

"The so-called 'people leave their hometowns, so the soil is difficult to live', people are not, when it is really forced, when they are willing to leave their homes for tens of thousands of miles, go to the uncultivated sects of life, struggle like a dog, seek What is the lifeline?"

"If you have really brought enough food, so that so many people can get through the storm safely, how many people are willing to be recruited by you? Even if you really want to join the cultivation sect, you can choose the southeastern local forces. !"

"So, even if there is really food, it can't be put out so easily that the victims can eat. They must be hungry and half-dead, and then use a little bit of porridge to provoke their locusts and give them a glimpse of life. Let them I know that all the Central Plains factions have the Mishan Sea, and it is the only way to go to the Central Plains. They will be willing to participate in the entry test of the major denominations."

"Only strong, talented, through the entry test, signed a sales contract, in order to get enough food!"

"In this way, you can use the Southeastern elite to enrich your own strength; in the subtle, you can weaken the exhibition potential of the Southeastern sects, and you can't do anything with one stone."

"This is not in order!"

Qi Zhongdao is red-eyed and murderous. "This kind of behavior that spans the state capital and reaches the gates of other sectarian forces is very easy to lead to large-scale friction and chaos. It will be a mess in the world. When I am at the head of Taixuandao Never do anything like this!"

"It’s a pity that it’s not the time for Qi’s brother to be the head of Taixuan Dao. It’s a straightforward voice. It’s a slap in the face, and the old man doesn’t go to the heart. The so-called 'heads’, with the word 'Tai Shang’ What difference does it have with the next wife who was kicked out of the house by a paper?"

Ba Xiaoyu's sharp mouth and sharp smile, "Qi Laoge thought, this year, isn't it a big mess in the world? Rules, this thing, you want me to tell everyone, it's interesting, if you don't talk about the rules, then I One person said, then I am not eating a big loss? I am not a fool, why do you still talk about **** rules? Even if this rule is said from the mouth of the masters of the tangled realm, and the top half of the egg!"

Qi Zhongdao was thundered and stunned for a long time. Suddenly he laughed and said: "Okay, well, the Badao friend said it is too good, it’s right! What am I doing? 'The master of comprehension,' but it’s tricky. Then come and wave it!"

"When the major factions want to join forces with the emperor to force the palace, they think of me as the 'owner' and hold me high on the table. When the emperor and Wang Xi are both fighting, who else really takes me as a ally?"

"The major factions want to suppress the purple swords, and divide the great interests of the purple swords. I have become a high-ranking one, and I have to call the "owner". I have to go to the sword and die from death. After the partition is completed, the Longquan Conference is over, who will take me seriously?"

"Southeast natural disasters, people need to show their faces, exhausted their minds, spend their minds, call the forces of all parties, and co-ordinate a group of chaotic relationships. I have changed and become a lord! Even attacking Tiger City, I want this." The lord's first shot, then if the future is the 'Fenghuang Emperor' big thunder, blame us for the more 俎 庖 庖 庖 斩 斩 斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Haha, the lord, the lord, is there such a dog lord under the sun?"

Qi Zhongdao is heartbroken and screams in the sky.

The bitter master said: "You are drunk."

"I am drunk, drunk for too long, too long, drunk for myself to have a way to just slap the sky, turn things around, change all this!"

Qi Zhongdao sat down on the side of the ship and sighed. "But why is this happening? Why is there no one who is willing to look a little longer in the long run, really taking the overall situation as the most important thing, and focusing on the whole comprehension?" The head of the month, hey, I have always had high hopes for him. I hope he can come up with the style of the 'first big party in the world' to lead the entire realm of cultivation! He has not let me down in the past, but I don’t know When it became, it became so unbearable!"

"Maybe it is not a friend of Xiaoyue, but this world."

The bitter master sighed with an empty scoop on the empty jar, and sighed, "Perhaps this piece of heaven and earth has become a dense, impregnable tank. The tank is full of fame and fortune. Wine, the person who fell into it, drifting in the wine, sinking and floating, how can you get a thousand cups not drunk?" (To be continued.) 8


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