Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1443: Ghost army siege!

This array is known as the "Zhenhai Tingtao Array" in the realm of comprehension.

Legend has it that there is a spiritual vein in the middle of Ningfu in the Middle East. It has been stretched for thousands of miles and went straight into the depths of the ocean. It is like a dragon king who suppresses the sea. Therefore, the sea near Dongning can be calm and the sea wave is not good, becoming a natural harbor.

Thirty-three sects located in Dongning, together, made a large number of spar from the bottom of the sea, and hunted countless sea dragons and dragons, with their demon, spirit and dragon blood, and then mixed Red copper, Mithril, and Jinmu, burned into juice, poured on the wall of Dongning House, engraved with a rune full of walls, which made this battle!

Zhenhai Tingtao’s big array was launched with full force, and a large blue light curtain was formed outside the entire Dongning House, which was like a crystal clear giant bowl.

The waves of the blue light are like the waves, and the sound of the waves and the waves are faint, making the whole city, if you are in the depths of the ocean!

This is the best barrier to isolation.

Even so, the comprehensions of the thirty-three cultivators in the city, as well as the small and medium-sized sectarians who have escaped from all directions to the refuge in the Dongning government after the natural disasters, are still savvy and look stern, and dare not relax. .

The first two wave attacks have proved that relying on the "Zhenhai listening to the waves" big array is not enough to completely resist the tens of thousands of ghosts.

And that was only the temptation of Bai Lian's mother, and did not send out the real main force.

Most of the Southeastern self-cultivators, all gathered on the roof of the city and near the city wall, are ready to fight with the ghosts and soldiers.

Here is where their mountain gates are located. All the cultivation resources are stored here, and it is impossible to discard them. They have no retreat.

In addition to the self-cultivator, there are countless ordinary people in Dongning.

Or dependent on the members of the vassal vassal family, or the tenants and market traders who originally lived near Dongning, serving the sects, or who fled from all sides before and after the natural disaster.

The comprehension of the Dongning House is more general than the self-cultivator of Huxiaocheng. If you know that these victims have been turned away, then the victims will watch the closed gates of Dongning, and die of death. It will surely become resentful and become a powerful ghost. It will become the new force of Bailian’s mother, but it will be a big trouble.

Together with the 33 sects who are qualified to stand in Dongning, they are originally located in the upper reaches of the Southeastern sectarian food chain. They hold the most profitable industries and fields in the southeast, and do not need to use “black sacred religion”. See no light means, no fear of being discovered.

Therefore, before the arrival of the Ghost Soldiers, they opened the gates of the city and rescued as many victims as possible into the city, expanding the population of Dongning to a million!

Dongning Prefecture is not far from the small county of the high mountain emperor. The city has built a huge "military city" and is stationed in the elite loyalty to the imperial court.

At the moment, thirty-three sects opened the mountain gates and took out a large amount of military capital. They armed the men and the ordinary people in the city and sent them to the generals of the imperial court. They were also decent.


Over the city, it is the most important battlefield. There are thousands of feet on the flying swords, riding cranes and giant eagle, or the self-cultivators guarded by the clouds, and the Central Plains monks come to the rescue. The flying boat, at the moment, is also lined up in a mighty manner, but it is not afraid that the sinister army will attack from the sky!

"Boom! Rumble!"

In the dark clouds, the thunder is rolling, and above the eastern sea, the waves are gradually born, and the psionic fluctuations in the air suddenly become disorderly.

In the depths of the sinister ghost army, the winding horn sound gradually became short and powerful, like a coffin nail, which was nailed into the depths of everyone!

As the white lotus flower condensed with hundreds of smoke slowly floated forward, the overwhelming squadrons moved together, like a weird wave, getting closer and closer to Dongning!

Up and down the city tower, countless self-cultivators are shouting at the temporary army composed of the people: "The sinister army is fierce. Once the city is broken, men, women and children are dead, and they will not be peaceful after death. They will be modulated into ghosts." , never live forever!"

"The imperial army 'Thunder Camp' is on the way to the rush, and its striker has already ventured into the city, and the big troops will arrive soon!"

"The only way to live is to stay in the city and wait for the imperial army to come to help!"

"The sinister seems to be difficult to deal with. In fact, it is not terrible. There is a good spirit in the chest of the gentleman. There are also three real fires on the ordinary man. The qi is not extinguished, the fire is not extinguished, the blood is brave, and the sinister can be washed away. !"

This is not a false statement.

The contest between man and ghost is actually a war between magnetic field fluctuations, interference and anti-interference.

If the living magnetic field of the living person is weak, it is naturally easy to be disturbed by the sinister, and even the soul is lost, and even the shackles occupy the nest and completely perish.

If the living magnetic field of a living person is strong, then there is no taboo, and the ghosts are gone!

Even if ordinary people don't know how to practice, as long as they are healthy, angry, and fearless, the magnetic field of life is naturally strong and not easily interfered by the sin.

If thousands of murderous army members gather together, the magnetic field is superimposed and resonates, and there is a strong and violent murder that will rise to the sky, making the enchanting stunned.

The imperial army stationed in the Dongning government is second only to the Royal Forest Army who guards the gods. It is an elite one-of-a-kind. Naturally, there is a battle for the rest of the world, and it is not afraid of death. At the same time, it emits a thunderstorm and will be shrouded in the city. The dullness of the surrounding area, a little bit of a break, shows the hope of a first-line victory.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just then, from the two wings of the Ghost Force, a series of strange sounds were heard.

However, I saw those cockroaches that were made up of a lot of bones and were bigger than elephants. I didn’t know when I changed my shape and turned into a white-boned catapult. I immediately threw hundreds of them. A huge gimmick!

The bodies of these gimmicks are not human beings, but the heads of monsters that are many times larger than human beings. They are like a thousand boulder. They scream in the air, draw short arcs, and slam in Zhenhai. Above the Tao.


On the array of Zhenhai Tingtao, the blue light flashed like a few hundred waves, and all the huge gimmicks were crushed!


In the **** of the powder, it sputters a lot of green and green fires, as if it has a very strong viscousness. It flows freely above the array of Zhenhai listening to the waves, "whistling" burning, disturbing and consuming large arrays. Power.

Until now, the sinister army that has been suppressed and suppressed has finally released all the anger, hatred, ferocity and jealousy!

The gale winds, the ghostly screams, the creepy screams gathered into the sea of ​​fear, and countless souls crossed the ocean and floated toward Dongning!

In order to maintain its own magnetic field and pheromone integrity, the speed of the remnant of the soul is not fast, roughly only slightly faster than the running of the living.

But they are not bound by gravity. They are not only attacking from the ground, but from the very beginning, they are scattered in all directions, launching a three-dimensional attack of land and air!

"Hey! Hey!"

The new death and wreckage in the forefront quickly slammed into the blue barrier of Zhenhai’s large array of sound waves. It was like a sparrow that hit the power grid. It was instantly absorbed on it, and a lot of blue arcs crossed. After, they will be ionized and wiped out in an instant!

But they also used the last strength of life to leave a faint shackle on the large array of Zhenhai listening to Tao.

More and more new deaths and sorrows are going on, and the weak cockroaches that have collided with the moths are becoming more and more dense. The faint cockroaches have finally evolved into a subtle gap!

Behind the new death and wreckage, and the extremely old ghosts, they followed these gaps and rushed into Zhenhai to listen to the inside of the big array!

The defensive side is ready for this.

"Avalanche collapses!"

Above the tower, the arrows are raining.

All arrows have no arrows, in front of the arrow, replaced by a soft cloth bag.

Some cloths are **** and full of irritating **** suffocation; some cloth bags are suspiciously yellowish brown, stinking; some cloth bags are covered with a layer of black ointment with a quirky scent.

Strange to say, these long arrows without arrows, after wearing the "body" of the sinister ghost army, seem to be more exaggerated than the arrow with arrows, the body of the soldier is often exaggerated, often one arrow down, you can shoot the size of the sea bowl a hole in it.

Especially those long arrows brushed with black ointment, once touched the body of the sinister ghost army, immediately "boom" burst open, bursting out red lotus, killing a large group of sinister ghosts nearby!

Among these cloth bags, black blood, human and animal waste, and the blood of the woman's sunflower are also contaminated.

According to the words of the ancients, these most dirty and stinky things can break the evil.

In the words of modern people, these things secreted from the body contain a strong force of life magnetic field, which can seriously interfere or even destroy the magnetic field of the ghost.

In particular, the blood of the woman's Tiankui symbolizes the power of life's reproduction. The power of the magnetic field contained in it is the most powerful. Even if the old ghost encounters it, it must be smashed away, otherwise it will be disturbed, even Completely annihilated!

As for the arrow painted with black ointment, it is the practice of the sects of the sects according to the secret method of the fairy, and also for the attack of the ghost.

With thousands of arrows, the effect is wonderful, and the sky is underground, forming a crossfire, driving all the souls and old ghosts out.

It is a pity that people can only pull a bubble in a day, and the black dog blood and urine in the city are limited.

The blood of a woman's sunflower is even more desirable. If you don't know that the ghost army wants to attack the city, who will store this stuff in advance? What's more, storage can't be stored for long!

These ordinary people used to deal with the weapon of the savage army, and will soon be exhausted.

The two wings of the sinister army, the grotesque squadrons, are struggling with strange and strange steps, waving rusty hoes and swords, and ran!


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