Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1463: The combination of the five super yuan infants!

As soon as this statement came out, Yan Yiren, Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters looked at Qi Zhongdao with some mistakes.

After all, in the past, Qi Zhongdao, the nominal "cultivator of the realm of truth", was firmly on the side of the comprehension and took the lead in balancing the power of the court. He could even say that he was the embodiment of the entire comprehension!

Li Yao continued: "The emperor had the help of Wang Xi, faintly forming a repressive posture against the entire comprehension community, but it also caused strong dissatisfaction among the major sects. After the Phoenix emperor succeeded, he was forced by the pressure of the major factions, or perhaps he fundamentally I also believe that Wang Xi, a former minister of the past, made Wang Xi lose his name, and the power of the heavens was destroyed.

"However, the expulsion of Wang Xi by the Emperor of Phoenix does not mean that he will succumb to the will of the comprehension. On the contrary, he may want to cultivate his own 'Wang Xi' to balance the realm of cultivation. Now the Dagan dynasty is swaying. At that time, there was not much time left for him to reorganize the mountains and rivers. He could not cultivate a new power minister from scratch. Qidaoyou is his best choice, the Phoenix King’s 'Wang Xi'!”

"Is this true!"

Ba Xiaoyu couldn't help but ask, "Old Qi, the Son of Heaven really looked for you?"

Qi Zhongdao no expression, the blue veins on the back of his hand suddenly suddenly came out, he looked at Li Yao deeply, and said one word: "Qi is a person, bright and fair, nothing can be said to people, yes, the Son of Heaven does find After Qi Qi, I want to use the Thunder method to thoroughly clean up the smoky realm of comprehension, and still have a bright day and a bright future!"

The bitter master whispered a buddha: "Can the Qi Shi Lord ever agree?"


The light in the bottom of Qizhong Road is dim and whispered. "Qi Mou said, it’s too much of Taixuan’s head, a part of the realm of truth, and firmly believes that as long as everyone in the realm of cultivation is obeying the rules, the overall situation is If you are heavy, you can restore your old vitality on your own, so you are not willing to let the power of the Son of Heaven intervene in the affairs of our major sects."

Li Yao said: "Unfortunately, this trip to the southeast, the actions of the major sects have completely disappointed Qi Daoyou. The blood is cold, and the heart is dead. I believe that the power of the self-cultivation can never be removed. These black smokes and sorrows are like a person who is deeply immersed in the mud. If there is no external help, it will only get deeper and deeper and fall into the catastrophe! Only by cooperation with the Phoenix Emperor, with the power of the court, can the whole comprehension be renewed!"

Qi Zhongdao’s eyes solidified for a while, as if he was very reluctant to admit this sad fact. He sighed with a sigh of relief: “I didn’t agree at that time, there was another reason, because at that time I was alone, not at all. The bargaining chip with the emperor, even if promised, will only be reduced to his paws and minions! Again, I did not believe that the Phoenix emperor had enough power to suppress the major sects. If the contradictions between the two sides intensified, the Dagan dynasty The civil war, that Qi will become an eternal sinner!"

"But now, the emergence of your friends and the news of the 'Xian Gong' have made me see a new hope!"

"As long as the five of us can be completely condensed together, it is a force that can shake the world. Whether it is facing the emperor or the major sects, they have the bargaining chips!"

"If we can master the Yunqin Jinren in the Imperial Palace, we can use the invincible power to clean up the realm of the real world, bringing new rules to the major denominations and even the whole world, and I can go to your friends. Guarantee, this rule is absolutely bright, and the heavens are authentic!"

"Qi’s life is like this, it’s the same, four friends, what’s the matter!”

Qi Zhongdao is like a black nail. If you are vibrating, you will pierce the heart of the four people.

The bitter master sighed: "There is nothing to ask for infertility. I only hope that the people of the dawn under the heavens can stay away from the swordsmen. If this is done, it is necessary to go to the cold and **** of the state of the North Going in the middle, then, I am not in hell, who is in hell?"

Ba Xiaoyu also took a sip and clap his hands and smiled: "Call the flowers of the big sects, the guys who are arrogant, the thieves and the niece, have long been full of fire. If they can learn to keep the rules, it seems that there is nothing to cooperate with the emperor. not good!"

Li Yaodao: "This is still the same sentence. Just give me everything about the inside of the palace and the "reformer", and it doesn't matter who you work with!"

"Yan Daoyou, what about you?"

Qi Zhongdao turned his eyes to Yan.

Yan Yiren is the elder of the Ziji Jianzong. Among the five, he and Qi Zhongdao, and the sects of the major sects are relatively deep.

Yan Yan is still carefully studying the direction of the pattern on the scabbard, and the influence of this trend on the weight of the scabbard. The head does not lift the head: "The purple sword is also good, the Phoenix emperor, and I have no relationship. How do you fight how you fight, I only care, within the Palace of Immortals, is there an opponent worthy of my sword!"

He suddenly raised his head, and his eyes glowed with interest. He muttered, "Have you found out that this 'Xiangong' is located, a battlefield between the two great gods of a hundred years ago, the witchcraft and the Mengchi heart Very close?"

"At that time, Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin were decisive battles in the deep north of the state of the night. It was said that during the decisive battle, an unprecedented blizzard was encountered. The cold wave was strong, and even the air was frozen enough! After the blizzard passed, The two masters of the gods disappeared without a trace!"

"You said that there will be some wonderful connection between the two gods of Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin, and the so-called 'Xian Gong'?"

This question made the other four people glimpsed a little, and after the face-to-face confrontation, it was impossible to get an answer.


Yan was suddenly interested in the person, and stretched out the thick and short fingers. He made a heavy bullet on the scabbard and sent out the sound of swords and swords. "Exploring the trip to the Imperial Palace, it is very possible to encounter the 'four murders'. It is worthwhile to attack the opponent with full strength. It is also possible to meet the predecessors of the two gods, and have the opportunity to kill the legendary immortals. There is really no reason not to go to such a fun thing!"

At this point, the five super Yuan Ying, under the drive of their different purposes, reached a consensus!

Li Yao has the last question.

"Dear friends, have you ever seen Wang Xi with your own eyes, what kind of person is that?"

Li Yao grabbed a piece of gravel on the desert island, carefully kneaded it into a powder, and created a vivid sand sculpture, which was temporarily fixed with psionic power. It was the king who appeared in the form of "Long Yang Jun". like.

Li Yao is a refiner. Many times he has to shape and micro-engraving the workpiece. Although his sculptures are not a masterpiece of master craftsmanship, the proportions are precise and the appearance is delicate, and they are all vivid and vivid.

"This is Wang Xi?"

Everyone looked at Li Yao’s image, and the woman’s image, which was flat and full of body, could not help but frown.

"This is Wang Xi."

Yan Yiren also learned Li Yao's technique, using sand and gravel to create a statue of Wang Xi.

“Yes, Wang Xi’s appearance on the road is like this!”

Wang Xi is a big man who has the right to dig into the wilderness. Naturally, he will not hide his head and tail. Many self-cultivators have seen him in person. Especially Yan Yan and Qi Zhongdao have been in close contact with him many times, capturing them very accurately. It is his character.

Li Yao carefully observed the statue of Yan Yiren. Wang Xi’s appearance is not like the image of the “big eunuch” that the average person imagined, or the image of a squat, or mean kneeling, or a squirrel, but a very refined and even weak. The image of the middle-aged scribe is not much different from the white-faced comprehension.

Because Yan is away from the people and Wang Xi, they are all fighting swords, so Wang Xi on this statue is also carrying a long sword, and the eyes are like God. There is indeed a certain sense of unparalleled swordsman.

Li Yao put the two statues together for comparison. "Wang Xi" and "Long Yang Jun" are really different.

However, this does not explain any problems. It has been repaired to the level of Li Yao and Wang Xi. Whether it is to change the direction of bones and muscles, slightly enlarge or reduce the body shape, or control the secretion of androgen and estrogen in the body, resulting in different levels. The sexuality is not too difficult!

If Li Yao is willing to do so, from now on, he can stimulate the secretion of estrogen in his body, which can naturally make the skin smooth and delicate, the beard and leg hair gradually fall off, the subcutaneous fat will thicken, and the chest will also rise high. Nothing is wrong!

"Wang Xi, Long Yangjun, what is the true identity behind you? What is it?"

Li Yao’s heart moved and suddenly thought of the information about Wang Xi.

The data shows that Wang Xi is a palace about 10 years ahead.

The **** profession, if not the highly demanding talents, is usually cultivated from childhood.

In other words, Wang Xi was born almost 100 years ago!

This is a crucial point in time.

One hundred years ago, two eccentric gods were completely disappeared in the ice-cold storm above the Imperial Palace in the state of Extreme North Night.

One hundred years ago, Wang Xi was born, almost using his life force to find clues to the fairy palace, and now he is finally going to find the fairy palace.

Or a hundred years ago, the mysterious signal was sent from the ancient sacred world and launched into the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing!

Is there a mysterious connection between these things?

The answer to all this seems to be able to be revealed only after arriving at the Imperial Palace!


A month later.


Flying like a rain, overwhelming, such as a large hungry crow, crossed the overcast sky, the skull covered the brain and fell on the battlefield, suddenly provoked a heartbreaking scream, and blood **** Screaming sound!


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the iron armor from the Central Plains was turned into a torrent of steel, and the fertile grasslands of the two states were rolling down and rolling down! (To be continued.)


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