Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1476: Bottom card to the card! (fourth more!)

There is a touch of faintness in the depths of the gate. It should be some kind of inert gas that keeps the magic weapon stable during long-term dormancy. At first glance, it is like a beautiful new world hidden inside.

Wang Xi hesitated for a moment in front of this new world, biting his lip and striding forward.

She just walked in and the hatch door had a tendency to close again.

Li Yao’s heartbeat suddenly swayed from the static to the limit, and even the sternum was faintly painful, as if to be cracked by the heart!

This is the only chance!

It is about the control of a son-in-law battleship that is very likely to be lifted!

Wang Xi also smashed Yan’s sword and left the sword, and the combat power was at the lowest point!

Even if you risk the exposure of your identity, it is worth fighting!


Li Yao is like a 10,000-scale spar bomb, jumping out of the corner, and rushing in before the hatch has not been closed, directly hitting Wang Xi’s midfielder!

Wang Xi opened the bridge door of the son-in-law battleship, and was in a state of dizziness and dizziness.

After the cold is not self-defense, there is a strange and fierce strange force, and the seven guards array she arranged did not respond!

Wang Xi suddenly changed color, and instantly thought of the scene of his transformation, he must have been seen through a thorough and transparent!

Under the stirring of the heart, the movements were slightly stiff. Just turned around and they were rushed out by Li Yaoru as a comet. The two men stepped in and rolled into the bridge of the son-in-law battleship. They are behind them!

This is a huge space like a palace.

On the ground as smooth as a mirror, there are hundreds of "Qingtian Giant Columns", each of which has numerous holes and is connected by tens of thousands of crystal cables.

It is an arrayed crystal brain system of an unprecedented scale!

Even in the dormant state of hundreds of thousands of years, this crystal brain system is not completely destroyed, but under the protection of the blue inert gas, it slightly emits the fascinating brilliance, and really reflects the bridge as a paradise on earth. general!

However, at this moment, the paradise on earth has turned into a battlefield!

Wang Xi’s biggest secret was exposed, and the expression couldn’t tell the embarrassment. When the fall was exhausted, the feet were lightly on a giant pillar, and immediately flew back like feathers. I just didn’t know where to hide. The crystal sword at the scene roared out and turned into a tens of meters long crystal long whip, covering every gap of Li Yao's body.

Li Yao’s left arm bones screamed, and the claws, bone spurs and concentrating crystals burst out. Anyway, Wang Xi saw his own catastrophe in the last time, and let her see more. Half a piece of meat, at the same time, the right hand also picked up a metal claw, manipulating dozens of single crystal mica silk, and Wang Xi's crystal long whip!

Both of them raised the psionic power to the limit in an instant.

It’s a pity that the blue inert gas inside the bridge is like the strange effect of absorbing the psionic and restraining magnetic fields, so that the flaming flames of the two people are turned into a group of furry light balls. **The knife and swords that have come out are often not in front of the other side, and they are swallowed up by the blue gas.

The two people who realized this point almost simultaneously chose a more fierce and close-knit melee, and instantly turned into dozens of streamers, just like dozens of snakes entangled together.


Li Yao's shoulders were screamed by a cluster of crystals that pierced a transparent, finger-thick hole. The flesh and blood all showed a very different translucent crystal form, like a virus that had never been seen before.


Long Yangjun's abdomen was also torn by Li Yao's claws. The three hidden blood cells were almost ruined.


Even if they were hit hard, the two even didn't wrinkle their brows, and they couldn't wrinkle their muscles. They didn't fancy hard to fight a fight. Adding up hundreds of pounds of weight, but it broke out like a catastrophe. The effect of the big mountains colliding together, and even the stagnation of the faint blue gas, they were knocked out of a circle of three-dimensional 涟漪!

Li Yao and Wang Xi snorted at the same time, fell down, both felt that the meridians were broken, and the five insides were burning, and the soul was swaying like a lonely boat in the waves!

"This is not the way to go!"

Li Yao bite the steel teeth in his heart.

The cultivation of Wang Xi and Wang Xi was originally between the middle and the middle. Although Wang Xi’s leg was smashed by Yan Yan’s sword, but in the state of being angry and dying, Li Yao could not be easily killed.

What's more, Li Yao didn't want to kill Wang Xi. She just wanted to take her life and catch it, and asked about the ins and outs of the whole thing. Even through Wang Xizhi's mouth, she mastered the manipulation method of the son-in-law battleship!

"No way, only a trick!"

Li Yao squinted, and the scarlet left eye burst into a dangerous light. It was said that he would not do it, and he would never stop doing it. Anyway, Wang Xi had long suspected his identity, and no matter how to cover up, it was impossible to be seamless, let alone It was a very strange thing to appear here. How can I find an excuse for the conspiracy of Wang Xi?

Passive beatings have never been Li Yao’s character. Stupidity is a way of suspicion and interrogation. It’s not his way. Even for the presence of the scorpion warriors and the giant gods refinery, it’s not bad.

Anyway, in any case, Wang Xisheng will be caught alive, first take the initiative to say it!

Li Yao’s eyeballs are turning wildly, and the distribution data of hundreds of Optimus giant columns are instantly input into the deep brain, and dozens of different tactics are analyzed and sorted out!

When a crystal sword cluster stabbed his thigh again, he pretended to dodge, and a long blood mark was drawn on the outside of the thigh, thus a squat, body shape to the right, dozens of ultra-miniature The spar bomb is based on the secret technique of "Thousand Fingers and Soft Bone", and shakes out the prediction route of Wang Xi in his prediction!

These ultra-miniature spar bombs condense the most advanced explosion-like magic essence of the Xingyao Federation. The thin size of the fingernails has the power of three to five times that of the ancient sacred throne. In the burst between Li Yao and Wang Xi, a colorful wall of flames is formed. Even if Wang Xi can not be hit hard, it can stop her from blocking!

What Li Yao wants to fight is this crucial second!

"The mysterious warfare, colonization!"

This is the end of the matter, and there is no need to cover up. Li Yaoshuang refers to the brilliance of the eyebrows. The spirit can be accompanied by the sound waves. The singularity of the squadron suddenly shoots dozens of black and red streams, which condense into a prestige crystal in the whole body!

"My combat power was originally inconsistent with Wang Xi. I put on the mysterious warfare that has been upgraded with Kunlun's relics technology. At least I can increase the instantaneous combat power by one or two times. Let her live and catch!"

The mysterious warfare was planted in the body, and the long-lost familiar feeling accompanied by strong self-confidence once again filled Li Yao’s chest. He was arrogant, and the 18-seat dynamic array behind both sides of the crystal cone was simultaneously ejected. The brilliance of the flames, the blasting wave that smashed the crystal smashing the remaining sounds, once again hit the past with Wang Xiyu!

If everything is in the Li Yao plan, this time the impact of two or three times the impact of the mysterious warfare will definitely destroy Wang Xi’s psionic cycle structure, leaving her in a moment of psionic disorder. Prepare for a series of dazzling continuous attacks.

Li Yao has calculated the possibility of Wang Xi's ninety-nine kinds of strains. No matter which one is possible, he can't escape his palm, hehe!

The issue is

"What the hell!"

After tearing the aftermath of the explosion, Wang Xi, who also rushed to him with all his strength, changed his shape again!

Her shoulders, arms, legs and chest are wrapped in a crystal clear crystal armor. The armor and the bare skin are inseparable, as if they are integrated with flesh and blood, which is inspired by the depths of her bone marrow. same!

The mysterious warfare detected an incredible psionic fluctuation, and suddenly issued an alarm that pierced the eardrum, but it came too late.

The two sides are close at hand, Li Yao has no time to change the attack route, and can only hit the teeth hard!

The only thing that is gratifying is that at the moment of the impact, he seems to have seen the same stunned, bizarre expression from the opposite face of Wang Xi.


Li Yao felt that he had hit a piece of iron plate with iron nails.

Consciousness even appeared a one-second break, and there was a large group of mottled butterflies dancing in front of them.

When the soul re-emerged again, he heard the sorrow of the main control of the mysterious warfare, and reported to him the tragic performance of a key magic weapon unit.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Li Yao swallowed a sour blood, rubbed his head, grabbed the knife in one hand, and pressed it to the ground with one hand, ready to extract dozens of three-packed six-tube rotating Vulcan guns and one hundred and eight crystals from the Qiankun ring. The stone bomb came to bomb the mother.

In the place more than 100 meters across from him, Wang Xi was like a drunken drunk, stumbled and stumbled. After trying three times, he could not stand still completely. He had to kneel on his knees and rush to breathe. Half is strange, half is Incomprehensible eyes, cold and cold shot to Li Yao.

That is beyond Li Yao’s imagination, the beautiful crystal armor still grows on her, and there are even four octagonal crystal clusters that swirl around her like a satellite, although the light is a bit bleak, but since It is absolutely more than enough. ,

This situation is a bit confusing.

Li Yao originally thought that as long as he summoned the crystal scorpion and increased the combat power by two to three times, he would surely be able to win Wang Xi, and then how to make it is in his own mind.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xi also played the same idea as him, and secretly concealed such a deadly card!

The balance of victory and defeat has returned to the initial stage, and the two of them seem to be unable to help each other, continue to fire and go down, the only ending is that both lose! ——

The fourth is sent, finally fulfilled yesterday's promise, hahahaha, thank you for your encouragement and support! (To be continued.)


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